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unrecognized 'cache_store', !*! moldy, 07-Сен-09, 09:04  [смотреть все]
openSuse 11.1 + samba + ldap + squid
Squid 2.7.STABLE5-1.16
Проблема. При рестарте сквида выдается следующее:
" squid.conf:42 unrecognized: 'cache_store'
Warning: squid killed !"
После чего приходится вновь стартовать сквид.
Содержимое cache.log:

2009/09/07 11:08:10| Starting Squid Cache version 3.0.STABLE10 for i686-suse-linux-gnu...
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Process ID 21623
2009/09/07 11:08:10| With 4096 file descriptors available
2009/09/07 11:08:10| DNS Socket created at, port 48486, FD 7
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Adding domain licei.local from /etc/resolv.conf
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2009/09/07 11:08:10| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Referer logging is disabled.
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 12
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Swap maxSize 12582912 KB, estimated 967916 objects
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Target number of buckets: 48395
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Using 65536 Store buckets
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Max Mem  size: 131072 KB
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Max Swap size: 12582912 KB
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Version 1 of swap file with LFS support detected...
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Rebuilding storage in /etc/squid/cache (DIRTY)
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Using Least Load store dir selection
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Set Current Directory to /etc/squid/core_dump
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Loaded Icons.
2009/09/07 11:08:10| Accepting transparently proxied HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 14.
2009/09/07 11:08:10| HTCP Disabled.
2009/09/07 11:08:11| Pinger socket opened on FD 16
2009/09/07 11:08:11| Ready to serve requests.
2009/09/07 11:08:11| Done reading /etc/squid/cache swaplog (143 entries)
2009/09/07 11:08:11| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2009/09/07 11:08:11|       132 Entries scanned
2009/09/07 11:08:11|         0 Invalid entries.
2009/09/07 11:08:11|         0 With invalid flags.
2009/09/07 11:08:11|       123 Objects loaded.
2009/09/07 11:08:11|         0 Objects expired.
2009/09/07 11:08:11|         9 Objects cancelled.
2009/09/07 11:08:11|         0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2009/09/07 11:08:11|         0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2009/09/07 11:08:11|   Took 0.05 seconds (2452.94 objects/sec).
2009/09/07 11:08:11| Beginning Validation Procedure
2009/09/07 11:08:11|   Completed Validation Procedure
2009/09/07 11:08:11|   Validated 271 Entries
2009/09/07 11:08:11|   store_swap_size = 1156
2009/09/07 11:08:12| storeLateRelease: released 0 objects
2009/09/07 11:08:13| icmpRecv: recv: (111) Connection refused
2009/09/07 11:08:13| Closing Pinger socket on FD 16

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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