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xlock ()
  • >> xlock (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • xlock (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         xlock - locks the  local  X  display  until  a  password  is
         xlock [ -display dsp ] [ -help ] [ -name resource-name  ]  [
         -resources ] [ -/+remote ]
              [ -/+mono  ]  [  -/+nolock  ]  [  -/+allowroot  ]  [  -
         /+enablesaver ] [ -/+allowaccess ]
              [ -/+echokeys ] [ -/+usefirst ] [ -/+v ] [ -delay usecs
         ] [ -batchcount num ]
              [ -nice level ] [  -timeout  seconds  ]  [  -saturation
         value ] [ -font fontname ]
              [ -bg color ] [ -fg color ] [ -mode modename ] [ -user-
         name textstring ]
              [ -password textstring ] [ -info textstring ] [  -vali-
         date textstring ]
              [ -invalid textstring ]
         xlock locks the X server till the user enters their password
         at  the  keyboard.   While  xlock is running, all new server
         connections are refused.  The screen saver is disabled.  The
         mouse  cursor  is  turned  off.  The screen is blanked and a
         changing pattern is put on the screen.  If a key or a  mouse
         button is pressed then the user is prompted for the password
         of the user who started xlock.
         If the  correct  password  is  typed,  then  the  screen  is
         unlocked  and  the  X  server  is restored.  When typing the
         password Control-U and Control-H  are  active  as  kill  and
         erase  respectively.   To return to the locked screen, click
         in the small icon version of the changing pattern.
         -display dsp
              The display option sets the X11 display to lock.  xlock
              locks all available screens on a given server, and res-
              tricts you to locking  only  a  local  server  such  as
              unix:0,  localhost:0,  or :0 unless you set the -remote
         -name resource-name
              resource-name is used instead of XLock when looking for
              resources to configure xlock.
         -mode modename
              As of this writing there are eight display  modes  sup-
              ported  (plus  one  more for random selection of one of
              the eight).
         hop     Hop mode shows the "real plane  fractals"  from  the
                 September 1986 issue of Scientific American.
         life    Life mode shows Conway's game of life.
         qix     Qix mode shows the spinning lines similar to the old
                 video game by the same name.
         image   Image mode shows several sun logos randomly  appear-
                 ing on the screen.
         swarm   Swarm mode shows a swarm of bees following a wasp.
         rotor   Rotor mode shows a swirling rotorlike thing.
         pyro    Pyro mode shows fireworks.
         flame   Flame mode shows wierd but cool fractals.
         blank   Blank mode shows nothing but a black screen.
         random  Random mode picks a random  mode  from  all  of  the
                 above except blank mode.
         -delay usecs
              The delay option sets the speed at which  a  mode  will
              operate.   It simply sets the number of microseconds to
              delay between batches of animations.  In blank mode, it
              is  important  to  set  this  to  some  small number of
              seconds,  because  the  keyboard  and  mouse  are  only
              checked  after  each delay, so you cannot set the delay
              too high, but a delay of zero would needlessly  consume
              cpu  checking  for  mouse and keyboard input in a tight
              loop, since blank mode has no work to do.
         -batchcount num
              The batchcount option sets number of things to  do  per
              batch to num . In hop mode this refers to the number of
              pixels rendered in the same color.  In life mode it  is
              the number of generations to let each species live.  In
              qix mode it is the number of lines rendered in the same
              color.   In  image mode it is the number of sunlogos on
              screen at once.  In swarm mode  it  is  the  number  of
              bees.   In rotor mode it is the number of rotor thingys
              which whirr...  In pyro mode it is the  maximum  number
              flying  rockets  at  one time.  In flame mode it is the
              number of levels to recurse (larger  =  more  complex).
              In blank mode it means nothing.
         -nice nicelevel
              The nice option sets  system  nicelevel  of  the  xlock
              process to nicelevel .
         -timeout seconds
              The timeout option sets the number  of  seconds  before
              the password screen will time out.
         -saturation value
              The saturation option sets saturation of the color ramp
              used  to  value  .  0  is  grayscale and 1 is very rich
              color.  0.4 is a nice pastel.
         -font fontname
              The font option sets the font to be used on the  prompt
         -fg color
              The fg option sets the color of the text on  the  pass-
              word screen to color .
         -bg color
              The bg option sets the color of the background  on  the
              password screen to color .
         -username textstring
              textstring is shown in front of user name, defaults  to
              "Name: ".
         -password textstring
              textstring is the password prompt string,  defaults  to
              "Password: ".
         -info textstring
              textstring is an informational message to tell the user
              what  to  do,  defaults  to  "Enter password to unlock;
              select icon to lock.".
         -validate textstring
              textstring -validate message shown while validating the
              password, defaults to "Validating login..."
         -invalid textstring
              textstring -invalid  message  shown  when  password  is
              invalid, defaults to "Invalid login."
              The resources option prints the default  resource  file
              for xlock to standard output.
              The remote option tells xlock  to  not  stop  you  from
              locking remote X11 servers.  This option should be used
              with care and is intended mainly to lock X11  terminals
              which  cannot  run  xlock locally.  If you lock someone
              else's workstation, they will have to know  your  pass-
              word   to  unlock  it.   Using  +remote  overrides  any
              resource derived values for remote and  prevents  xlock
              from  being  used  to lock other X11 servers.  (Use `+'
              instead of `-' to override resources for other  options
              that can take the `+' modifier similarly.)
              The mono option causes  xlock  to  display  monochrome,
              (black  and  white)  pixels  rather  than  the  default
              colored ones on color displays.
              The nolock option causes xlock to only  draw  the  pat-
              terns  and not lock the display.  A keypress or a mouse
              click will terminate the screen saver.
              The allowroot option allows the root password to unlock
              the server as well as the user who started xlock.
              By default xlock will disable  the  normal  X  server's
              screen  saver  since  it is in effect a replacement for
              it.  Since it is possible to set delay parameters  long
              enough  to  cause  phosphor burn on some displays, this
              option will turn back on the default screensaver  which
              is very careful to keep most of the screen black.
              This option is required for servers which do not  allow
              clients  to modify the host access control list.  It is
              also useful if you need to run x clients  on  a  server
              which is locked for some reason...  When allowaccess is
              true, the X11 server is left open for clients to attach
              and  thus  lowers  the  inherent security of this lock-
              screen.  A side effect of using this option is that  if
              xlock  is  killed -KILL, the access control list is not
              The echokeys option causes xlock to echo '?' characters
              for each key typed into the password prompt.  Some con-
              sider this a security risk, so the default  is  to  not
              echo anything.
              The usefirst option causes xlock to use  the  keystroke
              which got you to the password screen as the first char-
              acter in the password.  The default is  to  ignore  the
              first key pressed.
         -v   Verbose mode, tells what options it is going to use.
         xlock can appear to hang if it is  competing  with  a  high-
         priority  process  for  the  CPU.  For  example, if xlock is
         started after a process with  'nice  -20'  (high  priority),
         xlock will take  considerable amount of time to respond.
         "kill -KILL xlock " causes the server that was locked to  be
         unusable, since all hosts (including localhost) were removed
         from the access control list to lock out new X clients,  and
         since  xlock  couldn't  catch  SIGKILL, it terminated before
         restoring the access control list.  This will  leave  the  X
         server in a state where
          "you can no longer connect to that server, and this  opera-
         tion cannot be reversed unless you reset the server."
                   -From the X11R4 Xlib Documentation, Chapter 7.
         Xlib Documentation.
         Patrick J. Naughton
         Copyright  (c)  1988-91  by  Patrick  J.  Naughton  and  Sun
         Microsystems, Inc.
         Permission  to  use,  copy,  modify,  and  distribute   this
         software  and  its documentation for any purpose and without
         fee is hereby granted, provided  that  the  above  copyright
         notice  appear  in  all  copies and that both that copyright
         notice and this permission notice appear in supporting docu-

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