Archive-name: computer-lang/Ada/comp-lang-ada/part3 Comp-lang-ada-archive-name: comp-lang-ada/part3 Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: 24 May 1996 Last-posted: 22 April 1996 comp.lang.ada Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Recent changes to this FAQ are listed in the first section after the table of contents. This document is under explicit copyright. This is part 3 of a 3-part posting; part 1 contains the table of contents. Part 2 begins with question 4. Parts 1 and 2 should be the previous postings in this thread. 7: Bindings 7.1: General The AdaIC (see question 5.2, above) has a report on "Available Ada Bindings". It can be ordered in hardcopy as flyer T82, or it can be downloaded. It is available by anonymous FTP on the AdaIC host in directory 7.2: POSIX/Ada 7.2.1: What is the status of the POSIX/Ada work? The Ada Binding to POSIX System Services (IEEE Std 1003.5-1992) was recently approved as ISO 14519.1:1995. The IEEE approved IEEE Standard 1003.5-1992 in June 1992. This is the Ada Binding to the facilities defined in ISO 9945-1:1989/IEEE 1003.1-1990, the POSIX System Services. IEEE Standards Committee P1003.5 has worked on Ada bindings to IEEE draft standards 1003.4, Real-Time Extensions and 1003.4a, Threads Extensions. Current plans are to fast-track the real-time amendment (IEEE project P1003.5b) through ISO as soon as it passes its IEEE ballot. IEEE approval is expected "soon" (4Q95/1Q96), as the final round of IEEE balloting is wrapping up. For more information, contact the P1003.5 Chairman, Jim Lonjers ([email protected], 805/987-9457). 7.2.2: How can I get a copy of POSIX/Ada? You can buy a copy of the standard from the IEEE. The order number is "SH 15354", and the mailing address is "IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331". They will accept credit-card orders at 1-800/678-4333. The cost is $62.50 + $5.00 s/h ($43.75 + $4.00 s/h for IEEE Members). 7.2.3: Is it available via FTP? Current IEEE policy prohibits electronic distribution of IEEE standards. Proceeds from the sale of IEEE standards help support the IEEE standards program. However, The POSIX P1003.5 committee has been able to work out an arrangement with the IEEE to make the POSIX/Ada package specifications available for distribution via e-mail and anonymous FTP from directory /POSIX-bindings 7.3: How do I interface X Window System with Ada? This question turns out to be pretty darn hard to answer easily. There are at least three variables that need to be filled: 1. platform where you are going to be running. 2. compiler you would like to use. 3. level/flavor of X you would like to run (e.g., just need bindings to Xlib, want Openlook as opposed to Motif, etc). Once you fill all three of the above, then you can start to get answers. In order to keep the answer brief, companies that offer such products are simply listed, along with locations where free versions are available. Before giving you the list, a little history is in order. The first Xlib bindings that were publically available were done by SAIC for STARS. This implementation had many bugs, but it was there, and it was free. This version was eventually withdrawn from the STARS repository, and has now been replaced with a better one. In addition, SAIC has done an Xt implementation based on these Xlib bindings (also for STARS). NOTE: the above description may well be inaccurate, corrections are welcome. Now, for the list: First off, there is a pretty complete list of available bindings for X at the AdaIC. FTP Location: Free versions: STARS: bindings to Xlib and Xt. Available on Note: the ASSET host no longer takes anonymous FTP. To request an account, contact: [email protected] Non-free versions: SERC: bindings to Xlib/Xt/Motif contact: [email protected] (Scott Cleveland) Verdix: bindings to Xlib/Xt/Motif (Note that bindings to Xview are included with the SunAda Sun4 compiler) contact: [email protected] (Paul Moskowitz) ATC: bindings to Xlib/Xt/Motif contact: ??? TeleSoft (now part of Thomson Software Products, ex-Alsys): bindings to Xlib/Xt/Motif (TeleWindows) (Note that bindings to Xview are included with the TeleSoft Sun4 compiler) contact: [email protected] X-based GUI (Graphical User Interface) Builders: Objective (OIS): Screen Machine contact: Phil Carrasco (703/264-1900) TeleSoft (now part of Thomson Software Products, ex-Alsys): TeleUSE contact: [email protected] EVB Software Engineering, Inc. : GRAMMI contact : [email protected] or [email protected] with subject "send grammi" Sun Microsystems: DevGuide contact: ??? SERC: UIL-to-Ada code generator (not really a GUI-builder, but works with several builders to generate Ada instead of other languages). contact: [email protected] (Scott Cleveland) _________________________________________________________________ 8: Is there a list of good Ada books? An extensive, annotated list is included in the companion Learning Ada FAQ. Otherwise, just for a list of texts (no evaluations or recommendations) take a look at _________________________________________________________________ 9: Resources 9.1: What FTP sites contain information about Ada or Ada source? Public Ada Library (formerly Ada Software Repository) (Internet address: Mirror: European mirror: (Internet address: European CD-ROM mirror: in pub/Ada-Belgium/cdrom Ada-Belgium ftp server in pub/Ada-Belgium AdaIC (Ada Information Clearinghouse) in public/AdaIC [mirrored by the PAL, listed above] (Internet address: ASSET / STARS (Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems): (Internet Address: Note: the ASSET host no longer takes anonymous FTP. To request a free account, contact: [email protected] 9.2: Reuse 9.2.1: Are there any free, public-domain, or other general-access software repositories that contain Ada source code and information on reuse? There are a number of them, among them PAL (the Public Ada Library), AdaBasis, and ELSA, described below. Public Ada Library (formerly Ada Software Repository) Formerly the Ada Software Repository (ASR), the Public Ada Library (PAL) is a collection of programs, components, tools, general information, and educational materials; taking up hundreds of megabytes, it contains the source code for hundreds of distinct items as documented in its Master Index. Previously housed on the SIMTEL20 host computer, it is now located at Washington University at St. Louis's host ( -- which had been a mirror site for the ASR). The PAL is available for anonymous FTP, directory: The PAL has its own FAQ, a copy of which is stored in directory which stores the FAQ files posted to news.answers. AdaBasis AdaBasis consists of about 560 MB public domain source code and documents, mainly taken from the Public Ada Library (PAL). The software has been classified and is presented in a hierarchical manner, separated in different application domains, and, for some domains, with an additional multi-faceted searching facility. The intent is to provide students, teachers and researchers with a large collection of reusable Ada components and systems for use in language and software engineering courses. AdaBasis is a WWW server at URL which was set up by the Programming Languages Group of the Institut für Informatik at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. They plan to enlarge the library in the future, and welcome free public domain contributions. For more informations or to make suggestions please contact [email protected] ELSA (previously AdaNet) ELSA is a component of the Repository Based Software Engineering (RBSE) Program sponsored by NASA's Technology Utilization Division. It is a public-domain reuse library containing value-added software from ASR (PAL), STARS, JPL, many educational institutions, and various other sources. The non-software information includes relevant research papers, standards, and technical reports. ELSA also distributes components on floppy disks. All of its services are free of charge. For more information, contact ELSA Client Service at 1-800/444-1458 or [email protected]. 9.2.2: Is there some sort of database of re-usable Ada software components? You might want to join ACM SigAda (see question 5.3) in order to subscribe to Ada Letters. They publish a list of reusable components on an annual basis. In fact, it is more of a list of lists, in that it mentions places that have sets of reusable components. The maintainer of the Ada Letters "master list" is [email protected] (also [email protected]). To our knowledge this list is NOT available online. Check also the software repositories, mentioned above (question 9.2.1). 9.3: Where can I get Ada benchmark programs? In addition to the information below, you may also wish to look at the AdaIC flyer "How to Obtain Benchmark Performance Test Suites and Results", flyer C15, file benchmrk.txt. The Ada Compiler Evaluation Capability/Ada Compiler Evaluation System The Ada Compiler Evaluation System (ACES) is a set of tools for systematically measuring the performance and usability of Ada compilation and execution systems (on a specific operating system). The entire ACES, software, and documentation is available on the WWW at URL and is also available for downloading via anonymous FTP from the AdaIC host computer, where it can be found in directory The Ada Evaluation System The Ada Evaluation System (AES) may be obtained from the British Standards Institute at the following address: Software Product Services Software Engineering Department BSIQA P.O. Box 375 Milton Keynes MK14 6LL United Kingdom Tel: 0908 220908 UUCP: [email protected] (Internet: [email protected]) As of February 1993, the current version is the DIY-MAPSE-01 version. It is available at a cost of 3,000 pounds sterling. BSI also offers a validation service at a cost of 24,000 pounds sterling. Principal documents are a User's Manual, a Reference Manual, and a Test Description Document. The Ada Evaluation System (AES) was merged with the Ada Compiler Evaluation Capability (ACEC) under a joint agreement between the Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom and the Department of Defense of the United States that was signed in June of 1991. The merged product has been released as the Ada Compiler Evaluation System (ACES), which is the latest version of the ACEC. Hartstone Benchmarks Electronic-mail requests for Hartstone should be sent to the following Internet address: [email protected] The reply message will contain full details of how to obtain source code and documentation by various means, including anonymous FTP. There is no charge for the Hartstone source code. For people without Internet access, the address to send requests to is: REST Transition Services Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 Phone: 412/268-7787 Hartstone source code may also be retrieved from the PIWG bulletin board. (See below.) The PIWG Benchmarks The ACM Performance Issues Working Group (PIWG) benchmarks may be obtained in one of three ways: 1. Via anonymous FTP from the machine. Users should issue the command "ftp" and log in using the word "anonymous" as the login name and an identifying string (e.g., the user's e-mail address) as password. Change directory ("cd" command) to the "public/piwg/piwg_11_92" directory and use the FTP file-transfer commands to retrieve the files. The README file contains information about using the benchmarks. 2. Via the PIWG bulletin board. Ideally, users should access this from a PC (rather than a dumb terminal) using a modem capable of sending and receiving at 1200 baud or higher. The number of the bulletin board is 412/268-7020. Once connected to the bulletin board, users will be able to navigate their way around the system using simple menus that the system provides. The point of contact for this service is Gene Rindels, 412/268-6728. 3. Via a written request or telephone request to the following service: PIWG Distribution Software Engineering Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 Tel: 412/268-7787 As of February 1993, the current release of the PIWG suite is the one dated 11/92. There is no charge for the PIWG benchmarks. Documentation for the PIWG benchmarks consists principally of the READ.ME file distributed with the suite and comments in the individual test programs and command files. There is also additional information about the PIWG suite in the Winter 1990 special edition of Ada Letters (Vol. X, No. 3, special edition on Ada Performance Issues). 9.4: Are there any dial-up BBS systems that deal with Ada? (Caveat: Telephone numbers can change without notice. If I find out a number doesn't work, it will be noted but the entry will be kept in until I'm sure the service has actually been discontinued. If you are aware of a better number, please let me know.) AdaIC BBS Tel: 703/681-2845 Baud Rate: 300-28,800 Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: XON/XOFF Emulation: VT100 Once a connection is achieved, login: guest password: Ada4sw-eng AdaNet BBS: This is a free service that maintains e-mail connections for people not on the Internet, an Ada source code repository, and a selection of other on-line Ada-related documents. It is sponsored by NASA. Call 800/444-1458 to register for access. Air Force Software Technology Support Center (STSC) BBS Tel: 801/774-6509 Baud: 2400, 1200, 300 Bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 ACM SIGAda Performance Issues Working Group PIWG Ada Benchmarks BBS Tel: 412/268-7020 Embedded Systems Programming Magazine BBS Tel: 415/905-2689 Naval Computer Telecommunications Command Tel: 804/444-7841 (DSN 564-7841) R.R. Software. Inc. Tel: 608/251-5121 9600 baud max. _________________________________________________________________ 10: Credits The following persons have contributed, directly or indirectly through e.g. comp.lang.ada, to the information gathered in this FAQ (which was managed by the AdaIC before August 1994): Stéphane Barbey, John Barnes, Moti Ben-Ari, Heddy Boubaker, Carl Bowman, David Bulman, Susan Carlson, G. Vincent Castellano, Cyrille Comar, Robert Dewar, Patrick Donohoe, Rolf Ebert, Herndon R. Elliott, Dave Emery, Don Erway, Michael Feldman, John Goodenough, Niklas Holsti, Drew Johnson, Michele L. Kee, Mathew Lodge, "tjmesler", Gary Morris, Robb Nebbe, Karl Nyberg, Pascal Obry, Fabrizio Oddone, Richard O'Keefe, Kurt Olender, Manuel Op de Coul, Isaac Pentinmaki, Margie Price, Richard Riehle, Sergey Rybin, Tucker Taft, Keith Thompson, Dave Weller, David Wheeler, and the maintainer has simply :-) organized, polished, or added some information for your satisfaction. The general HTML structure of this FAQ was originally inspired by the (now differently structured) WWW FAQ. _________________________________________________________________ 11: Copying this FAQ This FAQ is Copyright © 1994-1996 by Magnus Kempe. It may be freely redistributed --as posted by the copyright holder in comp.lang.ada-- in other forums than Usenet News as long as it is completely unmodified and that no attempt is made to restrict any recipient from redistributing it on the same terms. It may not be sold or incorporated into commercial documents without the explicit written permission of the copyright holder. Permission is granted for this document to be made available under the same conditions for file transfer from sites offering unrestricted file transfer on the Internet and from Forums on e.g. Compuserve and Bix. This document is provided as is, without any warranty. _________________________________________________________________ Magnus Kempe -- [email protected]
Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov äÏÂÁ×ÉÔØ, ðÏÄÄÅÒÖÁÔØ, ÷ÅÂÍÁÓÔÅÒÕ |