manedit [manual_page] [options] [GUI_options]
manedit --viewer [manual_page]
ManEdit is a UNIX Manual Page Integrated Development Environment. It has full UNIX manual page editing capabilities using an XML interface with instant preview. ManEdit uses the GTK+ widget set and requires the X Window Systems.
In the ManEdit editor you can load one or more manual pages and edit each section using ManEdit's manual page format to XML translation feature. Each manual page is broken down into sections and one header for easier recognition of the manual page format. If you are unfamiliar with the XML or manual page formats, you should go to Help->How To Write ManPages.
In viewer mode, you can search for an manual page installed in the global manual page directories on the file system ManEdit is running on. There is also an index feature which creates a complete catagory index listing of all the manual pages installed on the file system (see View->Index).
ManEdit also supports full Drag and Drop features between its process windows, you can run ManEdit with multiple editor and viewer windows in a single process.
Most other customizations can be performed in the preferences menu.
To run this program the standard way, type:
# manedit &
To run this program and load a manual page at startup, type:
# manedit [manual_page] &
You can run it as a viewer by specifying the --viewer option so that it starts up with a viewer instead of an editor window:
# manedit --viewer [manual_page] &
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