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"Новые выпуски анонимной сети I2P 1.5.0 и C++-клиента i2pd 2.39"
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. "Новые выпуски анонимной сети I2P 1.5.0 и C++-клиента i2pd 2...." +/
Сообщение от Red_Plague (?), 28-Авг-21, 16:57 
Короче, только что перепроверил. Не работает IPv6 в i2pd 2.39.0. Вот лог:

root@vps:~# systemctl status i2pd
● i2pd.service - I2P Router written in C++
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/i2pd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sat 2021-08-28 16:44:07 UTC; 4min 38s ago
       Docs: man:i2pd(1)
    Process: 1291264 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/i2pd --conf=/etc/i2pd/i2pd.conf --tunconf=/etc/i2pd/tunnels.conf --tunnelsdir=/etc/i2pd/tunnels.conf.d --pidfile=/run/i2pd/ --logfile=/var/log/i2pd/i2pd.log --daemon --service>
   Main PID: 1291277 (i2pd)
      Tasks: 16 (limit: 2286)
     Memory: 36.2M
     CGroup: /system.slice/i2pd.service
             └─1291277 /usr/sbin/i2pd --conf=/etc/i2pd/i2pd.conf --tunconf=/etc/i2pd/tunnels.conf --tunnelsdir=/etc/i2pd/tunnels.conf.d --pidfile=/run/i2pd/ --logfile=/var/log/i2pd/i2pd.log --daemon --service

Aug 28 16:44:07 vps-fb4ec9f5 systemd[1]: Starting I2P Router written in C++...
Aug 28 16:44:07 vps-fb4ec9f5 systemd[1]: i2pd.service: Can't open PID file /run/i2pd/ (yet?) after start: Operation not permitted
Aug 28 16:44:07 vps-fb4ec9f5 systemd[1]: Started I2P Router written in C++.

В логах полнейший треш:
16:54:02@393/warn - Router: Tunnel record AEAD decryption failed
16:54:02@443/warn - SSU: session with was not established after 5 seconds
16:54:02@393/warn - Router: Tunnel record AEAD decryption failed
16:54:02@784/warn - NetDb: requested destination for gYzvn1RnqF9r8jLcmUanABgWmk9DQnCX6MaaC-d6SBA= not found
16:54:03@784/warn - NetDb: requested destination for XiMHkRYoPQpUTaHggR9eLGL2bYsQYpVx~o3RLacgmCQ= not found
16:54:03@784/warn - NetDb: requested destination for SW3prMmBwX6dVMM4Tn7MGOKOAn1i2Indqnq-s0v6bls= not found
16:54:03@443/warn - SSU: Missing fragments from 0 to 0 of message 1170225072
16:54:03@393/warn - Router: Tunnel record AEAD decryption failed
16:54:03@784/warn - NetDb: requested destination for hRBhpm7JGNtNxIEqFvol-KgYU7CyclD7GWPriXk6A9A= not found
16:54:03@443/warn - Garlic: Payload for router AEAD verification failed
16:54:03@443/warn - SSU: Message 251297823 already received
16:54:03@784/warn - NetDb: requested destination for JRcWaPOWy29ZM0hpHX~MMGSLe5Vwfj-YwmIYqTurRTM= not found
16:54:03@393/warn - Router: Tunnel record AEAD decryption failed
16:54:03@778/warn - Garlic: Incorrect N ephemeral public key
16:54:04@778/warn - NTCP2: SessionRequest time difference 17010 exceeds clock skew
16:54:04@443/warn - SSU: session with was not established after 5 seconds
16:54:04@443/warn - SSU: Missing fragments from 0 to 0 of message 2774316763
16:54:04@443/warn - SSU: Missing fragments from 0 to 0 of message 1737529136
16:54:04@443/warn - SSU: Missing fragments from 0 to 0 of message 3061027037
16:54:04@784/warn - NetDb: requested destination for 8twp~3HV06IuXI3ZcmYZ2dZUvz1oF0p0JEPkvKG5Nqc= not found
16:54:04@443/warn - SSU: session with was not established after 5 seconds
16:54:04@784/warn - NetDb: destination A8lPPlSvVoRJV8qawM7Aody6mTZoDG0vSzGmq~hdg-M= is requested already
16:54:04@443/warn - SSU: session with was not established after 5 seconds
16:54:04@443/warn - SSU: session with was not established after 5 seconds
16:54:04@443/warn - SSU: session with was not established after 5 seconds
16:54:04@443/warn - SSU: Missing fragments from 0 to 0 of message 1705615156
16:54:04@784/warn - NetDb: requested destination for pIQASDecb5IxEkNYAwnSkSnYk57CriZ4fc86B~AByig= not found
16:54:04@443/warn - SSU: Missing fragments from 0 to 0 of message 2122147056
16:54:04@393/warn - Router: Tunnel record AEAD decryption failed
16:54:05@443/warn - SSU: MAC verification failed 800 bytes from
16:54:05@778/warn - Garlic: Incorrect N ephemeral public key
16:54:05@393/warn - Router: Incorrect ephemeral public key
16:54:05@443/warn - SSU: Missing fragments from 0 to 0 of message 2774936759
16:54:05@364/warn - Transports: RouterInfo not found, Failed to send messages
16:54:05@443/warn - SSU: MAC verification failed 992 bytes from
16:54:05@443/error - SSU: send exception: Network is unreachable while trying to send data to 2600:6c4e:1340:82:0:a944:533c:c520:37298 (length: 320)
16:54:05@443/warn - SSU: MAC verification failed 49 bytes from


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Новые выпуски анонимной сети I2P 1.5.0 и C++-клиента i2pd 2.39, opennews, 28-Авг-21, 09:21  [смотреть все]
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