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"Удалённая DoS-уязвимость в IPv6-стеке FreeBSD"
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. "Удалённая DoS-уязвимость в IPv6-стеке FreeBSD" +/
Сообщение от Hewlett Packard (?), 22-Авг-19, 13:30 
> Google is increasing the prices for Google Compute Engine (GCE) VMs using external IPv4 addresses, starting in 2020, according to messages sent to Google Cloud Platform customers. Starting on January 1, 2020, a standard GCE instance will cost an additional $0.004 per hour, with preemptable GCE instances costing an additional $0.002 per hour, if they use an external IPv4 address—essentially, an extra $2.92 or $1.46 per month, respectively.
> Last year, father of the internet—and Google's Chief Internet Evangelist—Vint Cerf declared that enterprise IT ships avoiding the problem of IPv4 need to "get with the program," as IPv6 standards were published years prior.
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Удалённая DoS-уязвимость в IPv6-стеке FreeBSD, opennews, 21-Авг-19, 22:14  [смотреть все]
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