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"Ричард Столлман покинул пост президента Фонда СПО"
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Подсказка: Доступны два режима работы форума: "Раскрыть нити" и "Свернуть нити".
. "Ричард Столлман покинул пост президента Фонда СПО" +/
Сообщение от Andrey Mitrofanov_N0 (??), 17-Сен-19, 18:00 
>> А Титаник поплыл дальше
> Гарета "изберут" Землиным  --  во иллюминация-то на палубах будет
> !

Верните Деда!  Оливу -- в Президенты!

I do not think Stallman stepped down for a good reason this week. This was about
image, not truth — it was not about renewing the fight for Free software.

The largest threat I did not think the FSF was taking seriously enough, was the
adaptation of EEE tactics to software under a free licence
< >:

[ . . . ]

Ben Mako Hill and Alexandre Oliva (who just joined the Board, for better or
worse — I believe for better, though it is deeply unfortunate that this is what
his first year on the Board looks like) tend to occupy the top spot on my “Who
should be a stand-in for rms” list and alternate from time to time. I have
always discounted Oliva primarily over geographical issues — plus a hint of a
no-longer-relevant connection to Red Hat — which isn’t entirely fair but either
way, he doesn’t work there anymore.
--figosdev @

28.08.2019 "FSF News: Alexandre Oliva joins Free Software Foundation board of directors"

..."така ???ня, малята"

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Ричард Столлман покинул пост президента Фонда СПО, opennews, 17-Сен-19, 08:06  [смотреть все]
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