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Catalog of compilers, interpreters, and other language tools [p1of1]

Pointer to free language tools that include source code
Archive-name: compilers/free/part1
Last-modified: 2000/02/08
Version: 10.3 - pointer

The Catalog of Free Compilers and Interpreters lists freely available
software for language tools, which includes the following: compilers,
compiler generators, interpreters, translators, important libraries,
assemblers, etc.  -- things whose user interface is a language.
Natural language processing tools may also be included.

There is a HTML version available on the web at:

The catalog can be ftp'ed: get

Users without web or FTP access can retrieve the catalog in five parts
from the comp.compilers mail server.  Send a message to:

	[email protected]

Send the message "send free1" to get the first part, up through
"send free5" for the fifth part.  Send "help" to find out about other

Each part is about 70K so users on systems which limit the size of
incoming mail may want to retrieve the parts one or two at a time.

You can send whatever new items or updates you have to the catalog to
<[email protected]>.  Updates are once again posted frequently.

Send compilers articles to [email protected], meta-mail to
[email protected].  Archives at

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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov
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