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twconfig ()
  • >> twconfig (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • twconfig (4) ( Linux man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
         teamware, twconfig, codemgrtool - teamware  is  a  graphical
         user interface (GUI) tool for CodeManager commands.
         teamware  [ directory...  ][ -V ]
         teamware formerly known as codemgrtool is the  GUI  for  the
         CodeManager  commands.  The main window of the tool presents
         a view of workspace hierarchies.  Workspaces  shown  in  the
         workspace  pane can be loaded in or created.  Each workspace
         is represented by a  workspace  icon.   Arcs  drawn  between
         workspaces  represent parent-child relationships.  Files are
         copied between child and parent workspaces.
         Once created, workspaces can be populated with source  files
         by  either  importing  files  from  a specified directory or
         bringing over files from an existing parent  workspace.   To
         transfer  changes  in  source  files between workspaces, the
         user  opens  the  Transactions  window.   Here,  the  parent
         workspace,  child  workspace,  and  the  list  of  files  to
         transfer are specified.  Other transactions, such as resolv-
         ing  conflicts on files, and undoing file transfers can also
         be done in the Transactions window.
         You can start  teamware  from  the  shell  command  line  as
         described  in  this man page, from Sun TeamWare, or from Sun
         Workshop.  To start  teamware,  type  teamware  at  a  shell
         An optional argument consists of a list of directories to be
         loaded  into teamware when it starts up.  Each directory can
         be either a workspace directory or a  directory  which  con-
         tains workspace directories.
         -V Displays the version being run.
         Although all of the  functions  in  teamware  are  available
         through  the  menu  buttons, many of them can be accessed by
         graphical accelerators, such as double-clicking  SELECT  and
         drag  and drop.  The following is a list of the accelerators
         currently available in teamware:
         Workspace Selection
                   Most of the commands from the  menu  bar  use  the
                   workspaces selected in the workspace pane as argu-
                   ments.   Some  commands  accept  only   a   single
                   workspace selection (for example, the transactions
                   menu items),  while  others  accept  one  or  more
                   workspace    selections    (for    example,    the
                   File=>Unload Workspaces command).
                   Double-click SELECT to look inside of a workspace.
                   As   a   default,   double-clicking  SELECT  on  a
                   workspace launches Versioning,  formerly  Version-
                   Tool,  with  the  selected  workspace loaded.  The
                   double-click action can be configured through  the
                   Configuring  section  of  the  Options menu.  If a
                   workspace contains files in conflict, the  default
                   double-click  SELECT  action activates the Resolve
                   transaction window.
         Workspace Reparenting
                   Reparent  workspaces  by  dragging  and   dropping
                   workspace  icons  while  pressing  the  Shift key.
                   Drag the icon of a workspace over the icon of  its
                   new parent.
         Bringover/Putback Transactions
                   Dragging  an  existing  workspace  icon   in   the
                   Workspace   pane   and   dropping  it  on  another
                   workspace icon activates the appropriate  Transac-
                   tion  window.  Dragging  a  parent  over its child
                   activates the Bringover Update window, dragging  a
                   child over its parent activates the Putback window
                   and dragging any icon over an  open  area  in  the
                   pane activates the Bringover Create window.
         Workspace Renaming
                   Clicking SELECT on the name of a workspace  under-
                   lines  the  name  and  allows the editing of a new
                   name for the workspace.  Once a new name  is  com-
                   posed,  enter  the  new name by typing Return.  To
                   exit the editing mode, click SELECT  in  an  empty
                   area in the window.
         The following variables are used by teamware.
                   TeamWare commands first search for other  TeamWare
                   binaries  relative  to  where  their own binary is
                   located in the file system, they  then  search  in
                   the  directories specified in the PATH environment
                   variable.  Setting this variable  causes  TeamWare
                   commands  to search for other CodeManager binaries
                   only in PATH.
                   Specifies a list of workspace  directories  to  be
                   automatically  loaded into the workspace pane upon
                   tool startup.
                   The CODEMGR_WSPATH variable can be to set  to  one
                   or  more directories that contain workspace direc-
                   tories. For example, to set this variable  to  the
                   directories /export/home/ws and $HOME/projects/ws,
                   use the following command:
                   example%  setenv  CODEMGR_WSPATH  "/export/home/ws
         Magnify Help provides context-sensitive help for  each  con-
         trol button and area of the tool.  To use Magnify Help, move
         the pointer to an object or area and press the Help  key  on
         the keyboard.
         Sun TeamWare User's Guide
         twversion(1), bringover(1), def.dir.flp(1), twmerge(1), put-
         back(1),     resolve(1),     resolve_tty(1),     ws_undo(1),
         workspace(1), access_control(4), args(4), children(4),  con-
         flicts(4), history(4), locks(4), nametable(4), parent(4)

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