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"Cisco E1"

Отправлено dreac , 06-Июн-24 19:02 
Добрый день.

Досталась в наследство cisco as5350 уже настроенная и перестал работать е1. Кто сможет подсказать, что проверить?

Я правильно понимаю, что проблема в физике(кабель, порт, настройки принимающей стороны)?

AS5350#show controllers e1 3/2 brief
E1 3/2 is up.
  Applique type is Channelized E1 - balanced
  No alarms detected.
  alarm-trigger is not set
  Version info of slot 3:  HW: 256, PLD Rev: 1
  Framer Version: 0x8

Manufacture Cookie Info:
EEPROM Type 0x0001, EEPROM Version 0x01, Board ID 0x05,
Board Hardware Version 1.0, Item Number 73-5267-01,
Board Revision E0, Serial Number JAE061804TT,
PLD/ISP Version <unset>,  Manufacture Date 4-May-2002.

  Framing is NO-CRC4, Line Code is HDB3, Clock Source is Line.
  Data in current interval (725 seconds elapsed):
     0 Line Code Violations, 0 Path Code Violations
     0 Slip Secs, 0 Fr Loss Secs, 0 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins
     0 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 0 Severely Err Secs, 0 Unavail Secs
  Total Data (last 12 15 minute intervals):
     2024937 Line Code Violations, 25252 Path Code Violations,
     118 Slip Secs, 1147 Fr Loss Secs, 78 Line Err Secs, 0 Degraded Mins,
     47 Errored Secs, 0 Bursty Err Secs, 30 Severely Err Secs, 1155 Unavail Secs

show dialplan number 555680
Macro Exp.: 555680

        peer type = voice, information type = voice,
        description = `',
        tag = 555680, destination-pattern = `555680$',
        answer-address = `', preference=0,
        CLID Restriction = None
        CLID Network Number = `'
        CLID Second Number sent
        CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,
        source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
        source trunk-group-label = `',  target trunk-group-label = `',
        numbering Type = `unknown'
        group = 555680, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
        Outbound state is down,
        incoming called-number = `555680$', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
        DTMF Relay = disabled,
        URI classes:
            Destination =
        huntstop = disabled,
        in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
        out bound application associated: ''
        dnis-map =
        permission :both
        incoming COR list:maximum capability
        outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
        Translation profile (Incoming):
        Translation profile (Outgoing):
        incoming call blocking:
        translation-profile = `'
        disconnect-cause = `no-service'
        advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4
        type = pots, prefix = `',
        forward-digits all
        session-target = `', voice-port = `3/2:D',
        direct-inward-dial = enabled,
        digit_strip = enabled,
        register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE
        fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes
        supported-language = ''

        Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
        Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
        Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 13, Incomplete Calls = 1
        Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
        Last Disconnect Cause is "29  ",
        Last Disconnect Text is "temporary failure (41)",
        Last Setup Time = 1044293.
Matched: 555680   Digits: 7

show dial-peer voice 555680
        peer type = voice, information type = voice,
        description = `',
        tag = 555680, destination-pattern = `555680$',
        answer-address = `', preference=0,
        CLID Restriction = None
        CLID Network Number = `'
        CLID Second Number sent
        CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,
        source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
        source trunk-group-label = `',  target trunk-group-label = `',
        numbering Type = `unknown'
        group = 555680, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
        Outbound state is down,
        incoming called-number = `555680$', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
        DTMF Relay = disabled,
        URI classes:
            Destination =
        huntstop = disabled,
        in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
        out bound application associated: ''
        dnis-map =
        permission :both
        incoming COR list:maximum capability
        outgoing COR list:minimum requirement
        Translation profile (Incoming):
        Translation profile (Outgoing):
        incoming call blocking:
        translation-profile = `'
        disconnect-cause = `no-service'
        advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4
        type = pots, prefix = `',
        forward-digits all
        session-target = `', voice-port = `3/2:D',
        direct-inward-dial = enabled,
        digit_strip = enabled,
        register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE
        fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes
        supported-language = ''

        Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
        Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
        Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 13, Incomplete Calls = 1
        Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
        Last Disconnect Cause is "29  ",
        Last Disconnect Text is "temporary failure (41)",
        Last Setup Time = 1044293

Debug q931 выглядит так:
000279: *Apr 13 03:16:44.498: ISDN Se3/2:15 Q921: L2_EstablishDataLink: sending SABME
000280: *Apr 13 03:16:44.498: ISDN Se3/2:15 Q921: Net TX -> SABMEp sapi=0 tei=0
000281: *Apr 13 03:16:45.498: ISDN Se3/2:15 Q921: Net TX -> SABMEp sapi=0 tei=0
000282: *Apr 13 03:16:46.498: ISDN Se3/2:15 Q921: Net TX -> SABMEp sapi=0 tei=0
000283: *Apr 13 03:16:47.498: ISDN Se3/2:15 Q921: Net TX -> SABMEp sapi=0 tei=0
000284: *Apr 13 03:16:48.498: ISDN Se3/2:15 Q931: Ux_DLRelInd: DL_REL_IND received from L2


Сообщения в этом обсуждении
"Cisco E1"
Отправлено BJ , 07-Июн-24 17:28 
show isdn status

"Cisco E1"
Отправлено dreac , 07-Июн-24 17:36 
Проблема оказалось с портом на другой стороне. Перенесли конфиги на другой порт и ошибки прошли

> show isdn status

ISDN Serial3/2:15 interface
        ******* Network side configuration *******
        dsl 2, interface ISDN Switchtype = primary-net5
    Layer 1 Status:
    Layer 2 Status:
        TEI = 0, Ces = 1, SAPI = 0, State = MULTIPLE_FRAME_ESTABLISHED
    Layer 3 Status:
        0 Active Layer 3 Call(s)
    Active dsl 2 CCBs = 0
    The Free Channel Mask:  0xFFFF7FFF
    Number of L2 Discards = 0, L2 Session ID = 241