Lion, John Lion's Commentary on UNIX, 6th Ed. With Source Code. ITP Media Group, 1996. ISBN 1573980137
Raymond, Eric S. The New Hacker's Dictionary, 3rd edition. MIT Press, 1996. ISBN 0-262-68092-0. Also known as the Jargon File
Salus, Peter H. A quarter century of UNIX. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1994. ISBN 0-201-54777-5
Simon Garfinkel, Daniel Weise, Steven Strassmann. The UNIX-HATERS Handbook. IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., 1994. ISBN 1-56884-203-1
Don Libes, Sandy Ressler Life with UNIX -- special edition. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1989. ISBN 0-13-536657-7
The BSD family tree. 1997. or local on a FreeBSD-current machine.
The BSD Release Announcements collection. 1997.
Networked Computer Science Technical Reports Library.
Old BSD releases from the Computer Systems Research group (CSRG). The 4CD set covers all BSD versions from 1BSD to 4.4BSD and 4.4BSD-Lite2 (but not 2.11BSD, unfortunately). As well, the last disk holds the final sources plus the SCCS files.
This, and other documents, can be downloaded from
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