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"Фонд СПО объявил обладателей ежегодной премии за вклад в развитие свободного ПО"
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. "Фонд СПО объявил обладателей ежегодной премии за вклад в раз..." –1 +/
Сообщение от Я знаю твой телефон но никогда не позвоню (?), 20-Мрт-22, 09:23

> What do anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, 9/11 truthers, and anti-Wayland activism all have in common? All of them are characterized by a blithe rejection of facts to embrace a narrative of victimization by a vague authority. In the case of Wayland, the “vague authority” are a bunch of volunteers who have devoted tens of thousands of hours of their free time towards making free shit for you. “Wayland sucks!” is a conspiracy theory with no basis in truth, and its supporters have spent years harassing Wayland maintainers, contributors, and users. And it’s time for it to fucking stop.

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Фонд СПО объявил обладателей ежегодной премии за вклад в развитие свободного ПО, opennews, 20-Мрт-22, 08:29  [смотреть все]
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