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"Фонд свободного ПО сертифицировал микрофон, 2 Wi-Fi и 4 Ethe..."
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. "Фонд свободного ПО сертифицировал микрофон, 2 Wi-Fi и 4 Ethe..." +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним84701 (ok), 22-Мрт-19, 16:51 
> Поди брендовые.
> August 2005
> Creative has reported it has accidentally shipped almost 4000 MP3 players with a Windows virus. This happened in Japan > with the 5GB Zen Neeons players that have been shipping for two months now.
> Around 1,800 of the portable Maxtor hard discs, produced in Thailand, carried two Trojan horse viruses: autorun.inf and ghost.pif, the bureau under the Ministry of Justice said.
> The US National Security Agency (NSA) infected hard disk firmware with spyware in a campaign valued as highly as Stuxnet that dates back at least 14 years and possibly up to two decades
> The agency is said to have compromised hard drive firmware for more than a dozen top brands, including Seagate, Western Digital, IBM, Toshiba, Samsung and Maxtor, Kaspersky researchers revealed.

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Фонд свободного ПО сертифицировал микрофон, 2 Wi-Fi и 4 Ethe..., opennews, 22-Мрт-19, 08:48  [смотреть все]
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