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"Представлен Intel C++ Compiler 13.0 для Android"
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. "Представлен Intel C++ Compiler 13.0 для Android" +1 +/
Сообщение от Пиу (ok), 30-Авг-13, 00:47 
The Intel® C++ Compiler for Android OS is free of charge for a limited time? What happens later?

For this introductory release only, the compiler is free for a limited time. Why? We want to offer developers with an early and easy way to start taking advantage of the performance of Intel based Android devices. No future product plans are being announced at this time. Intel is participating in the mobile computing market segment and intends to provide products that replace this release and present an opportunity for our software development customers, their customers and Intel. We invite developers to download the current release of the Intel C++ Compiler for Android OS and join the C++ Forum to tell us what you think, what you want, what you need, etc. This announcement is part of an expanding commitment Intel is making to the mobile computing market segment.

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Представлен Intel C++ Compiler 13.0 для Android, opennews, 29-Авг-13, 22:25  [смотреть все]
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