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"Проблема с Cat6k-Sup720/SP"
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. "Проблема с Cat6k-Sup720/SP" +/
Сообщение от Dimasikm (ok), 15-Май-15, 14:47 
>> Не сразу иос, а сначала boot должен загрузиться.
>> Из последних  s72033-boot-mz.122-33.SXI14.bin, есть тут например
> загружаю его, а дальше что делать, когда загрузится?
> загружаю так:
> HyperTerminal (9600)
> xmodem -s57600
> далее отключаюсь выставляю скорость, подключаюсь, запускаю отправку файла.
> после того как загрузится он, что делать дальше, подскажите пожалуйста?

в общем загрузил я s72033-boot-mz.122-33.SXI14.bin через xmodem? теперь вот такое на экране терминала:

Waiting (slot 1) for supervisor to come online in other slot.  iteration = 86
                 Next Retry will be done after 6 seconds
Waiting (slot 1) for supervisor to come online in other slot.  iteration = 87
                 Next Retry will be done after 6 seconds
Waiting (slot 1) for supervisor to come online in other slot.  iteration = 88
                 Next Retry will be done after 6 seconds
Waiting (slot 1) for supervisor to come online in other slot.  iteration = 89
                 Next Retry will be done after 6 seconds
Waiting (slot 1) for supervisor to come online in other slot.  iteration = 90
                 Next Retry will be done after 6 seconds
Waiting (slot 1) for supervisor to come online in other slot.  iteration = 91
                 Next Retry will be done after 6 seconds
Waiting (slot 1) for supervisor to come online in other slot.  iteration = 159
                 Next Retry will be done after 6 seconds

Firmware compiled 19-Jan-12 11:10 by integ Build [100]

*Jan  1 13:07:08.059: %UBL-2-SLAVE_FAIL: Could not download image due to - Super
visor in other slot is not online.
*Jan  1 13:07:08.059: %PFREDUN-4-SUP_FORCE_TO_ROMMON: Supervisor forced to rommo
n with reason: Cannot continue... disabling autoboot and resetting

System Bootstrap, Version 8.5(4)
Copyright (c) 1994-2009 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Cat6k-Sup720/SP processor with 1048576 Kbytes of main memory

rommon 1 > boot
open: file "c7200-atafslib-m" not found Open Error = -1
loadprog: error - on file open
cannot load the monitor library "bootdisk:%c7200-atafslib-m" from device: boot d
iskboot: cannot open "bootdisk:"
boot: cannot determine first file name on device "bootdisk:"

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Проблема с Cat6k-Sup720/SP, Dimasikm, 14-Май-15, 15:45  [смотреть все]
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