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"Проблема с Cat6k-Sup720/SP"
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. "Проблема с Cat6k-Sup720/SP" +/
Сообщение от Dimasikm (ok), 14-Май-15, 17:23 
> Воткнитесь в супервизор сетевухой ноута, поднимите на ноуте tftp с нужным иосом
> и следуйте процедуре:
> по иксмодему иос от 720-го супа будет грузиться наверное сутки.

в rommon нельзя по TFTP загрузить образ, нет команды даже для загрузки по сети. или я неправ?
вот все команды доступные в rommon
rommon 12 > priv
You now have access to the full set of monitor commands.
Warning: some commands will allow you to destroy your
configuration and/or system images and could render
the machine unbootable.
rommon 13 > ?
addrloop            walk 1 thru range of addresses
alias               set and display aliases command
alter               alter locations in memory
boot                boot up an external process
berrscan            scan range of addresses for bus errors
break               set/show/clear the breakpoint
call                call a subroutine at address with converted hex args
cat                 concatenate files
checksum            checksum a block of memory
compare             compare two blocks of memory
confreg             configuration register utility
cont                continue executing a downloaded image
context             display the context of a loaded image
cpu                 cpu / system information and control
dev                 list the device table
dir                 list files in file system
dis                 disassemble instruction stream
dump                display a block of memory
echo                monitor echo command
fdump               file dump utility
fill                fill a block of memory
frame               print out a selected stack frame
help                monitor builtin command help
history             monitor command history
ifill               fill a block of memory w/incrementing pattern
initfs              re-initialize the file system access structures
invalidate          Set a Field Upgradable ROMMON region to invalid
jump                call a subroutine at address with argc/argv
launch              launch a downloaded image
leds                check out the error LED
memdebug            write/read/verify scope loop
meminfo             main memory information
memloop             write or read scope loop
memtest             simple memory test
move                move a block of memory
repeat              repeat a monitor command
reset               system reset
set                 show all monitor variables
spd                 show SDRAM SPD information
stack               produce a stack trace
show                Show Mistral Hardware programming
showmon             Show info on Field Upgradable ROMMON regions
sync                write monitor environment to NVRAM
sysret              print out info from last system return
tlbdump             display the cpu TLB
tlbflush            flush the TLB
tlbmap              initialize a TLB mapping
tlbpid              set/display process ID number
tlbphy              search TLB for physical translation
tlbtest             test the TLB
tlbscan             scan for TLB exceptions
tlbvir              search TLB for a virtual translation
unalias             unset an alias
unset               unset a monitor variable
watchdog            test watchdog rebooting of the box
xmodem              x modem download
rommon 14 >

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Проблема с Cat6k-Sup720/SP, Dimasikm, 14-Май-15, 15:45  [смотреть все]
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