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"Опубликован черновик третьей редакции формата PNG"
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. "Опубликован черновик третьей редакции формата PNG" +1 +/
Сообщение от birdie (ok), 25-Окт-22, 19:40 
Со страницы:

> Microsoft obtained the patent for ANS-Coding after a failed attempt by Google. The inventor is willing to release the process for public use.
> Microsoft did not create ANS, but Jaroslaw (Jarek) Duda, a researcher at the University of Krakau. Due to Duda's own desire to never patent or otherwise protect ANS, his work is available on the Arxiv repository. Several years ago, the information scientist criticized Google's attempts to register a patent on ANS. Google's application for the patent was rejected as well.
> A patent has been granted to software giant Microsoft after years of trying to obtain one from the US Patent Office. Several variants of the coding procedure Asymmetric Numerical Systems (ANS) may be found in most modern codecs, such as AV1, Z-Standard compression, or even rANS in JPEG XL.

Prior art никто не отменял, Microsoft в первом же суде пошлют на хрен и отменят патент.

Вообще, Microsoft, учитывая всё это, твари позорные.

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Опубликован черновик третьей редакции формата PNG, opennews, 25-Окт-22, 14:48  [смотреть все]
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