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Сквид вылетает, !*! Creep, 16-Июл-04, 15:35  [смотреть все]
Господа, помогите, сквид вылетает
в логах пишет вот что

squid[515]: Squid Parent: child process 541 started
(squid): ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
kernel: pid 541 (squid), uid 65534: exited on signal 6
squid[515]: Squid Parent: child process 541 exited due to signal 6
ppp[215]: tun0: Warning: deflink: Reducing configured MRU from 1500 to 1492
ppp[215]: tun0: Warning: iface add: ioctl(SIOCAIFADDR, <Наш адрес> -> File exists
ppp[215]: tun0: Error: ipcp_InterfaceUp: unable to set ip address
squid[515]: Squid Parent: child process 543 started
(squid): ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
kernel: pid 543 (squid), uid 65534: exited on signal 6
squid[515]: Squid Parent: child process 543 exited due to signal 6
squid[515]: Squid Parent: child process 545 started
(squid): ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed.
kernel: pid 545 (squid), uid 65534: exited on signal 6
squid[515]: Squid Parent: child process 545 exited due  to signal 6
squid[515]: Exiting due to repeated, frequent failures

Помгоите плз, а то сам не могу ничего понять

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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