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modem aux cisco - HELP!!!, !*! flatciz, 09-Фев-05, 13:04  [смотреть все]
господа, помогите понять...
нужно чтоб при звонке на модем человек авториз. на циске и получал ip адрес внутр.сети....   при звонке модем "поднимается", на процессе авториз. все дохнет...

циско 1721 модем us robotics 56k faxmodem

Username: test
Password: test

Password: passwd
cisco1721#sh run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 1209 bytes
version 12.2
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
hostname cisco1721
aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication enable default enable
aaa authentication ppp default local
aaa authorization network default local
aaa session-id common
enable secret 5 $1$nX9h$hsKdmBnC5BIWtxLOuF/jb/
enable password toyota
username snikitin password 0 1336453
username test password 0 test
clock timezone MSK 3
ip subnet-zero
no ip source-route
interface FastEthernet0
ip address
ip broadcast-address
speed auto
no cdp enable
interface Serial0
no ip address
no fair-queue
no cdp enable
interface Serial1
no ip address
no cdp enable
interface Async5
ip unnumbered FastEthernet0
autodetect encapsulation ppp
async mode interactive
peer default ip address pool POOL
ip local pool POOL
ip classless
ip route
no ip http server
no cdp run
line con 0
line aux 0
password test
logging synchronous
modem InOut
transport input all
speed 115200
line vty 0 4
password toyota
sh line

cisco1721#sh line
   Tty Typ     Tx/Rx    A Modem  Roty AccO AccI   Uses   Noise  Overruns   Int
*    0 CTY              -    -      -    -    -      0       0     0/0       -
I    5 AUX 115200/115200- inout     -    -    -      0       0     0/0       -
     6 VTY              -    -      -    -    -      0       0     0/0       -
     7 VTY              -    -      -    -    -      0       0     0/0       -
     8 VTY              -    -      -    -    -      0       0     0/0       -
     9 VTY              -    -      -    -    -      0       0     0/0       -
    10 VTY              -    -      -    -    -      0       0     0/0       -

Line(s) not in async mode -or- with no hardware support:


deb modem
deb aaa authentic
deb aaa authoris

   00:56:29: TTY5: DSR came up
00:56:29: tty5: Modem: IDLE->(unknown)
00:56:29: TTY5: EXEC creation
00:56:29: AAA/AUTHEN/LOGIN (00000005): Pick method list 'default'
00:56:29: TTY5: set timer type 10, 30 seconds
00:57:00: TTY5: timer type 10 expired
00:57:00: TTY5: fg timeout type 10
00:57:02: TTY5: Line reset by "Exec"
00:57:02: TTY5: Modem: (unknown)->HANGUP
00:57:02: TTY5: no timer type 0 to destroy
00:57:02: TTY5: no timer type 1 to destroy
00:57:02: TTY5: no timer type 3 to destroy
00:57:02: TTY5: no timer type 4 to destroy
00:57:02: TTY5: no timer type 2 to destroy
00:57:03: TTY5: dropping DTR, hanging up
00:57:03: TTY5: Set DTR to 0
00:57:03: tty5: Modem: HANGUP->IDLE
00:57:06: TTY5: restoring DTR
00:57:06: TTY5: Set DTR to 1

  • modem aux cisco - HELP!!!, !*! flatciz, 17:09 , 09-Фев-05 (1)

      конфиг исправил, работает...но только когда на line aux0 даю speed 9600 на 9600.....где копать?

    interface FastEthernet0
    ip address
    ip broadcast-address
    speed auto
    no cdp enable
    interface Serial0
    no ip address
    no fair-queue
    no cdp enable
    interface Serial1
    no ip address
    no cdp enable
    interface Async5
    ip unnumbered FastEthernet0
    encapsulation ppp
    ip tcp header-compression passive
    async dynamic address
    async dynamic routing
    async mode interactive
    peer default ip address
    ppp authentication pap
    ip classless
    ip route
    no ip http server
    no cdp run
    line con 0
    line aux 0
    password testl
    modem InOut
    transport preferred none
    transport input telnet
    autoselect during-login
    autoselect ppp
    flowcontrol hardware
    line vty 0 4
    exec-timeout 0 0
    password testl

    • modem aux cisco - HELP!!!, !*! ipmanyak, 12:28 , 10-Фев-05 (2)
      speed 38400 пробовал ?  почитай доку
      возможно в модеме принудительно выставялется 9600 или типа того, попробуй задать команды инициализации модема . в статье написано как делать
      • modem aux cisco - HELP!!!, !*! gug, 13:54 , 10-Фев-05 (3)
        попробовал 38400, тоже самое...
        можем подключил к компу, проверил на него законнектится...работает 52000
        значит модем именно с рутером себя так ведет, может дело в рутере?
        добрые люди помогите...

        вот лог с рутера при коннекте...
        Modem control/process activation debugging is on                                                
        00:03:32: TTY5: DSR came up                          
        00:03:32: tty5: Modem: IDLE->(unknown)                                      
        00:03:32: TTY5: Autoselect started                                  
        00:03:32: TTY5: create timer type 0, 120 seconds                                                
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample F8                                    
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample F8E6                                      
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample F8E6E6                                        
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample F8E6E6E6                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample E6E6E660                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample E6E6600C                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample E6600C00                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 600C0006                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample C00060C                                        
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 60CE6                                      
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 60CE666                                        
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample CE666C0                                        
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample E666C0CC                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 66C0CCFE                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample C0CCFE66                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample CCFE66C0                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample FE66C0CC                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 66C0CCFE                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample C0CCFE06                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample CCFE06C0                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample FE06C0CC                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 6C0CCFE                                        
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample C0CCFEE6                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample CCFEE61E                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample FEE61E33                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample E61E3386                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 1E338660                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 338660CC                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 8660CCFF                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 60CCFF86                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample CCFF8618                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample FF861833                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 86183306                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 183306C0                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 3306C0CC                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 6C0CCFE                                        
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample C0CCFE06                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample CCFE06C0                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample FE06C0CC                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 6C0CCFE                                        
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample C0CCFE06                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample CCFE06C0                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample FE06C0CC                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 6C0CCFE                                        
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample C0CCFE06                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample CCFE06C0                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample FE06C0CC                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 6C0CCFE                                        
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample C0CCFE66                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample CCFE66C3                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample FE66C3CC                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 66C3CCFE                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample C3CCFE86                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample CCFE8618                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample FE861833                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 86183386                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 18338686                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 338686E6                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 8686E606                                          
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 86E606F0                                      
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample E606F0CC
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 6F0CC86
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample F0CC8660
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample CC8660F3
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 8660F3E6
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 60F3E6E6
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample F3E6E618
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample E6E61833
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample E6183386
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect sample 18338660
        00:03:34: TTY5: Autoselect failed
        00:03:34: TTY5: Line reset by "AutoSelect"
        00:03:34: TTY5: Modem: (unknown)->HANGUP
        00:03:34: TTY5: destroy timer type 0
        00:03:34: TTY5: no timer type 1 to destroy
        00:03:34: TTY5: no timer type 3 to destroy
        00:03:34: TTY5: no timer type 4 to destroy
        00:03:34: TTY5: no timer type 2 to destroy
        00:03:34: TTY5: dropping DTR, hanging up
        00:03:34: TTY5: Set DTR to 0
        00:03:34: tty5: Modem: HANGUP->IDLE
        00:03:37: TTY5: restoring DTR
        00:03:37: TTY5: Set DTR to 1

        конфиг с рутера

        version 12.2
        service timestamps debug uptime
        service timestamps log uptime
        no service password-encryption
        hostname cisco1721
        enable password testl
        username testl password 0 testl
        clock timezone MSK 3
        ip subnet-zero
        no ip source-route
        ip name-server
        ip name-server
        interface FastEthernet0
        ip address
        ip broadcast-address
        speed auto
        no cdp enable
        interface Serial0
        no ip address
        no fair-queue
        no cdp enable
        interface Serial1
        no ip address
        no cdp enable
        interface Async5
        ip unnumbered FastEthernet0
        encapsulation ppp
        ip tcp header-compression passive
        async dynamic address
        async dynamic routing
        async mode interactive
        peer default ip address
        ppp authentication pap
        ip classless
        ip route
        no ip http server
        no cdp run
        line con 0
        line aux 0
        password testl
        modem InOut
        transport preferred none
        transport input telnet
        autoselect during-login
        speed 38400
        autoselect ppp
        flowcontrol hardware
        line vty 0 4
        exec-timeout 0 0
        password testl

      • modem aux cisco - HELP!!!, !*! gug, 14:11 , 10-Фев-05 (4)
        захожу на модем и даю команду at &F1S0=1 , начинает соединяться но только на скорости 9600, не больше....

        рутер 1721, командочки modem autoconfigure нету..

        • modem aux cisco - HELP!!!, !*! ipmanyak, 14:48 , 10-Фев-05 (5)
          >захожу на модем и даю команду at &F1S0=1 , начинает соединяться но
          >только на скорости 9600, не больше....
          >рутер 1721, командочки modem autoconfigure нету..
          почитай про свою железку 1721 тех харасктеристики, возможно у нее AUX жестко 9600 ?  
          у нас циско 1720 :

          IOS (tm) C1700 Software (C1700-K8SY7-M), Version 12.2(2)T,  RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
          chat-script eline "" "ATZ" OK "AT\V1" OK "AT+MS=11,0,19200,28800,0,0,28800" OK "atdp w9435389" TIMEOUT 60 "CONNECT"
          chat-script zyxel "" "ATZ4" OK "ATS0=0" OK "atdp w9435389" TIMEOUT 60 "CONNECT"
          modemcap entry zyxel336:MSC=Z4S0=0
          line aux 0
          exec-timeout 0 0
          script dialer zyxel
          modem InOut
          modem autoconfigure type zyxel336
          transport input all
          stopbits 1
          speed 57600
          flowcontrol hardware

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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