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"Systemd в Debian остался без мэйнтейнера из-за разногласий с..."
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. "Systemd в Debian остался без мэйнтейнера из-за разногласий с..." +/
Сообщение от Andrey Mitrofanov (?), 18-Янв-19, 09:41 
>> пришлось пересобрать 600 пакетов.
> Прошёл год:
> $ apt-cache rdepends libsystemd0 |grep '^  ' -c
> 119
> Devuan GNU/Linux 2.0 ASCII.
> Но к методике есть вопросы...

Впрочем,  "героические форкеры Debian-а" просят не учить их жить, а помочь патчами.  :/

"" About the dependency on libsystemd0

The main aim of Devuan Jessie is to provide a reliable base distribution not encumbered by systemd. The first and most important step in this direction is to avoid that systemd is ever used as init in your system. Unfortunately, many packages have started including dependencies on libsystemd0, a library that allows user programs to communicate with systemd components if and when systemd is run as init. Although Devuan is making its best to remove such an unnecessary dependency, there are still several packages in Devuan Jessie which depend on libsystemd0.

Since libsystemd0 is totally innocuous if systemd is not installed and running, existing dependencies on libsystemd0 are not consider a major issue in Devuan Jessie. Hence, please avoid filing a bug report for every package that depends on libsystemd0: we already know the full list, and any such bug report will be closed without further processing. However, we would really appreciate your help in repackaging existing software to remove this silly and useless dependency. ""

>[оверквотинг удален]
>> фаерфокс.
> Балабол.
> $ ps -AHf|grep fire[f]
> Яяя      10114 10107  2 янв16 ?
>     01:13:57     firefox-esr
> $ lsof -p 10114 |grep systemd
> firefox-e 10114  Яяя  mem      
> REG          
>    254,0   592596   462976 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/
> $ _

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Systemd в Debian остался без мэйнтейнера из-за разногласий с..., opennews, 16-Янв-19, 22:06  [смотреть все]
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