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"IPSec tunnel"
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. "IPSec tunnel" +/
Сообщение от Алексей (??), 23-Дек-10, 15:07 
> мда, совсем жесть. А на физическом уровне ошибок нет (кабеля и пр.)?
> Ещё давайте посмотрим sh cry en a s

Тут все красиво (((

Device:   Motorola Talitos 1.0
Location: Onboard: 0
        :Statistics for encryption device since the last clear
         of counters 88703 seconds ago
                  41513 packets in                       41513 packets out
               24393192 bytes in                      25110905 bytes out
                      0 paks/sec in                          0 paks/sec out
                      2 Kbits/sec in                         2 Kbits/sec out
                  15013 packets decrypted                26500 packets encrypted
                2064264 bytes before decrypt          22324656 bytes encrypted
                1097001 bytes decrypted               24013904 bytes after encrypt
                      0 packets decompressed                 0 packets compressed
                      0 bytes before decomp                  0 bytes before comp
                      0 bytes after decomp                   0 bytes after comp
                      0 packets bypass decompr               0 packets bypass compres
                      0 bytes bypass decompres               0 bytes bypass compressi
                      0 packets not decompress               0 packets not compressed
                      0 bytes not decompressed               0 bytes not compressed
                  1.0:1 compression ratio                1.0:1 overall
                Last 5 minutes:
                    160 packets in                         160 packets out
                      0 paks/sec in                          0 paks/sec out
                    593 bits/sec in                        595 bits/sec out
                   9351 bytes decrypted                   7381 bytes encrypted
                    252 Kbits/sec decrypted                199 Kbits/sec encrypted
                  1.0:1 compression ratio                1.0:1 overall


Total Number of Packet Drops = 0
Pad Error                    = 0
Data Error                   = 0
Packet Error                 = 0
Null IP Error                = 0
Hardware Error               = 0
CP Unavailable               = 0
HP Unavailable               = 0
AH Seq Failure               = 0
Link Down Error              = 0
ESP Seq Failure              = 0
AH Auth Failure              = 0
ESP Auth Failure             = 0
Queue Full Error             = 0
API Request Error            = 0
Invalid Flow Error           = 0
Buffer Unavailable           = 0
QOS Queue Full Error         = 0
Packet too Big Error         = 0
AH Replay Check Failure      = 0
Too Many Particles Error     = 0
ESP Replay Check Failure     = 0
Input Queue Full Error       = 0
Output Queue Full Error      = 0
Pre-batch Queue Full Error   = 0
Post-batch Queue Full Error  = 0

BATCHING Statistics:

Batching currently Inactive

No of times batching turned on        = 0
No of times batching turned off       = 0
No of Flush Done                      = 0

Pre-batch count, max_count            = 0, 16
Packets queued to pre-batch queue     = 0
Packets flushed from pre-batch queue  = 0

The Pre-batch Queue Information
The Queuesize is                      = 128
The no entries currently being used   = 0
The Read Index is                     = 0
The Write Index is                    = 0
The entries in use are between Read and Write Index

The entries in use are

Post-batch count, max_count           = 0, 16
Packets queued to post-batch queue    = 0
Packets flushed from post-batch queue = 0

The Post-batch Queue Information
The Queuesize is                      = 128
The no entries currently being used   = 0
The Read Index is                     = 0
The Write Index is                    = 0
The entries in use are between Read and Write Index

The entries in use are

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IPSec tunnel, Алексей, 22-Дек-10, 09:18  [смотреть все]
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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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