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"Представлен первый релиз свободного синтезатора речи Gnuspee..."
Отправлено Аноним, 21-Окт-15 10:43 
Ubuntu 14.04 x64

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'GS::InvalidValueException'
  what():  Wrong format: Gnuspeech is an extensible, text-to-speech and language creation package, based on real-time, articulatory, speech-synthesis-by-rules. It converts text strings into phonetic descriptions, aided by a pronouncing dictionary, letter-to-sound rules, rhythm and intonation models; transforms the phonetic descriptions into parameters for a low-level articulatory synthesiser; and uses these to drive an articulatory model of the human vocal tract producing an output suitable for the normal sound output devices used by GNU/Linux. The synthesiser is a tube resonance, or waveguide model that accurately models the behaviour of the real vocal tract. The associated modules are those used to develop the original spoken English databases, and are intended to be used for arbitrary languages. The whole software suite, when complete (as it already is, for NeXT computers) is suitable for psycho-acoustic and linguistic research..
[file: /usr/src/gnuspeechsa-0.1.5/src/Text.h]
[function: T GS::Text::parseString(const string&) [with T = float; std::string = std::basic_string<char>]]
[line: 51]


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