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Раздел полезных советов: Настройка 4G WiMAX-модема на чипах ..., auto_tips (ok), 25-Окт-10, (0) [смотреть все] +2

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125. "Настройка 4G WiMAX-модема на чипах Beceem в Linux"  +/
Сообщение от hamidemail (?), 15-Дек-11, 01:36 
i follow your steps and this can i find the version of drxvi314? pc is x86 based...and i use ubuntu of my friend sayed that maybe it's a bios you have any idea about that ?
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126. "Настройка 4G WiMAX-модема на чипах Beceem в Linux"  +/
Сообщение от GreatFoolDad (ok), 15-Дек-11, 08:46 
> i follow your steps and this can i find the version
> of drxvi314? pc is x86 based...and i use ubuntu of
> my friend sayed that maybe it's a bios you have
> any idea about that ?

What steps did you follow? I told about two ways to get working driver. Both of ways cause hunging?

Simplest way is get driver from here - - and be happy (msg 86 in this thread). If you have other operation system at the same hardware (some  windows for example) and your AX226 working, then it isn't BIOS problem.

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127. "Настройка 4G WiMAX-модема на чипах Beceem в Linux"  +/
Сообщение от richman1000000email (?), 15-Дек-11, 16:31 
>hi I type the modprobe drxvi314 the modem starts flashin but pc just hangs up???

check your usb voltage, first. Maybe you don't have enough power? Cause i had some problems.

>and i use ubuntu 10.10.

hamid! What version of kernel is you have?
Is drxvi314 compilation goes well?

There is a patch applyes during installation. For kernels above.. i don't remember. But if you what to try without this patch you can do this

1. After extracting Sprint4GDeveloperPack-1.1.tar.gz open with editor
2. find

      cd $SRC_DIR/$BECEEM_REV_DIR/Source/Driver/Network/OSAL/Linux/usb
      pm "\nConverting any DOS linebreaks (grrrr Beceem)..."
      for f in `find . | grep \\\\.h`; do tr -d '\15\32' < $f > $f.conv; mv $f.conv $f; done
      for f in `find . | grep \\\\.c`; do tr -d '\15\32' < $f > $f.conv; mv $f.conv $f; done

      pm "Patching Beceem kernel module..."
      cd $SRC_DIR/
      for pf in `ls $RUN_DIR/patches/$BECEEM_DRIVER`; do
    patch -p0 < $RUN_DIR/patches/$BECEEM_DRIVER/$pf

      cd $SRC_DIR/$BECEEM_REV_DIR/Source/Driver/Network/OSAL/Linux/usb
      pm "Building Beceem kernel module and driver..."
      make default
      make install
      depmod -a
and remove it, save changes

3. start installation
It will build and copy everything except patching, compiling and installing drxvi314.ko

4. type in terminal lines below to compilate and install drxvi314.ko
cd /usr/src/USB_350/Source/Driver/Network/OSAL/Linux/usb
sudo make install

after that you can use 'sudo modprobe drxvi314'

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