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boot-start-marker, !*! mmm, 24-Авг-04, 11:35  [смотреть все]
Простите за тупой вопрос, но как убрать из конфига строки:
чтоб не лез на tftp постоянно...
  • boot-start-marker, !*! Denis Kovrov, 17:17 , 24-Авг-04 (1)
    >Простите за тупой вопрос, но как убрать из конфига строки:
    >чтоб не лез на tftp постоянно...
       наверное ты путаешь  с service config?
    А про  маркеры почитай:
    The boot-start-marker and boot-end-marker flags, which can be seen in Cisco IOS software configuration files, are not CLI commands. These markers are written to configuration files automatically to flag the beginning and end of the boot commands (boot statements). By flagging boot statements, these markers allow the router to more reliably load Cisco IOS images during bootup.
    A boot statement is one or more lines in a configuration file that tells the router which software image to load after a powercycling (reboot). The boot-start- marker and boot-end-marker flags will appear around any boot commands, including: ?boot bootstrap ?boot config ?boot host ?boot network ?boot system
    Note, however, that these markers will always appear in the output of the show running-config or more system:running-config commands, regardless of whether any actual boot commands have been entered. This means that no boot commands will appear between the markers if no boot commands have been entered, or if all boot commands have been removed from the configuration, as shown in the "Examples" section.
    The boot-start-marker and boot-end-marker flags cannot be removed or modified using the CLI. These markers are written to the startup configuration file whenever a copy running-config startup-config command is issued.
    These flags were also introduced to circumvent errors in the configuration file, such as a leading space before a boot command (such as those sometimes introduced by manually edited configuration files), or the use of text strings that include the word "boot" in banners or other user-specified text.
    If the "boot start-marker" flag is not found in the configuration file, the system will use the traditional method to identify the boot commands. However, if you are manually creating configuration files, or copying from older Cisco IOS software releases, the addition of these markers is recommended.

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