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Aug 25 13:02:27 boa /kernel: /cache1: optimization changed from TIME t, !*! A Clockwork Orange, 25-Авг-04, 15:30  [смотреть все]
Aug 25 13:02:27 boa /kernel: /cache1: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE

С чего бы это? Вроде не просил.

  • Aug 25 13:02:27 boa /kernel: /cache1: optimization changed f..., !*! Citrin, 15:38 , 25-Авг-04 (1)
    >Aug 25 13:02:27 boa /kernel: /cache1: optimization changed from TIME to SPACE
    >С чего бы это? Вроде не просил.

    Скорее всего места мало на разделе. Или много мелких файлов.
    man tunefs
    -o space | time
                 The file system can either try to minimize the time spent allocating blocks, or it can attempt to minimize the space fragmentation on the disk.  Optimization for space has much higher overhead for file writes.  The kernel normally changes the preference automatically as the percent fragmentation changes on the file system.

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