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"Итоги полугода работы проекта Repology, анализирующего инфор..."
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. "Итоги полугода работы проекта Repology, анализирующего инфор..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 16-Май-18, 13:59 
>> Опции сборки и FLAVORS не увеличивают количество портов, а наоборот уменьшают, а
>> Repology считает именно порты. А в AUR это отдельные самостоятельные пакеты.
> Глянул свои пакеты в AUR. Сырцовый (package1) и бинарный (package1-bin) - посчитаны
> как один, stable-release (package2) и git-master (package2-git) - та же история.
> Выходит, всё по-честному.

Еще один, не умеющий в чтение.
Глянул в этот ваш AUR. Удивился, что пакетов всего 43k, а не 100500.

i3-battery-nagbar i3-nagbar that appears when battery discharging threshold achieved kovetskiy
i3-battery-popup-git A script that shows messages to the user when the battery is almost empty. cmc
i3-cinnamon-git Starts i3 inside a cinnamon session. jbbr
i3-easyfocus-git Focus and select windows in i3. prior
i3-exitx-systemd-git GTK logout dialog for i3 with systemd commands ranisalt
i3-gaps-next-git A fork of i3wm tiling window manager (development branch) with more features, including gaps Airblader
i3-get-window-criteria Get criteria for use with i3 config commands ZenQy
i3-git An improved dynamic tiling window manager badboy
i3-gnome Use i3 with GNOME Session integration. 51v4n
i3-gnome-flashback Starts i3 inside a GNOME-Flashback session. deuill
i3-gnome-git Starts i3 inside a gnome session. mephux
i3-gnome-pomodoro-git Integrate gnome-pomodoro into i3 meadow
i3-ipc inter-process communication with i3, the improved tiling window manager. badboy
i3-kde An improved dynamic tiling window manager (with KDE patches) sLite
i3-match-git Match and query i3 window properties and events ferreum
i3-scrot simple screenshot script using scrot oberon2007
dmenfm A simple dmenu-based file manager. keenerd
dmenu-ametisf-git generic menu for swc-based compositors - ametisf fork ametisf
dmenu-ee-git fork of dmenu patched with XFT, quiet, x & y, token, fuzzy matching, follow focus, tab nav, filter and full mouse support. orphan
dmenu-extended-git An extension to dmenu for quickly opening files and folders. Foxboron
dmenu-frecency-git dmenu-based desktop application launcher that uses a combination of frequency and recency. Launches XDG desktop files and executables from PATH. willemw
dmenu-git A generic menu for X haavard
dmenu-height Generic menu for X, with added height setting milaq
dmenu-launch A dmenu-based app launcher for X and terminals. Launches binaries and XDG shortcuts. orphan
dmenu-lpass dmenu script for lastpass-cli kauron
dmenu-mouse-geometry A generic menu for X, with added mouse and geometry support ninian
dmenu-pango-imlib dmenu with pango and imlib support Runiq
dmenu-wayland-git Wayland port of a generic menu for X HER0_01
dmenu-xft-mouse-height-fuzzy-history Dynamic X menu - with xft, mouse, height, history, and fuzzy search support orphan
dmenu-xft-wxy-mouse Dynamic X menu - with xft, width, x, y and mouse support ninian
dmenu-xyw-mouse-msel Dynamic X menu - with x, y, width, line height, and mouse support ninian
dmenu2 Fork of dmenu with many useful patches applied and additional options like screen select, dim or opacity change ryshglene
dmenuv-git suckless dmenu with gravity patchset 2ion

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Итоги полугода работы проекта Repology, анализирующего инфор..., opennews, 15-Май-18, 18:49  [смотреть все]
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