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emu-config ()
  • >> emu-config (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    emu-config - configuration tool for emu10k1 and Audigy based soundcards.


    emu-config -?Vadp -sBUS -rBUS -sSOURCE  


    emu-config is used to configure emu10k1 based soundcards. It can set shared analog/digital jacks (i.e. the yellow jack) on the '5.1' series of soundblaster Lives. And it can set the recording modes (more details below).



    -a or --analog
    Set output in analog mode (SBLive 5.1 and Audigy cards only).
    -bBUS or --bus=BUS
    sets/prints the FX recording bus/es
    -B<on/off> or --boost=<on/off>
    Set a 12dB boost on the analog front out either 'on' or 'off'. This option is only valid for SBLive cards.
    -d or --digital
    Set output in digital mode (SBLive 5.1 and Audigy cards only).
    -fFREQ or --spdifrate=FREQ
    Set the sample rate of the output spdif on Audigy cards
    -i or --ir
    Enables Live Drive's and Audigy Drive's ir remote control and midi port.
    -I or --info
    Prints info on the card and driver.
    -mFXNUM or --inputfx=FXNUM
    By default, multichannel play back defaults to fx8-fx13, this option can be used to change the base fx offset (see multichannel.txt distributed with the driver for more info).
    -MDEVICE or --mixer=DEVICE
    Use a device other than /dev/mixer/
    -p or --print
    prints mixer settings
    -r or --reset=BUS
    resets/prints the FX recording bus/es
    -s or --source=SOURCE
    sets/prints the recording source
    -? or --help
    Give this help list
    Give a short usage message
    -V or --version
           Print program version



    One of the minijacks found on 5.1 series of SBLive cards as well as Audigy Cards is a dual-mode analog/digital jack. It defaults to analog mode, to switch it into digital mode, execute the following command:

    emu-config -d

    To switch it back to analog mode, use -a instead.

    Note, OEM SBLive cards present in Gateway brand computers also have a shared analog/digital jack but use a different and still unknown method for switching the card.  


    There are three different recording modes on SBLive cards: ADC, MIC and FX. ADC is the normal setting.

    ADC mode:

    This is the default setting. This mode can allow you to record at different sample rates, with 1 or 2 channels. When selected, this mode will cause the emu10k1 to copy the contents of what ever was sent to "ADC L/R" through a sample rate converter before sending it to your computer and eventually to the recording program.

    By setting up a route to "ADC L/R" using emu-dspmgr, you can record anything. (do not equate this with the analog AC97 mixer, it just so happens that we have it set to that by default)

    So if you wanted to record the cd digital input, you'd do:

    (first remove analog sources)

    emu-dspmgr -rAnalog L:ADC Rec L

    emu-dspmgr -rAnalog R:ADC Rec R

    (then add the cd spdif routes)

    emu-dspmgr -aCD-Spdif L:ADC Rec L

    emu-dspmgr -aCD-Spdif R:ADC Rec R

    This mode probably does sample rate convertions even if you record at 48kHz (I should point out that internally, the emu10k1 does all it's work at 48kHz), so you can probably never get a perfect copy using this method.

    Mic mode:

    This mode is intended as a "monitor" mode. Whatever is sent to "mic" using dsp code, is copied by the emu10k1 through a sample rate convert to 8kHz (8 bit?) and off to your recording program.

    To select mic recording:

    emu-config -sMic

    This mode is kinda useless since the ADC record mode can also do mono 8bit, 8000Hz.

    FX mode:

    This mode allows for 16bit multi-track non-sample rate converted recording

    Using FX recording, you can record any of the outputs listed in emu-dspmgr (though the driver currently limits you to the first 16 for some reason, need to verify and fix). Recording more than two channels is possible, but the driver's OSS interface still incorrectly reports 2 channels of audio (the audio channels will be interleaved into 2 channels).

    To select FX mode:

    emu-config -sFX

    You can see which outputs (or "buses") are selected:

    emu-config -b gives:

    "FX bus[es] selected for recording: 0x0 0x1"

    This means that the first two outputs, 0x0 (Front L) and 0x1 (Front R) are selected for FX recording. If you were to record now, you'd record whatever was being sent to those outputs by the dsp code.

    To select different outputs (or "buses"), for example the digital outputs:

    emu-config -b2 emu-config -b3

    now emu-config -b gives us :

    "FX bus[es] selected for recording: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3"

    so we need to remove 0x0 and 0x1 (or else we'll end up recording 4 channels of audio).

    emu-config -r0 emu-config -r1

    now: "FX bus[es] selected for recording: 0x2 0x3"

    You can now record what ever is being sent to the digital out.

    A few things to note about FX mode:

    - The drivers still reports (according to the oss query utility) that it can record at different sampling rates. This is a bug, once in FX mode you should only record at 48K, 16bit.

    - As not all cards use all outputs, you can use the unused outputs on your card as dummy outputs, and record from them too. This allows you to record a different mix then what you hear.



    Report bugs to <[email protected]>



    © 2001 Daniel Bertrand

    Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

    Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

    Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be included in translations approved by the copyright holders instead of in the original English.  


    emu_dspmgr(1), as10k1(1)  


    Daniel Bertrand <[email protected]>




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