mail500 - X.500 capable mailer
/usr/sbin/fax500 [-d level] [-f mailfrom] [-h hostname] [-l ldaphost] [-m address]
Base base[] = { "ou=People, o=University of Michigan, c=US", 0 "uid=%s", "cn=%s", NULL, "ou=System Groups, ou=Groups, o=University of Michigan, c=US", 1 "(&(cn=%s)(associatedDomain=%h))", NULL, NULL, "ou=User Groups, ou=Groups, o=University of Michigan, c=US", 1 "(&(cn=%s)(associatedDomain=%h))", NULL, NULL, NULL };
which means that in delivering mail to "[email protected]" mail500/fax500would do the the following searches, stopping if it finds a match at any step:
subtree search of "ou=People, o=University of Michigan, c=US" for (uid=name) subtree search of "ou=People, o=University of Michigan, c=US" for (cn=name) subtree search of "ou=System Groups, ou=Groups, o=University of Michigan, c=US" for (&(cn=name)( subtree search of "ou=User Groups, ou=Groups, o=University of Michigan, c=US" for (&(cn=name)(
Notice that when specifying a filter %s is replaced by the name, or user portion of the address while %h is replaced by whatever is passed in to mail500/fax500 via the -h option (typically the host portion of the address).
You can also specify whether you want search results that matched because the entry's RDN matched the search to be given preference or not. At U-M, we only give such preference in the mail group portion of the searches. Beware with this option: the algorithm used to decide whether an entry's RDN matched the search is very simple-minded, and may not always be correct.
There is currently no limit on the number of areas searched (the base array can be as large as you want), and an arbitrary limit of 2 filters for each base. If you want more than that, simply changing the 3 in the typedef for Base should do the trick.
mail= [email protected]
So mail sent to [email protected] will be delivered via mail500 to that address (assuming the file is set up to call mail500 for mail to [email protected] - see below). If there were multiple values for the mail attribute, multiple copies of the mail would be sent.
In the case of fax500,ifmyentryhastheattribute
facsimileTelephoneNumber= +1 313 764 5140
A message sent to [email protected] (assuming the file is set up to pass mail to fax500- see below) will generate a message to [email protected].
A new object class, rfc822MailGroup, and several new attributes have been defined to handle email groups/mailing lists. To use this, you will need to add this to your local oidtable.oc:
# object class for representing rfc 822 mailgroups rfc822MailGroup: umichObjectClass.2 : \ top : \ cn : \ rfc822Mailbox, member, memberOfGroup, owner, \ errorsTo, rfc822ErrorsTo, requestsTo, rfc822RequestsTo, \ joinable, associatedDomain, \ description, multiLineDescription, \ userPassword, krbName, \ telecommunicationAttributeSet, postalAttributeSet
And you will need to add these to your local
# attrs for rfc822mailgroups multiLineDescription: umichAttributeType.2 : CaseIgnoreList rfc822ErrorsTo: umichAttributeType.26 : CaseIgnoreIA5String rfc822RequestsTo: umichAttributeType.27 : CaseIgnoreIA5String joinable: umichAttributeType.28 : Boolean memberOfGroup: umichAttributeType.29 : DN errorsTo: umichAttributeType.30 : DN requestsTo: umichAttributeType.31 : DN
The idea was to define a kind of hybrid mail group that could handle people who were in X.500 or not. So, for example, members of a group can be specified via the member attribute (for X.500 members) or the rfc822MailBox attribute (for non-X.500 members). Similarly for the errorsTo and rfc822ErrorsTo, and the requestsTo and rfc822RequestsTo attributes.
To create a real mailing list, with a list maintainer, all you have to do is create an rfc822MailGroup and fill in the errorsTo or rfc822ErrorsTo attributes (or both). That will cause any errors encountered when delivering mail to the group to go to the addresses listed (or X.500 entry via it's mail attribute).
If you fill in the requestsTo or rfc822RequestsTo (or both) attributes, mail sent to groupname-request will be sent to the addresses listed there. If you fill in the owner attribute, mail sent to groupname-owner will be sent to the addresses listed there. mail500 does this automatically, so you don't have to explicitly add the groupname-request or groupname-owner aliases to your group.
To allow users to join a group, there is the joinable flag. If TRUE, mail500 will search for entries that have a memberOfGroup attribute equal to the DN of the group, using the same algorithm it used to find the group in the first place (i.e. the DNs and filters listed in the base array). This allows people to join (or subscribe to) a group without having to modify the group entry directly. If joinable is FALSE, the search is not done.
R$*<>$* $#[email protected]$:<$1> R$*<>$* $#[email protected]$:<$1>
These rules say that any address that ends in will cause the mail500 mailer to be called to deliver the mail, and any address that ends in will cause the fax500 mailer to be called. You probably also want to do something to prevent addresses like terminator![email protected] or tim%[email protected] from being passed to mail500. At U-M, we do this by adding rules like this to rule set 9 where we strip off our local names:
R<>$*:$* $>10<@>$1:$2 R$+%$+<> $>10$1%$2<@> R$+!$+<> $>10$1!$2<@>
Of course, you would substitute your domain name for in the above examples. See the sample file in the ldap source directory clients/mail500/ for more details.
The mail500 and fax500 mailers should be defined similar to this in the file:
Mmail500, P=/usr/sbin/mail500, F=DFMSmnXuh, A=mail500 -f $f -h $h -m $n@$w $u Mfax500, P=/usr/sbin/fax500, F=DFMSmnXuh, A=fax500 -f $f -h $h -m $n@$w $u
This defines how mail500/fax500 will be treated by sendmail and what arguments it will have when it's called. The various flags specified by the F=... parameter are explained in your local sendmail book (with any luck). The arguments to mail500/fax500 are as defined under OPTIONS above. The final argument $u is used to stand for the addresses to which to deliver the mail.
The support for joinable groups (searching to find members who have set something in their own entry) is really a hack because we did not have good enough access control to allow people to add and delete themselves from the group itself.
At one point, mail500 and fax500 were exactly the same binary, and would behave appropriately based on how they were invoked. Unfortunately, several new features (e.g. vacation support) were added to mail500 but not to fax500.
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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov Добавить, Поддержать, Вебмастеру |