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ipsec_eroute ()
  • >> ipsec_eroute (5) ( Разные man: Форматы файлов )
  • ipsec_eroute (8) ( Разные man: Команды системного администрирования )


    ipsec_eroute - list of existing eroutes


    ipsec eroute

    cat /proc/net/ipsec_eroute  


    /proc/net/ipsec_eroute lists the IPSEC extended routing tables, which control what (if any) processing is applied to non-encrypted packets arriving for IPSEC processing and forwarding. At this point it is a read-only file.

    A table entry consists of:

    packet count,
    source address with mask and source port (0 if all ports or not applicable)
    a '->' separator for visual and automated parsing between src and dst
    destination address with mask and destination port (0 if all ports or not applicable)
    a '=>' separator for visual and automated parsing between selection criteria and SAID to use
    SAID (Security Association IDentifier), comprised of:
    protocol (proto),
    address family (af), where '.' stands for IPv4 and ':' for IPv6
    Security Parameters Index (SPI),
    effective destination (edst), where the packet should be forwarded after processing (normally the other security gateway) together indicate which Security Association should be used to process the packet,
    a ':' separating the SAID from the transport protocol (0 if all protocols)
    source identity text string with no whitespace, in parens,
    destination identity text string with no whitespace, in parens

    Addresses are written as IPv4 dotted quads or IPv6 coloned hex, protocol is one of "ah", "esp", "comp" or "tun" and SPIs are prefixed hexadecimal numbers where the prefix '.' is for IPv4 and the prefix ':' is for IPv6

    SAIDs are written as "protoafSPI@edst". There are also 5 "magic" SAIDs which have special meaning:

    %drop means that matches are to be dropped
    %reject means that matches are to be dropped and an ICMP returned, if possible to inform
    %trap means that matches are to trigger an ACQUIRE message to the Key Management daemon(s) and a hold eroute will be put in place to prevent subsequent packets also triggering ACQUIRE messages.
    %hold means that matches are to stored until the eroute is replaced or until that eroute gets reaped
    %pass means that matches are to allowed to pass without IPSEC processing


    1867 -> => [email protected]:0
    ()    ()

    means that 1,867 packets have been sent to an
    eroute that has been set up to protect traffic between the subnet with a subnet mask of 24 bits and the default address/mask represented by an address of with a subnet mask of 0 bits using the local machine as a security gateway on this end of the tunnel and the machine on the other end of the tunnel with a Security Association IDentifier of [email protected] which means that it is a tunnel mode connection (4, IPPROTO_IPIP) with a Security Parameters Index of 130 in hexadecimal with no identies defined for either end.

    746 -> => [email protected]:6
    ()    ()

    means that 746 packets have been sent to an
    eroute that has been set up to protect traffic sent from any port on the host to the SMTP (TCP, port 25) port on the host with a Security Association IDentifier of [email protected] which means that it is a transport mode connection with a Security Parameters Index of 130 in hexadecimal with no identies defined for either end.

    125 3049:1::/64 -> 0:0/0 => tun:130@3058:4::5 ()      ()

    means that 125 packets have been sent to an
    eroute that has been set up to protect traffic between the subnet 3049:1:: with a subnet mask of 64 bits and the default address/mask represented by an address of 0:0 with a subnet mask of 0 bits using the local machine as a security gateway on this end of the tunnel and the machine 3058:4::5 on the other end of the tunnel with a Security Association IDentifier of tun:130@3058:4::5 which means that it is a tunnel mode connection with a Security Parameters Index of 130 in hexadecimal with no identies defined for either end.

    42 -> => %passthrough

    means that 42 packets have been sent to an eroute that has been set up to pass the traffic from the subnet with a subnet mask of 24 bits and to subnet with a subnet mask of 24 bits without any IPSEC processing with no identies defined for either end.

    2112 -> => %hold     (east)  ()

    means that 2112 packets have been sent to an
    eroute that has been set up to hold the traffic from the host and to host until a key exchange from a Key Management daemon succeeds and puts in an SA or fails and puts in a pass or drop eroute depending on the default configuration with the local client defined as "east" and no identy defined for the remote end.

    2001 -> =>
    [email protected]:0     ()      ()

    means that 2001 packets have been sent to an
    eroute that has been set up to protect traffic between the host and the host using as a security gateway on this end of the connection and the machine on the other end of the connection with a Security Association IDentifier of [email protected] which means that it is a transport mode connection with a Security Parameters Index of e6de in hexadecimal using Encapsuation Security Payload protocol (50, IPPROTO_ESP) with no identies defined for either end.

    1984 3049:1::110/128 -> 3049:1::120/128 =>
    ah:f5ed@3049:1::120   ()      ()

    means that 1984 packets have been sent to an
    eroute that has been set up to authenticate traffic between the host 3049:1::110 and the host 3049:1::120 using 3049:1::110 as a security gateway on this end of the connection and the machine 3049:1::120 on the other end of the connection with a Security Association IDentifier of ah:f5ed@3049:1::120 which means that it is a transport mode connection with a Security Parameters Index of f5ed in hexadecimal using Authentication Header protocol (51, IPPROTO_AH) with no identies defined for either end.  


    /proc/net/ipsec_eroute, /usr/local/bin/ipsec  


    ipsec(8), ipsec_manual(8), ipsec_tncfg(5), ipsec_spi(5), ipsec_spigrp(5), ipsec_klipsdebug(5), ipsec_eroute(8), ipsec_version(5), ipsec_pf_key(5)  


    Written for the Linux FreeS/WAN project <> by Richard Guy Briggs.




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