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Newton FAQ: Part IV - Community [6/9]

This posting gives answers to most questions concerning the Newton Message Pads. Please read before posting to comp.sys.newton.* newsgroups. This part gives various links on the Internet and includes a list of Newton User Groups.
Archive-name: palmtops/newton/faq/community
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: 2002/10/01
Version: This is the October 2002 update
Maintainer: Steve Weyer <[email protected]>,
 Peter Rand <[email protected]>,
 Sean Luke <[email protected]> and Paul Guyot <[email protected]>

PART IV: The Newton Community on the Internet

* A) Discussions and groups
  + 1) What Newton newsgroups are there?
    x a) English newsgroups
    x b) A German-language newsgroup
    x c) How do I search the newsgroups for specific information?
  + 2) What mailing lists are there?
  + 3) Where can I find Newton user groups?
  + 4) Newton discussion forums on the Internet
* B) Sites of general interest
  + 1) Is there a list of Newton related sites, or a ring?
  + 2) Is there an equivalent of Version Tracker?
  + 3) Are there e-zines and internet daily (or nearly) resources for the
* C) Miscellaneous
  + 1) What are the April Fool Jokes (I have a problem with NewtonQuake)?

A) Discussion and newsgroups

1) What Newton newsgroups are there?

a) International Newsgroups

The comp.sys.newton.* hierarchy:
* comp.sys.newton.announce for new hardware and software announcements
* comp.sys.newton.marketplace
* comp.sys.newton.programmer for programming related questions
* comp.sys.newton.misc for anything else, and just that!

b) A German-language newsgroup


c) How do I search newsgroups for specific information?

We suggest a google groups advanced search:

2) What mailing lists are there?

There are several general mailing lists available:
* The famous NewtonTalk list. It is now community-driven and can be found
at: <>. You'll find there archives of the list
since March 1999.
* There is also an emergency mailing list, NewtonTalk2, maintained by Rich
Lindsay. <>. To subscribe to the
emergency list, send an e-mail to: <[email protected]>.
* A German mailing list: [Danke Guido Heer!]
* The Dutch "NewtonGebruikers" mailinglist
* The eMate Talk mailinglist
To subscribe, send an e-mail to <[email protected]> with
"subscribe ematelist" (without the quotes) as the subject.
* Newton FR mailing list (in French) <>

3) Where can I find Newton user groups?

[Sources: TON at: <>, Former
Info-Newt's NUGs page, James Elliott's page at:
* AMUG: Arizona's Newton Users <>
* ANUG: Austin Newton Users Group <>
* DNUG: Danish Newton Users Group <>
* GFUN: Groupe Francophone des Utilisateurs de Newton
* HKNUG Hong Kong Newton Users. Their website seems down and it used to be:
<>. However, the group seems to still exist
and regularly meets. You can find them on the comp.pda.newton forum on the news server.
* KNUG Korean Newton Users' Group <>
* LANUG Los Angeles Newton User Group
* MISNIC Mississippi Newton Interest Club [dead link?]
* MSPUG Michigan State Palmtop Users (formerly MSNUG)
* NANUG North Atlanta Newton Users
* Pondlife (ex-NENUG) North of England Newton User Group
* NGFUN: Nouveau Groupe Francophone des Utilisateurs de Newton
* NGN Newton Gebruikersgroep Nederland <>
* NWOU Northwest Of Us Mobile Computing Group (formerly the Northwest of Us
Newton Group) <>
* NYCDAUG (ex-NYCNUG) New York Newton Users <>
* SNAG Stockholm Newton Anv┼ndar Grupp
* SNUG Stanford Newton Users Group <>
* TCNUG Twin Cities Newton Users Group <mailto:[email protected]>
* TUNA Teachers Using Newton Alliance [dead link]
* TVNUG Tennessee Valley Newton Users [dead link] <>
Paul Filmer maintains a list of the active Newton user groups meetings on
his Dedicated MP2100 NewtonOS Server
<> (if
the link doesn't work, try to see if Paul's Newton is online by visiting
Matt's NPDS Tracker where Paul usually registers his Newton.

4) Newton discussion forums on the Internet

There are several forums:
* Talk (formerly PDA Dash)
* Newton Forum at PDA Buzz <>
* Apple's discussion forum (Tech Exchange)
<> then follow Older Apple Products
and Newton. Beware, this forum is strictly moderated and if you are too
tough with Apple in a message, they will delete the whole thread.
* Newted Community
* MacNN PDA Forum
* The Newton Developers Bulletin Board

B) Sites of general interest

1) Is there a list of Newton related sites, or a ring?

Yes, there is the Apple Newton Webring: 
Some sites also maintains a list of links such as:
* This Old Newt: <>

2) Is there a Newton equivalent of Version Tracker?

There used to be Newton Versions by the Danish Newton User Group.
Unfortunately, the database is no longer on their website and it hasn't
been udpated for months. Christian Fiutak has a copy of the old database on
his website: <>
See also Part V for where to find Newton software

3) Are there e-zines and daily (or regular) internet resources for the

* There is This Old Newt maintained by Rich Lindsay
* You can also go to Newton Lifestyle, Das Online-Magazin von und fЭr
Newton Freaks: <>

C) Miscellaneous

1) What are the April Fool Jokes (I have a problem with NewtonQuake)?

There was several famous April Fool Jokes among the Newton community. These
* NewtonQuake. Link is down. Was it in 2000?
* 2000
  + Sean's iPad
  + Rich Lindsay's interview with Steve Jobs:
* 2001
  + Sean's MP3 Player in Java
  + Color Splash 100 in the FAQ
  + Carsten Lemmen's hidden MB in Intel Cards

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