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"Выпуск пакетного менеджера Apt 1.1"
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. "Выпуск пакетного менеджера Apt 1.1" +4 +/
Сообщение от andy (??), 27-Ноя-15, 13:18 

The %pre Script

The %pre script executes just before the package is to be installed. It is the rare package that requires anything to be done prior to installation; none of the 350 packages that comprise Red Hat Linux Linux 4.0 make use of it.

The %post Script

The %post script executes after the package has been installed. One of the most popular reasons a %post script is needed is to run ldconfig to update the list of available shared libraries after a new one has been installed. Of course, other functions can be performed in a %post script. For example, packages that install shells use the %post script to add the shell name to /etc/shells.

If a package uses a %post script to perform some function, quite often it will include a %postun script that performs the inverse of the %post script, after the package has been removed.

The %preun Script

If there's a time when your package needs to have one last look around before the user erases it, the place to do it is in the %preun script. Anything that a package needs to do immediately prior to RPM taking any action to erase the package, can be done here.

The %postun Script

The %postun script executes after the package has been removed. It is the last chance for a package to clean up after itself. Quite often, %postun scripts are used to run ldconfig to remove newly erased shared libraries from

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Выпуск пакетного менеджера Apt 1.1, opennews, 27-Ноя-15, 10:27  [смотреть все]
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