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Available C++ libraries FAQ (2/6)

Contains a list of available C++ libraries, both PD and commercial.
Archive-name: C++-faq/libraries/part2
Comp-lang-c++-archive-name: C++-faq/libraries/part2

Available C++ libraries FAQ (2/6)

   Introduction                                             (part1)
   Adding or amending entries                               (part1)
   Changes since the last update                            (part1)
   Libraries available via FTP (A-L)                        (this file)
   Libraries available via FTP (M-Z)                        (part3)
   Tools for C++ Programmers                                (part4)
   Libraries with no known FTP site                         (part4)
   Source code from books                                   (part4)
   Other places to look for details of C++ libraries        (part4)
   Useful ftp sites                                         (part4)
   Commercial libraries (A-N)                               (part5)
   Commercial libraries (O-Z)                               (part6)
   Other commercial sources of C++ code                     (part6)

Libraries available via FTP (A-L)
ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) - C++ IPC wrappers

This release contains contains the source code, documentation, and example
test drivers for a number of C++ wrapper libraries and higher- level
distributed application frameworks developed as part of the ADAPTIVE
project at the University of Calfornia, Irvine.

The C++ wrappers encapsulate many of the user-level BSD and System V
Release 4 IPC facilities such as sockets, TLI, select and poll, named
pipes and STREAM pipes, the mmap family of memory-mapped file commands,
System V IPC (i.e., shared memory, semaphores, message queues), and
explicit dynamic linking (e.g., dlopen/dlsym/dlclose) using type-secure,
object-oriented interfaces.

The higher-level distributed application frameworks integrate and enhance
the lower-level C++ wrappers to support the configuration of concurrent
network daemons composed of monolithic and/or stackable services

A relatively complete set of documentation and extensive examples are
included in the release. A mailing list is available for discussing bug
fixes, enhancements, and porting issues regarding ACE. Please send mail to
[email protected] if you'd like to become part of the mailing

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 19/03/97 
Licencing : Not known
Email:[email protected]
Aisearch -  a package to make writing problem solving programs easier.

Offers the programmer a set of search algorithms that may be used to solve
all kind of different problems. The following search algorithms have been
  - depth-first tree and graph search
  - breadth-first tree and graph search
  - uniform-cost tree and graph search
  - best-first search
  - bidirectional depth-first tree and graph search
  - bidirectional breadth-first tree and graph search
  - AND/OR depth tree search
  - AND/OR breadth tree search.

Although this package is meant as a tool for developing problem solving
software it is not meant exclusively for programmers that are familiar
with the concept of problem representation and search techniques. The
document accompanying this package first describes (though condensed) the
theory of problem solving in AI and next explains how the search class
library must be used. Furthermore, as the source code is richly commented
and as also some demo programs are included the package should also prove
useful to people that want to get acquainted with the subject.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
FTP from
FTP from
Amulet - User Interface Development Environment

AMULET is a user interface development environment in C++.  Code written
using Amulet will work with little or no changes on all platforms.

More than just another free "virtual toolkit," Amulet includes many
features specifically designed to make the creation of highly-interactive,
graphical, direct manipulation user interfaces significantly easier. 
Based on a proven earlier system, called Garnet, that was in wide use in
the Lisp community, Amulet adds a number of important innovations and

Important features of Amulet include: 
  - a dynamic, prototype-instance object system that makes prototyping
  - automatic constraint solving integrated with the object system
  - a "structured-graphics" model (also called a "display list") that
    handles automatic refresh of objects when the change
  - a high-level input model that makes it easy to add behaviors to
    objects and also supports undo and help for operations
  - a full set of flexible widgets implemented using the Amulet
    intrinsics, so you can easily experiment with your own widgets; and
    high-level interactive debugging tools.  Widgets include:buttons, check
    boxes, radio buttons, menus, menu bars (pull-down menus), scroll bars,
    scrolling windows, and text input fields.

Amulet comes with complete documentation including a tutorial.

Operating Systems:
  - X Windows
  - PC 32-bit Windows
  - Mac
  - Gnu CC
  - Object Center
  - Visual C++
  - MetroWerks CodeWarrior
Added : 29/02/96   Amended : 29/02/96 
Licencing : Public Domain
FTP from
Email:[email protected] - Brad A. Myers
Postal address:Brad A. Myers, Human Computer Interaction Institute, School of Computer 
Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA  15213-3891
Andy Register's - matrix library

It is still under development so there is no documentatin and some
functions have not been throughly tested. It is a departure from most
matrix libs in that it includes things like UpperTriangular different from
Diagonal, from Row, from Col, etc.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Author:Andy Register
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
Arjuna - For writing fault-tolerant (distributed) applications

Arjuna provides a set of tools (C++ classes and libraries) for writing
fault-tolerant distributed applications using persistent objects, atomic
actions, and replication. Included in the system is a C++ stub generator
(and associated RPC mechanism) which takes a C++ class definition for an
object and generates client and server stub code. Using these stub classes
occurs in a relatively transparent manner: the differences between a local
and distributed application are typically only a single line.

The system has been ported to a wide range of architectures and C++
compilers, both by the authors and other users, and has been in use for
several years.

A comprehensive manual is available with the distribution.

The system has been ported to a wide range of architectures and C++
compilers, both by the authors and other users, and has been in use for
several years.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Education
FTP from
AvlTree - C++ AVL tree class implementation

This is a C++ implementation of AVL trees. It is targeted more for
teaching purposes than for efficiency.

Operating Systems:
  - OS/2
  - PC DOS
  - PC Windows
  - Unix
  - Cfront
  - Gnu CC
Added : 19/03/97   Amended : 19/03/97 
Licencing : Copyrighted freeware
WWW - AvlTree class
Awesime - A C++ task library explicitly designed for simulation

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Author:Dirk Grunwald
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
BIGINT - N-bit integer math class

BIGINT is an unsigned N-bit integer math class for the C++ programming

BIGFP is a floating point math class based on BIGINT for the C++
programming language.

Added : 27/11/97   Amended : 27/11/97 
Licencing : Not known
Submitted by:[email protected] - Dan Fandrich
BLAS in C++

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Author:Damian McGuckin
FTP from
Email:[email protected]

A BLAS in C++

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Author:Damian McGuckin
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
Brent's univariate minimizer and zero finder.

Ref: G.Forsythe, M.Malcolm, C.Moler, Computer methods for mathematical
computations. Precision - double

Obsolete - now part of the linalg package

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 30/07/96 
Licencing : Not known
WWW http:cpplibs2.html#LinAlg.shar
BRL10 - Binary Relations Library for C/C++

Binary relations are more directly based on semantic
concepts rather than on recordlike structures as traditional
(relational, hierarchies, networks, object-oriented) models are.

Binary Relations tend to be more functionally complete
in their information processing capability, and more precise in
their semantic modelling.

The Binary Relations Approach was implemented in Binary
Relations Library for C/C++. BRL is not a full featured DBMS.
It does not support all ideas of the Binary Relations Approach.
BRL is however a small, fast and reliable engine.

BRL provides basic tools for using binary relations in C and C++

Operating Systems:
  - FreeBSD
  - PC DOS
  - PC Windows
  - Gnu CC
  - Borland C++
Added : 13/11/96   Amended : 13/11/96 
Licencing : Non commercial
Author:Andrew Girow
Email:[email protected]
C* In C++ - Parallel Programming Classes for C++:

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Author:Terry Bossomaier
Email:[email protected]
C++ FEM - (Finite Element Method) Library

 In addition to FEM related classes, this library also has:
  - Some simple garbage collection stuff
  - An automatic differentiation library
  - A sparse matrix library

This is an initial release and people should *expect* to have to do some
work to get it running on their system. If you have gcc-2.3.3,
libg++-2.3[.1], Gnu make and makedepend you shouldn't have too much
difficulty however. The code is unsupported, and is distributed under the
terms of the GNU Public License.

  - Gnu CC
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : GNU copyleft
Author:Michael Tiller, University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
C++ implementation of differential algebra

This is temporarily unavailable while we resolve the question of whether
inclusion of codes from Numerical Recipes makes distribution illegal.

Available from the netlib mailing list, in c++/mxyzptlk.shar

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Author:Leo Michelotti
Email:[email protected]
Email:[email protected]
C++Advio - Advanced i/o and arithmetic compression

Portable handling and compression of binary data.

Keywords: pipes, arithmetic coding, start-stop coding, endian i/o,

Operating Systems:
  - Solaris
  - HP 9000
  - Dec Alpha
  - FreeBSD
  - Mac
  - PC 32-bit Windows
  - Gnu CC
  - Sun CC
  - MetroWerks CodeWarrior
  - Borland C++
Added : 22/05/96   Amended : 30/07/96 
Licencing : Public Domain
Author:Oleg Kiselyov
WWW - Mac distribution
WWW - archive (UNIX/PC)
Email:[email protected]
Email:[email protected]
C++SIM 1.5.2 - A simulation package written in C++.

C++SIM provides discrete process based simulation similar to that provided
by the simulation class and libraries of SIMULA. The linked list
manipulation facilities provided by SIMSET are also included in the
package, and there is support for a variety of statistics gathering

The simulation package requires the use of a threads package and currently
only works with the following:
  - Sun's lwp threads and Solaris threads
  - C++ task library
  - NT threads
  - Posix threads
  - cthreads
  - Rex threads

 It has been build on a number of different architectures and C++
compilers, and porting to other systems should be relatively easy.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 19/03/97 
Licencing : Education
FTP from
CalcPlus - Interpreter of procedural language

The CalcPlus library is the C++ class library which provides an ability to
use your own programming language built into C++ project.  Any algorithm
or any constant needed by application can be carried out into the special
file, when process comes to the key point, it calls function or procedure
stored in the text file.  Interpreter runs the function and process
returns back to C++ code.  Library contains the interpreter which
understands simple nameless procedural language.  Bi-directional
communication between C++ and the code for interpreter available.

Version of the language that comes with the library allows to use
functions, procedures, blocks, preprocessor, global and local variables
and constants, if/for/while statements.  Each variable can have value of
type: nil, bool, long, float, string, date.  Type definitions and arrays
are allowed.  Functions and procedures may be recursive.  New functions
written in C++ may be easily added to the language.  Syntax of the
language can be modified by changing YACC rules.  Interpreter is fast
enough and may be helpful for many tasks.

Platform independent, YACC required.

Operating Systems:
  - PC DOS
  - SCO Unix 3.2.4
  - SunOS
  - Borland C++
  - Visual C++
  - Watcom C++
  - Gnu CC
  - Sparcworks
Added : 22/05/96   Amended : 22/05/96 
Licencing : Shareware
Author:Vladimir Schipunov
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
Callbacks - Inter-component callbacks using functors

This library provides a comprehensive, portable, type-safe, efficient,
general purpose mechanism for inter-component callbacks using template
functors. Full source code and examples.

A complete rationale and description of this mechanism appeared in my
article in the February 1995 issue of the C++ Report (now reprinted in
'C++ Gems', SIGS Books).  Users are strongly encouraged to read the
article before proceeding, as the library has minimal embedded
documentation at present.

Operating Systems:
  - All - not O/S specific
  - Visual C++
  - IBM Cset++
  - Borland C++
  - Watcom C++
Added : 03/10/96   Amended : 03/10/96 
Licencing : Copyrighted freeware
Author:Rich Hickey
WWW - C++ Gems
Email:[email protected]
CB++ - CommonBase Database Access Library for C/C++

This library was written in 1989 as a basis for storing C++ objects in a
relational database. The development of such a system was stopped in 1990
because of problems with the MS-DOS environment used in this time. My
involvement in various user interface projects here in the institute and
otherwhere made it sleep until last week.

Okay, here is it. It is only the database access layer of the projected
object storage system but it has some useful features which are provided
by commercial tools out there:
  - Builds on the C language interface of a database, there is no need for
    a precompiler (like embedded SQL - which is totally unusable in
    combination with C++, at least it was three years ago...)
  - Very simple to use. Unlike the native C interfaces of the databases it
    is as simple as embedded SQL or some 4th generation languages.
  - Makes applications portable among different SQL databases. The library
    itself is relatively easy to port as the database vendor specific code

Note - Scott R. Chilcote" ([email protected]) reports he can only find the
a README file at the site given, and his attempts to mail the author's
address given therein fail.  ([email protected]) reports he
couldnt find anything at the ftp site.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 22/05/96 
Licencing : Not known
FTP from - (reported new ftp site)
FTP from* - (ftp site may be out of date)
CBMT - Collaborative BioMolecular Tools

CBMT provides a number of easy-to-use fundamental classes for biologists,
chemists and crystallographers.  They include:  Molecular Structure,
Sequence, Standard Formats (PDB, CIF, GCG, etc), Geometry, Statistics,
TextParsing, and a single container class (a dynamic Array).  All
documentation is in HTML, and member functions have *.c examples.  I hope
that the system can be extended as a communal effort and am piloting this
idea in the C++ course at the Globewide Network Academy

Version 1.3 will be posted shortly including an experimental script
language (generated automatically from the *.h files) providing support
for persistent objects manipulatable by other languages such as tcl or

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Non commercial
Author:Peter Murray-Rust
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
Email:[email protected]
CCL110JE.ZIP - Coroutine class library

DOS PC/Borland C++ specific.

Operating Systems:
  - PC DOS
  - Borland C++
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
FTP from
FTP from
CDBFile - C++ library to handle dBASE III files

CDBFile is a C++ object-oriented package for programmers who need to
manipulate dBASE III files in their programs.  It enables you to perform
many operations on an existing DBF file: reading/writing to it,
its values, sorting the records, adding/deleting records, etc.  It comes
with full text and postscript documentation, and commented source code.
A demonstration program, TestDBF, shows the various possibilities of the
CDBFile library, and its source file, testdbf.cpp, demonstrates how to
implement CDBFile within a program.  CDBFile was designed to be as
portable as possible: you should be able to compile it under "as is" any
DOS/Windows C++ compiler; porting it to Un*x/Linux should also require
little effort.

Since CDBFile is distributed under the GNU Public License for libraries,
I hope that programmers will like it and suggest or implement enhance-
ments and additional features to that piece of software.

Operating Systems:
  - PC DOS
  - PC Windows
Added : 19/03/97   Amended : 19/03/97 
Licencing : GNU copyleft
Author:Herve GOURMELON
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
CGI++ - A C++ Library for CGI Programming

CGI++ combines an easy and intuitive 'look and feel' with a powerful
and rich object-oriented implementation.  Features include:

  - Full support for CGI/1.1 and HTTP/1.0 (the current standards)
  - Support for Netscape's Cookie and File Upload features.
  - Support for new HTTP/1.1 methods PUT, GET, OPTIONS and TRACE,  in
    addition to GET, HEAD and POST.
  - Intelligent parsing of HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 Headers.
  - Clean and elegant methods for reading and rendering form elements, and
    for preserving state, based on a deep object-oriented hierarchy.  
    Powerful interactive debugging mode.
  - Highly-automated and safe memory management.

Shareware.   Distributed as source code; modification permitted
Free download/unlimited trial; license payable for installation
on a WWW or Intranet server.   Developer arrangements available
for products incorporating the Library.

Nick Kew is also author and keeper of the CGI programming FAQ - archived
as /www/cgi-faq at RTFM.

Operating Systems:
  - Unix
  - Gnu CC
Added : 19/03/97   Amended : 19/03/97 
Licencing : Shareware
Email:[email protected] - Nick Kew
Cgipp - Very Portable and powerful CGI-Library

Cgipp is a small class library which eases the creation of applications
for the World Wide Web, and gives you an easy but powerful interface to
the CGI interface which will increase your productivity when writing
CGI-applications. The Cgipp also provides a class to ease your creation of
HTML-pages which can be used as any ostream.

The library is highly portable, and can be used with no problems on any
using gcc/g++, and has also been tested with SGI C++ and Sun CC. The
has also been succesfully ported to PCs (both 16-bit DOS and 32-bit

Operating Systems:
  - Dec Alpha
  - Linux
  - PC DOS
  - PC Windows
  - PC 32-bit Windows
  - SGI Irix
  - Solaris
  - SunOS
  - SYSV
  - Unix
  - Borland C++
  - Gnu CC
  - SGI CC
  - Sun CC
Added : 27/11/97   Amended : 27/11/97 
Licencing : Public Domain
Author:Stig Erik Sand
FTP from - Cgipp Library as zip-file
FTP from - Cgipp Library as tar-file
WWW - Cgipp Library Home Page
Email:[email protected] - If you have any questions, send a mail
CIDLib - C++ framework for Windows NT 4.0 and Visual C++ 5.0

I am proud (and frankly exhausted :-) to announce the newest release of
the CIDLib Class Libraries for C++. CIDLib is a fully object oriented
C++ framework for Windows NT 4.0 (or higher) and Visual C++ 5.0 (or

This beta release (Version 0.500) does not contain the original GUI and
graphics oriented classes because they have not been fully ported to
NT yet. However, since the product has so much to offer for backend
developers without the GUI layers, I've decided to go ahead and do this
beta release in order to get feedback from users.

Even in this 'limited' form CIDLib provides just short of 175 public
classes (and of course more that you don't see.) When the graphics and
GUI layers are released in the next version, the class count will be
closer to 250.

This release provides these broad categories of functionality:
  - Core classes: Strings, memory buffers (heap, system, and shared),
  areas (floating point and integral coordinate), points, sizes, colors.
  - Collections: Bags, sorted bags, deques, queues, stacks, linked
  lists, hash maps, hash sets, object arrays, fundamental arrays.
  - File System Support: Directory iteration, general file system
  maintenance, find buffers, path strings, binary files, text files,
  volume information.
  - Streams: File, string, and memory streams for text and binary
  operations, powerful text stream parser. Extensible data sink/source
  framework. Console text stream derivative that supports command line
  recall and editing. Support for ASCII and UNICode text formats.
  - Advanced RTTI: Polymorphic streaming, dynamic object creation,
  runtime type information, type repository, and meta classes.
  - Exceptions and Logging: Extensive and extensible support for error
  and message logging and exception management, runtime error and
  system exception stack trace dumps.
  - Locale and Internationization Support: Locale classes and a totally
  C++ enabled, message file system that supports multiple languages and
  uses namespace based const values for error and message ids.
  - Process Control: Thread classes, thread priority janitors, mutexes, 
  semaphores, events, critical sections, process registry, extensible
  metrics system, janitors for mutexes, critical sections, semaphores.
  - Mathematical: 4x4 matrices, 2D and 3D vectors, value maps, ranges.
  - Ray Tracing: Object oriented, extensible ray tracer with scene
  description language, multithreaded support, for parallel rendering.
  - Fractals: An object oriented, extensible fractal generation engine,
  with full multithreaded rendering. Supports pluggable rendering
  engines and fractal types. Comes with single and multithreaded
  rendering engines and Julia, Mandelbrot, and Lyapunov fractal types.
  - Raw Access: Namespace encapsulated access to raw strings and memory
  buffer APIs, and one for basic mathematical operations. These are not
  often needed by the outside world but are pulically available.
  - General Purpose Methods. Typesafe, template or inline methods for
  many common operations such as bit field manipulation, min/max,
  pointer manipulation, array sizing, enumeration magic, UNICode buffer
  manipuluation, etc...
  - Documentation: Class and member docs are online and available via
  my home page. Offline docs are in MS Word 6.0 format. The online docs
  fully cover all of the released classes, though they are spotty on
  coverage of exceptions thrown right now. Offline docs are in progress
  but contain a substantial amount of informaton.
  - Full Source Code. The full source code is included so you can modify
  the system for your own needs if desired and debug fully.
CIDLib is a freeware product at this time and you can freely use it for
personal, experimental, or in house development, however it is a beta
product still. It cannot be redistributed in any modified form at this
time. You can, of course, pass along the unmodified Zip file to anyone
you feel would be interested in evaluating this product. None of the
source code can be extracted and used in another product, as it is my
intellectual property.

The eventual GA product will likely be a shareware product, though it
will remain free for anyone who just wants to play with it at home for
personal use. It will have a very reasonable licensing agreement for
commercial or shareware use.

Operating Systems:
  - PC Windows NT
  - Visual C++
Added : 27/11/97   Amended : 27/11/97 
Licencing : Copyrighted freeware
Email:[email protected] - Dean Roddey
CmdLine - command-line option and argument parsing framework

CmdLine is a full-featured C++ class framework for parsing options and
arguments from the command line. Abstract and concrete classes are
provided for the command-line, options, arguments, and argument iterators,
and the user may add their own specialized argument/option types using

Operating Systems:
  - OS/2
  - PC DOS
  - PC Windows
  - Unix
  - Borland C++
  - Cfront
  - Gnu CC
Added : 19/03/97   Amended : 19/03/97 
Licencing : Copyrighted freeware
WWW - CmdLine option/argument parser
Email:[email protected]
CNCL - ComNets Class Library

 Universal classes:
  - Tree structured class hierarchy, similar to NIHCL.
  - Classes for general purposes such as arrays, linked lists,  strings.
  - Interface classes for UNIX system calls: pipes, select.
  - Persistent objects.

  - Event driven simulation.
  - Statistical evaluation.
  - Random number generators and distributions. 

Fuzzy logic:
  - Fuzzy sets, fuzzy variables, fuzzy rules and inference
  - engine for building fuzzy controllers and expert systems. 

  - Interface classes for DEC's ezd graphics server.

Operating Systems:
  - HP UX
  - SunOS
  - Solaris
  - Linux
  - Gnu CC
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 08/08/96 
Licencing : GNU copyleft
Author:Martin Junius, Martin Steppler, et al.
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
Postal address:Communication Networks, Aachen University of Technology, D-52056, Aachen, 
Postal address:Communication Networks, Aachen University of Technology, D-52056 Aachen, 
Complex class - Very complete complex generic class

The Complex Library gives you the possibility to do complex arithmetic as
simply as real arithmetic in your C++ sources. The class Complex is
designed with generic code, allowing you to do single or double floating
point arithmetic (default is double). All the algorithms favour numerical
stability first and speed secondly. You can download the postscript
documentation [40 Ko] alone or dowload the complete package
(including the documentation) complex.tgz. [47 Ko] 

Operating Systems:
  - Linux
  - Solaris
  - Sparc
  - SunOS
  - Unix
  - X Windows
  - Gnu CC
  - Sun CC
Added : 27/11/97   Amended : 27/11/97 
Licencing : Public Domain
Submitted by:[email protected] - DENIAU Laurent
Conical - C++ classes for building neural networks

CONICAL is a cross-platform library of C++ classes for building
biologically realistic simulations of neurons or small neural networks.
Its capabilities are similar to large Unix-based packages such as GENESIS
and NEURON, but produces simulations which are smaller, faster, and easily
imbedded in other applications.

CONICAL is still under development, but documentation is fairly complete
and includes both introductory material and demo programs.

Operating Systems:
  - Unix
  - MacOS
  - PC DOS
  - PC Windows
  - Gnu CC
  - Borland Turbo C++
  - MetroWerks CodeWarrior
Added : 30/07/96   Amended : 30/07/96 
Licencing : Education
Author:Joseph J. Strout
FTP from - source & docs by ftp
WWW - CONICAL home page
Email:[email protected] - send email to the author
Postal address:J. Strout,3033 Basic Sciences Bldg,UCSD,9500 Gilman Dr.,La Jolla,CA,92093-0608
COOL - Texas Instrument's "C++ Object Oriented Library".

COOL includes classes like AVL_Tree, Association, Bignum, Binary_Tree,
Bit_Set, Complex, Date_Time, Envelope, Gen_String, Handle, Hash_Table,
Iterator, List, M_Vector, Matrix, N_Tree, Pair, Quaternion, Queue, Random,
Range, Rational, Regexp, Set, Shared, Stack, String, Timer, Value,

COOL uses a special "template" syntax which is preprocessed by a special
cpp (distributed with COOL). This enables it to be used with compilers
which do not support templates.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 05/02/96 
Licencing : Not known
FTP from
CSLIB - Database library for C++ developers

A series of C++ classes in combination with a program generator is used
to build databases with automatically updated indexes, access to fields,
support for DATE fields, exporting to dBASE and so on.  It also contains
classes for variable-length records, virtual heaps, btrees etc.  Some
helpful utilities are included as well.  CSLIB produces stand-alone
executables.  It is NOT just an interface to some central database

Evaluation version.

Operating Systems:
  - PC DOS
  - PC Windows
  - OS/2
  - Linux
  - Watcom C++
  - Borland C++
  - Visual C++
  - Gnu CC
Added : 19/03/97   Amended : 19/03/97 
Licencing : Not known
Author:Theo van den Bout, ComBits Software
FTP from - Windows 3.11 version
FTP from - Win95 & NT version
WWW - Windows 3.11 version
WWW - Win95 & NT version
Email:[email protected]
Email:[email protected]
CSock C++ Socketing Library - An advanced wrapper for Windows socketing

An advanced wrapper for Windows socketing.  Uses newer C++ language
to shred the amount of code required for socketing applications.

All the standard Windows socketing wrapper classes usually implemented,
  - Insertion and extraction operators are templatized so you won't have
implement new ones.
  - Address type classes are polymorphic and also templatized -- one line
    to add
a new one.
  - Ability to dynamically load WINSOCK at runtime, in case TCP/IP is
  - Quite easy to port.

$20.00 U.S. shareware license entitles registered users to updates through
version 2.99.
FTP functionality is already partially complete.

Distributed as source code. Should work with any compiler that supports
exceptions, templates and new cast operators.

Operating Systems:
  - PC 32-bit Windows
  - Visual C++
Added : 13/11/96   Amended : 13/11/96 
Licencing : Shareware
Author:TRI Software, a division of TRInternational, Inc.
Email:[email protected]
------------------------------------------------------------------------ - An include file to make complex math look like regular math.

The file uses a lot of operator overloading, so that if x=a+ib and y=c+id,
the code for multiplying the two together looks like z = x*y;  Also, the
file includes nrutil from Numerical Recipes, and adds the complex versions
for vectors and matrices.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Author:Leonard Kamlet
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
DiamondBase - Add Relational Database functionality to your C++ programs

DiamondBase is a library of C++ routines and utilities that allow you to
add Relational Database functionality to your C++ programs. It is written
entirely in C++, and great pains have been taken to ensure it compiles
under a variety of compilers. It comes with a 47 page manual.

Operating Systems:
  - Unix
  - OS/2
  - Gnu CC
  - Cfront
  - Borland C++ for OS/2
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
Email:[email protected]
Email:[email protected]
Diffpack - Quick prototyping of simulators solving partial differential equations by

Diffpack is a large and comprehensive C++ package aiming at quick
prototyping of simulators solving partial differential equations by FEM.
Under development at SINTEF Applied Mathematics and the University of
Oslo, Norway.

 Version 1.0 of Diffpack is released for free non-commerical use and is
distributed by netlib. For further details refer to the Diffpack WWW home

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Doctor Matrix - Matrix and vector algebra package for C++

Doctor Matrix is a matrix and vector algebra package for C++.  It
allows the C++ programmer to perform calculations on matrices and
vectors within C++ programs.  Over 50 functions are supported, including
ranking, determinant calculation, matrix addition and multiplication,
inversion, and more.  Comprehensive documentation provides instructions
for use of all functions and mathematical definitions of their purpose.
Shareware version is limited to DOS programming in Borland C++ and for
Tiny or Small memory models.

Special requirements: The Shareware version supports compilation only
under Tiny or Small memory models.  Borland C++ compiler recommended.

Operating Systems:
  - PC DOS
  - Borland C++
Added : 19/03/97   Amended : 19/03/97 
Licencing : Shareware
Author:Zvika Ben-Haim
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
DoPVM - A class built on PVM, for message passing environments.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Author:Skip Hartley
Email:[email protected]
DOSTmUit - DOS Text Mode User Interface Toolkit

 Enables C++ programmers to add a CUA-compliant user interface to their
DOS programs without getting involved in screen coordinates and other
messy details. The programmer merely states which interface objects are
required, and how they are to be placed on the screen in relation to each
other. Those familiar with the ET++ toolkit for the X windows system under
Unix will get the general idea.

Includes a class documentation facility (DocClass) which will generate a
large text file from the source code giving details of every class,
structure, enum and extern in the toolkit. This program will also work on
your own C++ source code. Source is provided.

Operating Systems:
  - PC DOS
  - Zortech C++ 3.0
  - Borland C++ 3.1,4.X
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Non commercial
Author:Nikki Locke, Trumphurst Ltd.
Email:[email protected]
Drat - A C++ interface to the curses library

Drat contains several classes for interfacing with the UNIX curses
library, including menus with callback's, and other common forms.

Added : 05/02/96   Amended : 05/02/96 
Licencing : Not known
Email:[email protected]
ET++ - A large GUI library and other C++ tools developed in Europe

The Authors are both with Taligent now.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Author:Andre Weinand and Erich Gamma
FTP from
FTP from
FFTPACK++ - C++ version of FFTPACK

FFT_Pack is a C++ wrapper for FFTPACK complex routines using LAPACK++
Matrix and Vector classes. FFTPACK routines were converted to C using f2c
and also modified to use double precision complex using -r8 to f2c.

Most of this code was lifted directly from GNU OCTAVE v1.1.0, hence the
copyright notice at the top.

The forward FFT takes you to freq domain (ala direction == -1), and
backward the other way.

Passing LaVectorComplex/Double or LaGenMatComplex/Double with one
dimension set to 1 will implicitly perform 1D FFT on the data.

The members of the FFT_Pack class are declared static, since they really
need no private member storage. There are two types of transform routines:
ones that return a new complex matrix and the ones that change the matrix
in place.

  - Cfront
  - Gnu CC
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : GNU copyleft
Author:Mumit Khan
Fax:608 265 3811
Email:[email protected]
Postal address:Center for X-ray Lithography, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Tel:608 265 6075
FFTW - Fast C library for computing the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

Fast C library for computing the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)

Operating Systems:
  - All - not O/S specific
Added : 27/11/97   Amended : 27/11/97 
Licencing : Non commercial
Author:Matteo Frigo and Steven G. Johnson
WWW http:
Email:[email protected]
GAGS - C++ class library for Genetic algorithms

It includes classes for chromosomes and populations.

Library:binary chromosome representation. Genetic operators:
mutation, xOver (n-pt and uniform), remove/reinsert. Selection
operator: steady state, tournament, roulette wheel. Perl and/or tcl/tk
graphic front-end. Graphics through gnuplot. Training from file.

Application generator: it needs only an ANSI-C definition of the
fitness function. It's parsed, and a program that runs a GA on it is

Operating Systems:
  - Unix
  - Gnu CC
  - SGI CC
  - Sun CC
Added : 08/02/96   Amended : 08/02/96 
Licencing : Copyrighted freeware
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
GAME - Parallel Genetic Algorithms Theory and Applications

Edited by: J. Stender

Publisher: IOS Press

Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications series

1993, 225 pp; hard cover; w/ disk

ISBN: 90 5199 087 1

Price: $85, 59 pounds sterling

 The first version of the GAME Virtual Machine software and two examples
that come with the book can be obtained also by ftp.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
FTP from
GECOOL 2.1 - A reworking and enhancement of Texas Instrument's "C++ Object Oriented

By some programmers at General Electric.

 Also available is JCOOL. Its main difference from COOL and GECOOL is that
it uses real C++ templates instead of a similar syntax that is
preprocessed by a special 'cpp' distributed with COOL and GECOOL.

Some users behind "firewalls" have had difficulty accessing the ftp site.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 05/02/96 
Licencing : Not known
FTP from
Generic Linked List Package

A package to define, create, update query and delete one or more (nodes
of) linked lists, to sort linked lists, and so on. The user doesn't have
to take care of allocating a number of bytes for a node, inserting on the
right place, deleting and freeing a node and so on.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
FTP from
FTP from
GINA++ - An O-O application framework for C++, X11R5, and OSF/Motif

 GINA++ (The Generic INteractive Application for C++) is an object-
oriented application framework that facilitates the development of
applications with a graphical user interface. It is written in C++ and
uses OSF/Motif and X for the user interface parts. GINA++ comes as a
library of C++ classes, 10 small to medium demo applications, and it is
fully documented.

 Components of GINA++ are:
  - A C++ encapsulation of OSF/Motif providing easy-to-use mechanisms for
    deriving new widget classes completely in C++
  - Support for object-oriented graphics (rectangles, arrows, circle,
  - An unlimited undo/redo history mechanism
  - supporting classes for data structures (list, arrays, etc), run-time
    type information, and a notification mechanism.

The classes of GINA++ constitute an executable program - the generic
application - which possesses the basic functionality and the user
interface components common to all interactive graphical applications, but
lacks any application-specific behavior. The predefined functionality and
behavior is inherited by deriving subclasses from the existing GINA++
classes. Application specific behavior is implemented by adding new
classes and member functions. Differences to the standard application are
coded by refining virtual member functions inherited from GINA++.

Operating Systems:
  - HP UX
  - Sparc
  - X Windows
  - Cfront
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Author:Andreas Baecker
FTP from
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
Postal address:GMD, P.O. Box 1316, D-53731 Sankt Augustin
Gnans - Simulation of stochastic and deterministic dynamical systems

A program (and language) for dynamical systems. Includes simple scripting
language. Graphical user interface.

Operating Systems:
  - SunOS
  - SGI Irix
  - X Windows
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : GNU copyleft
Author:Bengt Martensson
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
Grail - Symbolic computation with finite-state machines and regular expressions

Supports conversion of FSM to RE and back and also conversion to and from
finite languages.  Supports many algebraic operations on FSM and RE.  All
objects are templates, so you can parameterize FSM or RE to use any C++
class or base type as its alphabet type (hence, Mealy machines are
supported by using ordered pairs as the alphabet type).

  - Cfront
  - IBM xlC
  - IBM Cset++
  - Watcom C++
Added : 22/05/96   Amended : 22/05/96 
Licencing : Education
Email:[email protected]
GRAS - A Graph-Oriented Database System for SE Applications

Copyright (C) 1987-1992  Lehrstuhl Informatik III, RWTH Aachen This
library is free software under the terms of the GNU Library General Public

The system GRAS with interfaces for the programming languages Modula-2 and
C is available as public domain software for Sun3/Sun4 workstations (the
GRAS system itself is implemented in Modula-2 and consists of many layers
which might be reusable for the implementation of other systems):

There are several files contain documentation, sources, binaries, and
libraries. All binaries are for Sun/4 machines. Sun/3 binaries are shipped
only if explicitly requested.

Operating Systems:
  - Sun
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : GNU copyleft
Author:Dr. Andy Sch"urr (or Richard Breuer)
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
Email:[email protected]
Postal address:Lehrstuhl f"ur Informatik III, University of Technology Aachen (RWTH Aachen), 
Ahornstr. 55, D-5100 Aachen
Grayscale Image Processing

Enhanced grayscale image processing class library and verification code,
source code

Keywords: image arithmetics, median filtration, morphological
filtration, convolution, lazy image, TIFF, plasma fractals,
nondeterministic filter, class library

Operating Systems:
  - Solaris
  - HP 9000
  - rs6000-aix-3.2
  - Dec Alpha
  - FreeBSD
  - PC 32-bit Windows
  - BeOS DR8
  - MacOS
  - Concurrent Maxion 8000/RTU
  - Gnu CC
  - Sun CC
  - MetroWerks CodeWarrior
  - Borland C++
Added : 22/05/96   Amended : 19/03/97 
Licencing : Public Domain
Author:Oleg Kiselyov
WWW - Mac distribution
WWW - archive (UNIX/PC)
Email:[email protected]
Email:[email protected]
Hans Boehms GC - Hans Boehms free Garbage Collector

Conservative garbage collector for C/C++.  Several interfaces are
provided. Can be used as a transparent malloc replacement, or implements
much of the Detlefs/Ellis C++ GC proposal, or can be used as an allocator
for SGI's STL.

Can be used with the large majority of operating systems that support 32-
or 64-bit flat addressing, i.e. almost all UNIX variants, win32, and a few

Operating Systems:
  - Unix
  - PC 32-bit Windows
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 04/12/97 
Licencing : Copyrighted freeware
FTP from - Old version
High level vector operations

Contains the Aitken-Lagrange interpolation over the table of uniform or
arbitrary mesh, and the Hook-Jeevse multidimensional minimizer. Precision

Obsolete - now part of the Lin-alg package.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 30/07/96 
Licencing : Not known
WWW http:cpplibs2.html#LinAlg.shar
HugeCalc - Arbitrary accuracy large integer calculations

HugeCalc is a package for performing long integer calculations with
up to 300 digits of accuracy. The package allows C++ programmers to
define objects of type HugeInt and use them just like ordinary
integers to perform addition, subtraction and multiplication
operations. Most of the ordinary mathematical operators are supported
in the ordinary fashion. Includes object modules for Borland C++,
example programs and complete documentation. Shareware version
contains object modules for tiny, small and medium memory models only.

Operating Systems:
  - PC DOS
  - Borland C++
  - Visual C++
Added : 27/11/97   Amended : 27/11/97 
Licencing : Shareware
Author:Zvika Ben-Haim
WWW - Official software homepage
WWW - Download from Technion 
- Download from Funet (Finland)
WWW - Download from Simtel.Net 
Email:[email protected] - Send mail to the author
InterViews - GUI class library developed by Stanford University

Make sure you get v3.1 or later. This library contains excellent examples
of multiple inheritance used profitably. I understand that InterViews
development will not continue past the current version; author Mark Linton
is concentrating his efforts on the X Consortium Fresco project, which
should show up in X11R6.

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
FTP from
FTP from
ISC366.ZIP - Interrupt Service Class (v. 3.66)

 Allows hooking of interrupts (software and hardware) into classes, comes
with classes for staying resident, for serial communication (interrupt
driven), and like-wise classes. Comes with full source code!

Operating Systems:
  - PC DOS
  - Borland C++ 3.0
  - Borland C++ 3.1,4.X
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Public Domain
FTP from
FTP from
JX - Application framework and widget library for use with X Windows

JX is a full-featured C++ application framework and GUI class library for X
Windows. It provides support for all facets of application development, including distributed 
and aims to combine the best of MacOS and NeXTSTEP.  It is built directly
on top of Xlib and has been carefully optimized for performance.

Operating Systems:
  - Dec Alpha
  - Dec Ultrix
  - HP UX
  - Linux
  - SGI Irix
  - Solaris
  - Sparc
  - SunOS
  - Unix
  - X Windows
  - Designed to work on any UNIX platform
  - Gnu CC
  - Designed to be compiler independent
Added : 06/12/97   Amended : 06/12/97 
Licencing : Copyright (other)
WWW! - JX Main Page
WWW - SYPP license
Submitted by:[email protected] - John Lindal
Kalman - A class library for Kalman filtering

Contains lumatrix.c++ etc.

  - Gnu CC
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Author:Skip Carter
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
Lapack++ - C++ version of some of lapack fortran code

Developmental version of proposed C++ version of lapack. Contains blas.h++
etc, but needs Fortran library to link.

Documents   : Overview paper (9 pages postscript), release notes (7 page

Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
Author:J. Dongarra, R. Pozo, D. Walker
FTP from
LEDA, - A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms

Provides basic data-types like lists, stacks, queues, trees, sets,
partitions, priority queues and a few others. These are parameterizable
classes, you may add your own datatype and have a priority queue ... An
important datatype is a graph, these are also parameterizable and there
are useful algorithms for them like shortest path, transitive closure,
matching, maximum flow, spanning tree and others, we have implemented a
few algorithms for dealing with perfect graphs, but these ar not part of
the standard library. The latest part deals with computational geometry.

 It can be used with C++ compilers which understand templates

  - Cfront
  - Gnu CC
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Education
Author:Stefan Naeher
FTP from
Email:[email protected]
Postal address:Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik, Im Stadtwald, 6600 Saarbruecken, Germany
libg++ - (GNU's C++ library)

Libg++ is probably only relevant if you are using g++; and if so, you
already know about it. It does have some good implementations of bignum's
and of regular expressions and strings.

  - Gnu CC
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : Not known
FTP from
Lily (LIsp LibrarY) - Gives C++ programmers the capability to write LISP-style code

  I think Lily will be useful in academia for instructors who want to
teach artificial intelligence techniques with C++.  The garbage collection
mechanism employed by Lily is slow which will make it unattractive for
commercial use.

Documentation is minimal.  The "Lily User's Guide" (in file lily.txt)
provides a good overview of the architecture of Lily -- the document is
unfinished. All of the example programs are from Winston's book "LISP
Second Edition" so you will be much better off if you have a copy. 
Steele's "Common LISP" describes the behavior of the LISP functions.

Operating Systems:
  - PC Windows 3
  - Unix
  - Gnu CC
  - Borland Turbo C++
Added : 01/01/95   Amended : 01/01/95 
Licencing : GNU copyleft
FTP from
LinAlg.shar - basic linear algebra classes and applications

basic linear algebra classes and applications (SVD, interpolation,
multivariate optimization)

The package contains declarations of Matrix, Vector, subMatrix over the
real domain, and *efficient* and fool-proof implementations of level 1 & 2
BLAS (element-wise operations + various multiplications), transpositions
and determinant evaluation/inversion. There are operations on a single
row/col/diagonal of a matrix.

The "new style" of returning matrices (via LazyMatrix) and filling them

New in the Jan 1996 version: extended to include singular value
decomposition (SVD) and its applications to (a regularized) solution of
simultaneous linear equations (with possibly rectangular matrices) and
(pseudo)matrix inverse.

This version of LinAlg.shar also includes Aitken-Lagrange interpolation
over the table of uniform or arbitrary mesh, and a Hook-Jeevse local
multidimensional minimizer, formerly of hl_vector.shar package.

Matrix/Vector/etc classes are expanded with new methods.

More attention to Matrix/Vector promises.

The code is made cross-platform compatible (compiles both under UNIX and
on a Mac).

See LinAlg.h for the complete list of classes and functions, and,, etc. test drivers as to how the features can be
used. See README for hints.

Operating Systems:
  - Mac
  - Unix
  - Solaris
  - Dec Alpha
  - SGI Irix
  - Gnu CC
  - MetroWerks CodeWarrior
Added : 22/05/96   Amended : 30/07/96 
Licencing : Public Domain
Author:Oleg Kiselyov
FTP from - Mac distribution
FTP from - archive (UNIX/PC)
Email:[email protected]
Email:[email protected]
This public domain portable C++ library is the bas - MozillaV3 CGI C++ Library

This public domain portable C++ library is the basis of a CGI. It contains
all external aspects that should be required by a CGI  script, from
options to hash containers. It provides one minute  implementation of
hours of work and allows optimal performance  and ease of use. Writing a
guestbook using this library which can be used by as many people as wanted
is a question of minutes! This  Mozilla-V3 library is in a state of
providing all internal structures  to write virtually any kind of html
output CGI.

This library was written for an HTML based forum (called aGNeS) that is
successfully running for hundreds of users all over the world. It is open
for all suggestions and modifications. 

  - Gn   u CC
  - Visual 
Added : 04/12/97   Amended : 04/12/97 
Licencing : Public Domain
Submitted by:[email protected], [email protected] - Daniel Doubrovkine
Trumphurst Home Page
Web version of this list
Mail amendments or additions to this list to [email protected]
The C++ Usenet Newsgroup is comp.lang.c++

Copyright (c)  1997  Nikki Locke, Trumphurst Ltd.
Permission is granted to distribute over the Internet without charge.
The author's permission is required (and usually given) to distribute
in any other way, including on CD.
Mail the author at [email protected] for permission to distribute

Nikki Locke, Trumphurst Ltd.      PC & Unix consultancy & programming
[email protected]  

Inferno Solutions
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