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"Система распараллеливания shell-скриптов PaSh перешла под кр..."
Отправлено Аноньимъ, 06-Окт-21 03:49 
>Но простите - что это тупик имхо очевидно после 60+ лет его прозябания на задворках ИТ...

christian schaffmeister, uses a custom lisp impl to compute protein/polymers spatial configurations

some lab used lisp to make a custom dsl for quantum computing

A commercial research laboratory (HRL Laboratories) and two well-funded startups (Rigetti Computing and DWave Systems) all use Common Lisp extensively.

There is also some Clojure in the Boeing 737 MAX

NuBank is a South American bank that’s rapidly growing and uses Clojure for most of their stack afaik. You can find a lot of Clojure job postings on their website for jobs in South America and Berlin.

| ITA Software is the once independent company that developed the system for air tickets

| search and pricing. Now it forms part of Google’s travel industry department. In most cases,

|the company develops its software using Allegro Common Lisp.

That is not true, no Allegro at all. We use SBCL (in fact dougk is one of the main SBCL maintainers).

Circle CI is one of the largest and, probably, most well-known platforms for CI/CD with millions of builds every month and other impressive statistics that can be found on their website. The major part is written in Clojure; ClosureScript is used for frontend development. In general, developers are so fond of Clojure that in 2021 it ranked second among the most loved technologies of Stack Overflow users according to their annual survey.

Список огромен на самом деле. Но фейсбука видимо нет, лол.


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