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"Релиз Debian 9 'Stretch'"
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. "Debian /usr Stretch" +2 +/
Сообщение от Andrey Mitrofanov (?), 18-Июн-17, 11:25 
> Просыпайся. Это уже везде. Только дебиан отстаёт.

Помним, скорбим.

"The “anti” side, however, raises very salient points:

   * Lennart Poettering supports it.
   * Lennart Poettering is an asshole.

Fellow Anti-mergers, I understand the pain and anguish that systemd has caused you personally, and your families.  Your hopes and dreams crushed, by someone with all the charm of a cheese grater across the knuckles.  Your remaining life tainted by this putrescent subhuman who forced himself upon your internet.

Despite the privation we have all endured, please find strength to stop this nightmarish ravaging of our once-pure filesystems.  For if he’s not stopped now, what hope for /usr/sbin vs /usr/bin?" -- Rusty Russell, 2012-12-18 --

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Релиз Debian 9 'Stretch', opennews, 18-Июн-17, 06:38  [смотреть все]
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