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comp.lang.tcl Frequently Asked Questions (January 31, 2002) (2/6)

A regular posting of the comp.lang.tcl Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and their answers. This is the second of six parts. This part covers Internet resources.
Archive-name: tcl-faq/part2
Posting-Frequency: at least once a quarter
Last-modified: January 31, 2002
Version: 8.144
Comp-lang-tcl-archive-name: tcl-faq.part02

	For more information concerning Tcl (see "part1"),
(see "part3"), (see "part4"), (see "part5") or (see "part6").

Index of questions:

VII.  Where can I find information relating to Tcl on the Internet?
VIII. Are there any mailing lists covering topics related to Tcl/Tk?
IX.   On what sites can I find the FAQ?
X.    On what sites can I find archives for comp.lang.tcl?

End of FAQ Index



From: FAQ General information
Subject: -VII-  Where can I find information relating to Tcl on the Internet?

000. The following newsgroups often are likely locations for Tk extension
related discussions: <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl >, <URL:>,
<URL: news:comp.lang.python >, <URL: news:comp.lang.misc>.

Announcements about Tcl or Tk related code releases may be seen in
<URL: news:comp.lang.tcl.announce >, <URL: news:comp.archives>,
<URL: >, and <URL: news:comp.lang.perl.announce>
as well.

Discussions concerning porting of Tcl and/or Tk into new OSes occasionally
are found in newsgroups such as <URL: news:comp.os.linux.development.apps >,
<URL: >, <URL:>,
<URL: >, and <URL: news:comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc>.

Discussions relating to specific applications can be found in newsgroups
such as <URL: news:alt.comp.tkdesk >.

Foreign language discussions concerning Tcl and Tk can be found in
<URL: news:maus.os.linux >, <URL: news:maus.os.linux68k>,
<URL: news:de.comp.lang.tcl >, <URL: news:fr.comp.lang.tcl>,
and <URL: news:fj.lang.tcl >.

001. The introductory papers on Tcl and Tk by Dr. J. Ousterhout are
available at <URL: >,
<URL: >,
<URL: >. (The last of these files
is the contents of Figure 10 of the Tk paper). The examples from the
Ousterhout book are available in one large file as
<URL: >. A series of
PostScript slides used in an introduction/tutorial on Tcl and Tk at
several X and Usenix Conferences are available as
<URL: >. Dr. Ousterhout has
written an engineering style guide that describes the coding, documentation,
and testing conventions that are used in Tcl and has made it available to
other Tcl/Tk developers. It is located at
<URL: >. Feedback is welcome,
but specifics concerning actual conventions are unlikely to change. Primarily
there is room for changes on the presentation itself, as well as additional
conventions which should be present but are not. Notes pointing to a conflict
between a stated convention and Tcl or Tk base code are of interest. Send
comments to Dr. Ousterhout <URL: mailto:[email protected] > .
There is also pointers to slide
presentations made at the Symposium on Very High Level Languages and papers
concerning intelligent agents on the Internet. 
Pointers to various Tcl applications (such as the Tcl Plugin, SpecTcl/SpecJava,
WebTk), as well as FAQs and tutorials about these applications, can be found
on the <URL: > site.
A recent article in Sunworld
Scriptics has a page comparing Tcl to Visual Basic, Perl and Javascript at
<URL: >.
Scriptics have begun a series of "How To" articles.  See
<URL: > for pointers to articles
on using TclPro, using Tcl 8.1 regular expressions and internationalization
features, creating tcl object commands, the option command, namespaces,
tcl threading models, and more.

002. PostScript versions of published papers by <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
(Don Libes) relating to Expect can be found on the net.
(See "bibliography/part1") for details about the published papers.
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >

Some pointers to information concerning the Exploring Expect book
are <URL: >,
<URL: >,
<URL: >.
Also, see <URL: > for the WWW home of
Expect, as well as other tools that Don has written. A web page for Don's
CGI library can be found at <URL: >.

Also, someone has taken the documentation for Expect and reformatted it
so that it can be installed on a Palm Pilot.  Search
<URL: > for the current version.

003. A set of PostScript files collected for the Tcl 93 workshop proceedings
is available as
<URL: >
and contains the PostScript for a number of the papers and slides
presented at this workshop.

004. A second set of PostScript files consisting primarily of overhead slides
is available as
<URL: >

005. The Tcl Compiler (TC) Frequently Asked Questions by Adam Sah
<URL: mailto:[email protected] > is a document describing TC, which is
a work in progress.  Contact Adam for details.

006. A compact yet detailed overview of Tcl, Tk and Xf is available thanks
to the graciousness of <URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Dietmar Theobald) at
<URL: >
(compressed format) and
<URL: >
(gzip format).  More on the entire OBST project, which is an object-oriented
database interface called tclOBST, can be found at the
<URL: > page.

It is called Tcl/Tk in a Nutshell, was last updated in July of 1993,
and is part of the STONE structured open environment.

007. Softcopy of an article about PhoneStation, a tool using Tk and Tcl
presented at the 1993 Winter USENIX Conference is available as
<URL: >.

008. A paper on Radar Control software which uses Tcl, by J. H. VanAndel is
available in PostScript form via the experimental web server
<URL: >.

009. Mark A. Harrison <URL: mailto:[email protected] >  has written a
Tk/Tcl information sheet, providing an introductory look at why one
might want to use Tcl and Tk.  Version 1.0 was posted to comp.lang.tcl
as <URL: news:[email protected] >.  Contact him for a copy.
Mark also gave a paper
<URL: >
at the O'Reilly Open Source Conference on how Tcl/Tk is being used in
China, and how easy Tcl/Tk 8.2 made things.

010. Cedric Beust <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has written a short
article giving guidelines on where to start when writing a Tcl
extension.  You may find it at
<URL: >.  It is
titled "Writing a Tcl extension: the Toocl example" and describes the
work done on the Tooltalk extension.  The paper is dated August 10,

011. Douglas Pan and Mark Linton <URL: mailto:[email protected] > have
written the paper ``Dish: A Dynamic Invocation Shell for Fresco''.
It is available at <URL: >.  The FAQ
as well as some other papers are in <URL: >.
Fresco is an X Consortium project - non-members interested in contributing
to the effort should contact Mark Linton.

012. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library now has a page on Tcl and Tk.
You can find it at <URL: >.
It points off to a number of other resources, though certainly
not all of them.

013. A WorldWideWeb (WWW) resource for Ada Tcl is available as
<URL: >.

014. A WWW resource for the MBV Lab's Tcl/Tk support is
<URL: >.

015. A WWW resource for what appears to be a German introduction/tutorial
on Tcl and Tk is at <URL: >.

016. A WWW resource describing the HTML to Tcl preprocessor is
available at <URL: >.

017.  See <URL: > for a WWW
directory of services relating to Tcl.

018. A WWW resource discussing Tk/Tcl style issues is available at
<URL: >

019. A WWW resource discussing Visual Numerics PV-Wave with Tk/Tcl is
available at <URL: >.

020. Cameron Laird <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has a number
of extremely useful WWW pages relating to Tcl.  For instance, one
provides assistance to users in resolving common linking problems when
building Tcl.
<URL: >.
Others covering a wide variety of subjects, such as
Tcl compilers <URL: >,
server side WWW Tcl scripting, and many others, are available beginning at
<URL: >.
as well as others that you can find from his home page.
<URL: >
covers web servers with tcl embedded.
For instance, see
<URL: >.
for pointers to various binaries.
Note that Cameron has pages concerning Tcl 8.0 migration, pointers to
Tcl Workshop reviews and spin offs, and many other topics - too many
to list here.  Cameron has also written a number of articles in SunWorld,
including this
<URL: >
article discussing the pros and cons of the major scripting languages,
<URL: >
which discusses Tk and Unicode support.
He also provides
<URL: >
which begins an effort to provide a variety of 'good' tcl code examples.
<URL: >
contains pointers to a varity of tutorials.
<URL: >
contains information regarding Tcl on Windows.
<URL: >
provides a brief overview of how to get started with Jacl and TclBlend.
<URL: >
is an article written by Cameron about XML and web service programming in Tcl.
<URL: >
and <URL: > point to several articles of
potential interest to Tcl-ers.

021. Nat Pryce <URL: mailto:[email protected] > began a project to collect
Tcl programming idioms or patterns.  See
<URL: > for the original
root of this document.  He has now moved the data to the more generic
<URL: > which
deals with various scripting languages, but continues providing
Tcl specific idioms in its own sub-tree.
<URL: > discusses
how to set up Windows environment to launch Tcl applications.

022. A set of WWW resources discussing the Fermilab's use of Tcl within
a massive data manipulation package at one time was found at
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
as well as various pages underneath this set of homes.
The problem is to digitally image the entire night sky in five colors,
and the entire top layer of the data reduction package is based on Tcl.

023. A soft file containing notes on Tcl and quoting philosophy can be
found at <URL: >.

024. There are references to Tcl and Tk (and perhaps other Tcl based
interpreters) within The Catalog of Free Compilers and Interpreters
<URL: > and
The Language List <URL: >.

025. The first Tcl 'home page' available via the WWW URL was at .
It appears to be gone now.
Thanks to Mike Hopkirk <URL: mailto:[email protected] > for the time,
energy and resources for having made this available.
Note that one of the older versions of this page is also available for those behind a firewall as
<URL: >.
This WWW link used to be mirrored at numerous locations.  
The info on this page, the last I checked, was 2-3 years out of date, but
might be useful for someone looking for tips for older versions of tcl.

026. A Tcl based chat room called Felix is avail at
<URL: >.

027. The PLEAC project aims to re-implement the solutions presented in the
O'Reilly Perl Cookbook in other programming languages.  Tcl is represented - but
only a small degree.  See <URL: > and contribute
where you can.

028. One develper's details on building a static version of wish are outlined
at <URL: >

029. Documentation on the Tcl processing of WWW's server Common Gateway
Interface (known as CGI) can be found at
<URL: >.

030. Mark Roseman <URL: mailto:[email protected] > prepared a brief
comparison between Tcl/Tk and the Interviews C++ toolkit.  It is
available via email by contacting him.  Mark kept a WWW page
going concerning Macintosh Tcl/Tk related projects.  It used to be at
<URL: >, however that
currently doesn't seem to be working.

031. Information about the SIMON Mosaic hotlist management tool can be
found at <URL: >.

032. Information about Fritz Heinrichmeyer's experimental Schematic SPICE
interface, tkSketch, is available from
<URL: >.
Fritz is using STk for further development of this tool.

033. Information about ical is now accessible from
<URL: >.

034. Wade Holst <URL: mailto:[email protected] > at one point provided HyperTcl,
a WWW page providing various views on info available to the Tcl community.
Unfortunately, it has grown out of date.
It can still be found at <URL: >.

035.  An interesting site is <URL: >,
which is a database registry for various domains of topics.
Don Libes <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has created a Tcl domain
where one can, for instance, do a search for rand and find pointers to
various implementations of random number generators for Tcl. The
NICS paper Don presented at one of the Tcl conferences is
<URL: >.
See also the news article
<URL:[email protected]&choice=Search >
for an explanation Don posted to <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl >.
A domain has also been created at the NIST Identifier Collaboration
Service for Tcl object types.

036. The Linux Gazette, found at WWW <URL: >,
has mentioned Tcl or Tk in at least Issues 9, 10, 11.

037. A Tk reference card can be found at
<URL: >.
This TeX and PostScript version of a Tk 3.3 card was provided by
Paul Raines <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
A home page for tkmail can be found at
<URL: >.

038. A good document on Xauth is available at
<URL: >
<URL: >.

039. The documentation for the Xf command is available in European page format
as <URL: >
as well as United States page format as
<URL: >.

040. Vivek Khera <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has written a primer on
setting up your environment for xauth (by default a requirement under
Tk 3.3) in the document <URL: >.

041. A list of MPEG animations, done with Tcl scripts using TSIPP can
be found at <URL: >.

042. Project DA-CLOD (Distributedly Administered Categorical List of Documents)
allows the Web participants to set up organizational pages.  So a Tcl
page has been set up.  Check out
<URL: >
or go directly to Tcl by way of
<URL: >.

044. A home page for a map marking program can be found at
<URL: >.

045. The Scientific Applications on Linux (SAL) web site is a collection
of information and links to software that will be of interest to
scientists and engineers. The broad coverage of Linux applications will
also benefit the whole Linux/Unix community.  It includes a few
Tcl entries - thought not many that are truly scientific in nature.
<URL: >.

046. Clif Flynt's WWW page <URL: >
compares a number of the static tcl code validity testers that are
The contents of his poster session from the 1997 Tcl/Tk workshop in
Boston, found at <URL: >,
discuss a set of coding conventions to help reduce the pain of
maintaining Tcl.

047. Documentation for the DART project can be found at
<URL: >.
There may be some problem with this server.

048. NeoSoft now has a TclX home page - see
<URL: >.  They also have a home
page for NeoWebScript, an extension to the Apache HTTP server to allow
adding features via tcl.  See <URL: >.
See also the following:
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >

049. An overview page for the program currently known as tkWWW is
<URL: >.
A status page for tkWWW from CERN is found at
<URL: >
Internals information can be found at
<URL: gopher:// >

050. An example of the output from TreeLink can be found at
<URL: >.
TreeLink is a Tk/Tcl program which draws a hypergraph of links from an
HTML document.

051. The documentation for the ILU software environment, which enables
systems to be written which communicate between many different languages,
including Tcl, can be found at
<URL: >.

052. Huayong YANG <URL: mailto:[email protected] > in
<URL: news:[email protected] > wrote a review of Tcl and the Tk Toolkit.

053. A page to locate the various versions of Wafe can be found at
<URL: >.
Wafe's home page can be found at <URL: >.

054. A draft paper titled "Kidnapping X Applications" is available as a
part of the TkSteal tar file.  It is authored by Sven Delmas and
discusses the use of the TkSteal package to integrate existing X
applications into a Tcl/Tk
based program without having to make changes to the X application.

055. A page dedicated to the new HTML editor tkHTML used to be found at
<URL: >.  It is now missing.

056. A WWW section for Hdrug , an environment to develop logic grammars
for natural languages, is available at
<URL: >.
It uses ProTcl and TkSteal.

057. The HTML slides and demo pictures for Patrick Duval's talk in New Orleans
titled ``Tcl-Me, a Tcl Multimedia Extension'' can be viewed at
<URL: >
and are available as a tar file at
<URL: >.

058. A set of HTML pages for the scotty and tkined applications have been
created.  They can be found at
<URL: >
<URL: >.

059. An archive for the distributed processing incr tcl discussion may
be found at <URL: gopher:// >.

060. A copy of the dynamic loading of code strategy paper
Kevin B. Kenny <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
presented at the Tcl 94 workshop is accessible on WWW as
<URL: >.

061. Terry Evans <URL: mailto:[email protected] > is coordinating work on a
tcl/tk interface to gdb.  Send him email if you would like to help out.

062. The HTML home page of Jonathan Kaye <URL: mailto:[email protected] >,
<URL: >, contains a pointer to
lisp2wish, a package that allows a Tcl/Tk process and LISP process
to synchronously communicate.

063. The following are a series of references to papers
relating to the Safe TCL package.
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >

064. A review of Tcl and the Tk Toolkit appeared in misc.books.technical
on May 2, 1994 as Message-ID: <URL: news:[email protected] > by
<URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Huayong YANG) who recommended the book
to X window system programmers.

065. Mark Eichin <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has a HTML page in which
he describes a Tcl random number generator.  See
<URL: > for details.  See
<URL: > for pointers to a graph editor
and a dialog box set of routines.  At
<URL: >
you will find the code to make dialog boxes.

066. The ftp address for a Quick Reference TeX guide, updated recently
to Tcl 7.3 is <URL: >.
Many thanks to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Jeff Tranter) for
contributing it.

067. PostScript versions of the man pages were provided by
<URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Adrian Ho).  The addresses for these are
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >

068. A series of papers concerning GroupKit are available as
<URL: ftp://ftp.cpsc.ucalgary/papers/groupkit.CSCW92.tar.Z >
<URL: ftp://ftp.cpsc.ucalgary/papers/ >
<URL: ftp://ftp.cpsc.ucalgary/papers/ >.
An html page is available at
<URL: >.

069. Documentation concerning the DejaGnu Testing Framework can be found
at <URL: >.

070. A very elementary introduction/tutorial to Tk 3.6 can be found at
<URL: >.  It is being
written by <URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Dr. David_Martland).

071. Another new Tcl/Tk topic area is
<URL: >.

072. The documentation for the Object Oriented Graphics package GOOD
can be viewed at <URL: >.

073. <URL: mailto:[email protected] > Sam Shen's WWW page has some useful Tcl
related items.  For instance, a demo of the NArray (numeric array) extension
can be seen by pointing a forms-capable WWW browser at
<URL: >.  One can also get Sam's SNTL
Tcl support library at <URL: >.

074. The source code from the article "A Tutorial Introduction to Tcl and
Tk" by <URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Graham Mark) in Issue 11 (July, 1994) of
_The X Resource_, can be found at
<URL: >
or on one of the ORA mirror sites.  This is for Tk 3.6.

075. Brent Welch now works at Interwoven <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
He has a web page at <URL: > for his book,
Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk which is published by Prentice Hall.
The errata for Brent's book can be found at the book's web site.
Brent's home page is <URL: >.  At his home page,
you will find pointers to Exmh, a Tk interface to MH that Brent has written.

076. The code from the article comparing MetaCard, dtksh and Tcl/Tk
from Issue 11 (July, 1994) of _The X Resource_ can be found at
<URL: >.

077. A WWW home page for Collaborative Biomolecular Tools (CBMT)
can be found at <URL: >.  These
tools consist at a minimum of a Biomolecular C++ class library,
a library of filters and scripts in many languages, including Tcl,
GUI components in Tk and possibly other GUI languages, as well as other
data.  Read the page for more details.

078. The first Internet TclRobots Challenge was held on September 30,
1994.  <URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Tom Poindexter) was the official
judge.  The winner was Jack Hsu <URL: mailto:[email protected] > with
Honorable Mention going to
Lionel Mallet <URL: mailto:[email protected] >,
Stephen O. Lidie <URL: mailto:[email protected] >,
and Motonori Hirano <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
The results can be seen at
<URL: >.
The results from the second challenge can be found at
<URL: >.

079. J.M. Ivler has provided <URL: > as
a WWW based package registration tool.  In this way, authors can
notify the Tcl community as to relevant software.

080. The WWW NNTP page for comp.lang.tcl is found at
<URL: >.

081. The WWW home page for the AudioFile package, which has a number of
Tcl based clients, can be found at
<URL: >.

083. A technical report describing the use and implementation of
tkSather is available as
<URL: >.
Other information concerning Sather and Tk can be found at
<URL: >.

084. A home page for the Teaching Hypertools series of tools is now available
at <URL: >.
This series of tools is intended to be used to add new features to existing
running Tk tools.  An extended editor, designed to cooperate with the
teacher hypertools, is described at
<URL: >.

085. The home page for the Tcl question and answers FAQ can be found at
<URL: >.  It is maintained by
<URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Joe V. Moss).

086.  A paper from the 1997 Austrailian WWW Technical Conference titled
"Scripting the Web With Tcl/Tk" by
Steve Ball <URL: mailto:[email protected] > can be found at
<URL: >.

087. A ProTCL WWW page (describing the Prolog to Tcl/Tk interface) can be
found by browsing <URL: >.

088. A Work In Progress report from SAGE-AU'94 concerning cpumon can be found
at <URL: >.  Note that at
one point, there were some missing screen dumps from the paper, but
it should be updated when the author replaces the images.

089. WWW documentation for the Portable Tk project can be found at
<URL: >.  This project's goal
is to provide proof of concept to the idea of creating a version of Tk
which is portable between X, Windows, MacOS, AmigaDOS, and OS/2.

090. A WWW input form for feedback on Jon Knight's TCL-DP with Multicast
IP can be found at <URL: >.

091. The SCOP command is a program which drives Mosaic and rasMol.  See
<URL: > for details.

092. An article as to why one programmer believes that Tcl use does not
scale to larger projects, see
<URL: >

093. A WWW page which describes a Tcl frontend for processing WWW queries
and forms can be found at <URL: >.

094. A WWW page describing an [incr tcl] widget base class can be found
at <URL: >.  It is by
<URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Nat Pryce).

095. <URL: mailto:[email protected] > (David Gerdes) has made
available a set of black and white slides that he used to teach a course
on Tcl and Tk, with an emphasis on Tk 3.6.  They can be found at
<URL: >. They are
packed 4 per page.  If anyone wants the originals he has offered to put
them there also.  There are also some trivial scripts designed to get
people started.

096. <URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Wayne A. Christopher) has begun a WWW page
with pointers to usenet and other articles comparing Tcl and its
extensions to other language systems.  You can find this at
<URL: >.  At this time, there are
comparisons between tcl/lisp/python, a discussion of Perl versus Tcl,
articles by Stallman, Ousterhout and Throop regarding the use of Tcl in
the FSF, and a critical review of stk.  More articles will be added as
folk make contributions.  Another WWW page, maintained by
<URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Glenn Vanderburg), is at
<URL: > and deals with a
series of selected responses to the Stallman flame war of GNU vs Tcl
which occured during 1994.
Two other Tcl related pages can be found at
<URL: > and
<URL: >.

098. A WWW page to the tcl archives at can be found at
<URL: >.

099. A WWW page describing the interface between Perl 4.x and Tk can be
found at <URL: >.

100. While not directly supporting Tcl, the WWW page at
<URL: http://WWW.thp.Uni-Duisburg.DE/Ygl/ReadMe.html > describes an X11
version of a simulation of SGI's GL under X11.  You might try this with
the Tcl/Tk OpenGL interfaces.

101. Most of the papers from the Tcl 94 workshop can be found at
<URL: >.
Also, a few papers and slides did not make it into the above file.  They
can be found at
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >.

102. The PostScript version of the Master's thesis by Adam Sah
<URL: mailto:[email protected] > can be found at
<URL: >.
<URL: >.

103. A PostScript version of the paper on Rush, the Tcl like language
by Adam Sah <URL: mailto:[email protected] > and John Blow can be found at
<URL: >
as well as
<URL: >

104. An Internet commercial company is using software based on Safe-Tcl.
An index to their technical information can be found at
<URL: >.

105. A home page for YART/VR can be found by looking at
<URL: >.

106. A readme for the Phoenix WYSIWYG HTML editor can be found at
<URL: >.  It
is based on tkWWW.  Also see
<URL: >.

107. The user guide for a multigrid galerkin hierarchical adaptive
triangles solution to second order linear elliptic partial equations,
which uses Tk to display graphical results, can be found at
<URL: >.

108. A home page for an integration of Safe-Tcl/Tk and Mosaic's CCI API
can be found <URL: >.

109. Some summary notes on the Tcl Birds of a Feather session at
the January 1995 USENIX session can be found at
<URL: >.

110. A page of pointers to various Tcl/Tk programs and extensions written by
Dan Wallach (such as TkLayers, TkPostage and TkGLXAux) can be found at
<URL: >.

111. An HTML version of the TclCommandWriting man page that comes with
TclX has been made available on the WWW at
<URL: >.  This page explains the C
API to Tcl, providing an introduction/tutorial on writing Tcl extensions.

112. A new server is available and serving up SuperTclTk.  It can be found
at <URL: > during GMT 17:00-9:00 .

113. Full Oracle 9i documentation about Tcl can be found at
<URL: >

114. A preliminary, older draft of a thesis detailing work
on the use of Tcl and Tk in intelligent agents can be found at
<URL: >.  More information
should be forthcoming in the months ahead.  The software, without
a lot of good documentation, could possibly be available from
the contact of Laurent Demailly <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
<URL: > details a list of tools written
using Tcl, written by Laurent.  Note in particular the WWW related tools
mentioned on this page - there is even a single process multi-tasking
Tcl http server.  An Anonymous Proxy HTTP server written in Tcl is
accessible at <URL: >, with the source
at <URL: >.  Laurent also speculates
about a smaller Tcl-look alike language more suitable for embedding on
devices, etc.  See <URL: >.

115. The documentation for OSE, a set of tools for C++ development which
includes a class to provide integration of Tk with a more comprehensive
C++ based poll/select event handling mechanism, can be found at
<URL: >.

116. The Coral deductive database home page is
<URL: >.  There is a Tk client which can interact
with a Coral server.  There is also a Tcl shell with Coral database
commands, and an explanation tool.

117. At <URL: > you will
find the home page for Mobal, which is a data mining system which has
a Tk GUI interface.

118.  Some published papers relating to Tcl can be found at the following
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >

119. A pointer to a paper discussing Object Tcl is
<URL: >.

120. A pointer to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Peter.DeRijk)'s
page on Tcl is <URL: >.

121. Pacco is a set of widgets that extend Tk for object visualization.
Its home page is <URL: >.

122. A toolkit of software is available from
<URL: >.  Many things are
on this page - a dynamic loading tcl shell, an encoded URL to Tcl array
decoder, a support library for embedding tcl in HTML template files, a
support library to provide support for mailto like functionalify, a
simple order form generator, and a user interface support library are
present.  This is also the home for tkauxlib, a support library for
extended Tcl/Tk capabilities <URL: >.
There are also published papers on the
use of Tcl/Tk in a production application, a proposal for dynamically
loading libraries in Tcl and a note on what to do when Tk reports that
your display is insecure, all pointed to from this page.
<URL: > is the index of
the manual pages for Tcl-WWW.
<URL: > is the URL for information on
using/debugging Tk vs X windows authorization problems.

123. A home page for Jay Sekora <URL: mailto:[email protected] >'s jstools is at
<URL: >.

124. A WWW page detailing Tcl resources can be found at
<URL: >.

125. Online versions of Tcl and Tk manual pages can be found at
<URL: >.

126. A WWW page pointing to various Tcl/Tk software resources can be
found at <URL: >.

127. The home page for <URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Curtis L. Olson),
<URL: >, contains pointers to
a Tcl/Tk interface to a check book balance program.

128.  At the 1994 WWW conference, a number of papers were presented
which mentioned Tcl.  These papers can be found in the proceedings located at
<URL: >.  Here are the
papers that have been brought to my attention to date.
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >

129. Several articles discussing WWW applications written using the Tcl
extension Hush can be found.  One, discussing WWW chat boards, is at
<URL: >.
Another, covering integrating applications and the World Wide Web is at
<URL: >.

130.  <URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Michael D. McCool) used
Tcl to teach a course in 3D computer graphics at the University of
Waterloo.  See <URL: >
more information.  Basically, they are using Tcl/Tk both to build UI's
for projects and to build an object-oriented graphics command language
that they call "Gn", for "graphics notation."

131.  The page <URL: > is home for a number of Tcl/Tk
related items.  For instance, there is quite an interesting lunar calendar
that you can view there.

132. The home page for Phantom, a new interpreted language designed for large
scale interactive distirbuted applications, can be found at
<URL: > and
<URL: >.  It
includes a Tk binding.

133. A home page describing Alpha, the Macintosh text editor with the Tcl
extensions interpreter, can be found at
<URL: >.

134. Conversion notes for updating code to work under both Tk 3.6 and
4.0 can be found at <URL: >.

135. Notes on the sessions from the 1995 Tcl/Tk workshop can be found at
<URL: >.

136. At <URL: > one will find a
page describing a Kanji dictionary program.
TkJdic is a combined wa-ei-wa and kanji dictionary program in
Tcl/Tk.  Its home page is <URL: >.

137.  The SIMEX framework is a C++ class framework for building
discreate event simulation models.  More information can be found at
<URL: >.

138. Over the years, <URL: > has had a number of articles,
such as 
<URL: >, covering news of the Tcl

139.  Dp in ET (DiET) is a patch to Embedded Tcl to support Tcl-DP.
The home reference can be found on
<URL: >.

140. The Rothamsted Experimental Station has a software archive they
provide as a service to others.  In
<URL: > you can find a few useful
Tcl scripts.

141. The home page <URL: > provides
for Tako Schotanus a location for some patches to provide
dashed outlines for Tk canvas items , patches to make itcl work with Tk 4,
patches to make object tcl wish interpreters and patches
to make tkinspect work with incr tcl.

142. The Java folk have made a small informal unsupported effort to merge
Java and Tcl.   See <URL: > for
the details.

143.  The authority home page for [incr tcl] and the soon to be released
[incr tk] can be found at <URL: > and
<URL: >.  Note that [incr widgets], a
set of mega widgets built on itcl and itk by
<URL: mailto:[email protected] >, can be found at
<URL: >.
A general Tcl/Tk resource list can be found at <URL: >.

144. At <URL: > and
<URL: > are a couple
of Postscript documents detailing the work being done concerning
portable Tk.

145. The Unix Review "Internet Notebook" columns of Rich Morin are now
available on line.  See <URL: > for
one about Tcl and Tk.

146. The Plume home page <URL: > is
the beginnings of a guide to writing active message content using Tk 4,
Safe Tcl (stcl), and other pieces of technology.
See <URL: > for more details on writing
server side scripting, servlets, microscripting, and more.

147. W3CNT is a Tcl/Tk/GD based WWW access counter.  You can find its
WWW page at <URL: >.

147. The WWW page for GDtcl, by
<URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Spencer W. Thomas),
can be found at <URL: >.
Note that the author has no plans on continuing support for this
extension, and is seeking someone else to take over work on it.  Also
note that because of the legal situation with Unisys over GIF, even the
GD code on which gdtcl is based is in a development limbo.

148. TkReplay is a record and replay system for Tcl/Tk.  See
<URL: > for details.
<URL: > is the
paper Charles presented at the 1995 Tcl/Tk Workshop.

149. The SunWorld online site at <URL: >
has published several general articles on Tcl.  Do a search there to find
them all.  A recent one was the one on TclBlend and Jacl
<URL: >.

150. A WWW discussion board is available relating to tclwp8 topics.  See
<URL: >.

151. With the appearance of MacOS X, there is likely to be more articles like
<URL: >,
describing to people the benefits of using Tcl and Expect on this platform.
Also at this site there are articles like
<URL: >
which discussing multicasting and Tcl,
<URL: > which talks about Visual Tcl,
<URL: > about Tcl on the Mac, 
<URL: >, an article about XStick, as well
as a few other casual mentions.

152. SoftSmiths have a series of VHDL tools that use Tcl/Tk based interfaces.
See <URL: > for details.

153. The translator of the tcl-faq.part0? FAQs into Japanese now has
a WWW home at <URL: >.
There have been reports that this URL may not be current.

154. Walnut Creek, publisher of CD-ROMs, has a WWW site where they
discuss their various products.  If you look at
<URL: > you will see a description
of the October 1995 product, along with a pointer to
<URL: > where all the items from the CD-ROM
can be found.  Walnut Creek is now shipping a CD-ROM whose contents were
obtained around the beginning of September, 1995.
Contact <URL: mailto:[email protected] > or <URL: mailto:[email protected]>
for more details.

155. WebReview did an article on Tcl - see
<URL: >.

156. Steven Majewski's Programming Language Critque pages has a section
for Tcl at <URL: >.

157. A WWW page of Internet Protocols at
<URL: > contains
a section pointing to libraries and applications for interfacing
between SNMP and Tcl/Tk.

158. The details of <URL: mailto:[email protected] > Wayne Throop's setup
for doing creating and presentations using wish can be found at
<URL: >, along with a sample
of slides on Tcl/Tk.  Other pages of interest from Wayne are the home
pages for tkdraw <URL: >,
very simple cross reference viewer <URL: >,
simple text editor <URL: >,
and map viewer <URL: >.

159. The paper "Experience with Tcl/Tk for Scientific and Engineering
Visualization" by BWK can be found at
<URL: >
<URL: >
(gzipped Postcript (152 kB)).
At <URL: > is
a paper covering performance.

160. A brave attempt at creating a master table of version compatibilities
has been undertaken at <URL: >.

161. The Eolas group, holder of a pending patent on Web applets, has
described in a recent Dr. Dobbs Journal and on
<URL: > the idea of making
a WWW browser which uses Safe Tcl/Tk as the language for applets.

162. A site called "Coop: Computer Supported Cooperative Work" has
built a WWW page at <URL: >
focusing on various software environments for performing one's work
in concert with other users.  A number of pointers to other Tcl
efforts, as well as other languages, can be found on this page.

163. The TACOMA project <URL: >,
which focuses on operating system support for software agents, uses Tcl
and Tk for agents.  One of their applications is called StormCast,
which is a distributed weather prediction software, uses Tcl agents to
distribute across remote sensing sites.

164. AgentTCL <URL: > is a project
to create a transportable agent system.

165. Mobile Service Agents <URL: > is
a project which uses Tcl/Tk for the user interface in a system for accessing
up to the minute information, resources and services using the Internet.

166. MOREplus is a WWW cataloging and database tool which uses Tcl based
processes in its task.  See <URL: > for
more details.  Note that <URL: > is the
Cranberry Square Software Market library of freely distributable software.
They basically organize pointers using a variety of methods of searching.
They have a few Tcl related packages listed, but most of the listings
are old.

167. Network Cybernetics Corporation <URL: >
has released a CD-ROM called Web Wrangler 1 which contains tools for those
folk responsible for creation and maintenance of WWW sites.  Lots of tools
for CGI programming, etc. including tools for using Tcl.

168. TipTop Software <URL: > is the home for information
on ObjectiveTcl.

169. Eric Johnson's WWW pages contain an HTML version of his Windows
FAQ at <URL: > as well as
an intro to Tcl/Tk <URL: >
and a page related to his new Tcl/Tk book
<URL: >. This book comes
with a CD-ROM which has a number of Tcl and Tk related software items
on it. Eric also has a page with a tutorial for the Tk 4.1 grid
command located at <URL: >.
Eric has a few examples of using Perl/Tk at
<URL: >

170.  A page describing a new extended Tk text widget for Tk and Perl/Tk
can be found at
<URL: >.

171. The AGOCG Tcl/Tk tutorial is available at
<URL: >.  It is a
document describing the use of Tcl 7.6 and Tk 4.0 across platforms.
Unfortunately, the original intention of this being a living document
never was fulfilled.  The source code examples files are available from
<URL: >.  The Cookbook
is partly sponsored by the UK Advisory On Computer Graphics.  It is aimed
at novice window-based interactive application developers and newcomers
to Tcl/Tk.

172. For a series of Tcl examples of how to do things which are not necessarily
obvious, see <URL: > .

173. A very interesting resource is the People Helping One Another Know Stuff
(PHOAKS) WWW site.  At
<URL: > is the
page for <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl >.  The idea is that as folks on the
newsgroup refer to various web resources, they are indexed by software
running at this site and added to the page.  By going to the above page,
one gets to look at a ranked series of favorite web pages.

174. Bruce Gingery <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has an article that
compares Tcl/Tk, Perl/Tk, and Python/Tk to early 1980's BASIC using
a simple example at
<URL: >.

175. The Tcl CGI home page is located at
<URL: >.  It describes a small
package which enables Tcl programmers to write CGI scripts which can
handle the POST method.

176. The Visual Developer online archive at <URL: >
discusses various tips on how to write GUI applications, including the use
of Perl/Tk.

177. The PennWyndow WWW page is research being done using Tcl/Tk to
supervise heterogeneous applications, coordinating different utilities.
See <URL: > for details.

178. A Tcl/Tk and Expect tutorial paper by
<URL: mailto:[email protected] > can be found at
<URL: >.

179.  The Inferno home page at <URL: >
is a good place to read about the new Limbo programming language, which uses
a Tk package for windowing.  The Tk used however was written from scratch
in Limbo.

180. At <URL: > an
interesting paper resides regarding an interactive tool using
itcl/itk to aid in proposal preparation for the Hubble Space Telescope.

181. Yet another Tcl/Tk resource site can be found at
<URL: >.

182. Benchmarks of Tcl and other scripting languages by BWK and Chris Van Wyk
can be found at <URL: >.

183. Over the years, <URL: > has had a number of articles,
such as 
<URL: >, covering news of the Tcl

185. Text versions of articles from ;Login: regarding Tcl can be found at
<URL: >.

186. The article "Using Active Server Pages with Microsoft Internet
Information Server 3.0", located at
<URL: >,
indicates that Microsoft will be supporting Tcl plugins for their server.

187. A French tutorial on Tcl can be found at
<URL: >.

188. At <URL: >
is a paper titled "Reusable Procedures For Generating and Modifying Tk Widget"
which describes using the standard Tcl and Tk to build reusable widget
makers or fixers, along with procedures for writing one's own similar
routines.  You should find other useful Tcl help at this same site.

189. Notes from the Tcl 95 Workshop can be found at
<URL: >.
The USENIX organization, who sponsors the workshops, no longer permits
the papers making up the proceedings to be made available as a group.  If
you are a USENIX member, you can get access to some electronic copy thru
<URL: >.

190. <URL: > is a page
collecting many URLs relating to the Tcl community and Object Oriented

191. A paper discussing quick development languages (detailing both perl and
Tcl) for Astronomy, written by <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
and dated July 31, 1995, can be found at
<URL: >.

192. softWorks has a WWW page at <URL: >.  They
sell several Tcl based programs for developing software.

193. Awaiting info on DarkStar

194. A WWW page for information on Tcl/Tk and GUI style guides,
writtin in both English and German, can be found at
<URL: >.

195. The page at <URL: > contains
info learned as the author writes his Tk based IRC client.   There is
at least a note on how to hook into a Windows application event loop

196. A paper on using Tk as a remote GUI front end for fourth generation
database applications, by Volker Schubert <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
can be found at <URL: >.

197. Frank Pilhofer <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has
a web page at <URL: > which points
to a document on building Tcl extensions from C++ code,
a sample CGI script to browse RFCs, as well as pointers to various Tcl
Tk projects.

198. At <URL: >, one finds a discussion
of a supercomputer project.  The software in this project, according to
<URL: >, uses a Tcl/Tk interface
for its parameter input.

199. At <URL: > you find the archives of the WWW Journal,
a publication by O'Reilly's which covers the world of the Web.  A number
of articles have been published relating to Tcl ; use their search
engine to find the currently available ones.

200. Thomas Sicheritz <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has a page of Tcl
references at <URL: >
which cover quite a wide spectrum of interests.

201. Joe Konstan's paper on OAT from the 1997 workshop can be found at
<URL: >.

202. The authority WWW site for this set of FAQs is, as mentioned at
the top of these files, <URL: >.
A search engine interface to all USENET FAQs is available at
<URL: >.
<URL: >
can be found there.
Other places to find USENET FAQs on the WWW include
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >.
FTP access to the FAQs can be found at <URL: > and
<URL: >.

203. Stefan Hornburg  <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has written the
document "Tcl and Friends" <URL: >.

204. ScriptSearch is a free index of Web related development tools.
They hope to add pointers to Tcl and Tk scripting tools.
See <URL: > for what they have had submitted
to date.

205. Byte Magazine has had a few articles specifically about Tcl over the
years, as well as references in a number of others.  See for instance
<URL: >
<URL: >
and if you search at their site, you will also find references relating
to products reviewed which use Tcl.

206. A new web site about Tcl/Tk is available in Spanish.  See
<URL: >, which includes introductory material,
examples and a forum where any question, suggestion or commentary is welcome.
Contact Alejandro Sualdea <URL: mailto:[email protected] > for more details.

207. The python community <URL: > uses bindings
to Tcl/Tk to obtain one of its GUI interfaces.  See a variety of
pages at this site for details.  See
<URL: > for a Python
biased comparison between Python and Tcl.

208. <URL: > is an example of
a WWW service provided using Expect.  It is a WWW based user interface
to the Virginia Tech Library System, using Expect and telnet.

209. <URL: > is an online magazine which has
published several articles relating to Tcl.  For instance,
<URL: >
and <URL: >
are articles about Jacl.

210. <URL: > is the site containing
information on software agents written in tcl.

211. <URL: > is an
archive of a variety of Windows related patched Tcl and Tk related
extensions and applications.

212. At <URL: >
John Reekie <URL: mailto:[email protected] > did some comparisons
of STERNO, Matt Newman's tcl++ 1.0 and obstcl, a small object system package
John wrote.

213. At <URL: >, Donal Fellows
has a number of useful Tcl routines and information regarding Tcl, including
a report on his analysis of Tcl's year 2000 readiness.  See
<URL: > for some notes
on a discussion with Paul Duffin on future Tcl needs.

214. At <URL: > the
author of Tea provides a comparison between Tea and itcl.

215. See <URL: > for
a paper on REUBEN, a reusable environment driven by benchmakring applications,
by K. Kozminski, B. Duewer, H. Lavana, A. Khetawat, and F. Brglez.

216. See <URL: > for one man's view of
what's needed for Tcl to help the user.

217. A short Tcl & Tk tutorial by Alex Samonte can be found at
<URL: >.

218. A (biased, as most such things are) comparison of perl versus Tcl
by Tom Christiansen can be found at
<URL: > and another one by
Aaron Sherman at
<URL: >.
So that you know, Tom did this type of thing for a variety of languages,
including Perl.  No need to flame him because the list is based
on old versions of Tcl, etc.

219. Frank Stajano's paper at the 1998 Python conference had some
useful insights into why he thinks Python's extensions are evolving
faster and are easier to work with than Tcl's:
<URL: >.

220. The site did a profile on John Ousterhout at
<URL: >.  There
are a couple of articles on Jacl, as well as a few other Tcl references
at this web site.  They have created a Tcl directory at
<URL: > in yet another
attempt to categorize Tcl offerings.
See <URL: >
for a longer article on using Tcl with Java.

221. Steve Uhler's 1996 Tcl workshop presentation slides on the search for
the perfect megawidget can be found at <URL: >.

222. Linux Today <URL: > , an ezine covering Linux news,
occasionally includes the Tcl-URL information, as well as other topics
near and dear to Tcl fans.

223. The Tcl/Tk Consortium created a CD-ROM in 1998.  It was a Tcl 7.6 based
distribution, containing binaries for many different systems.
The CD-ROM can be purchased by an
individual via Linux Central <URL: >.

224. See <URL: > for
information regarding <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl > that is maintained by
<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.  Also at Andreas's home page are
pointers to a variety of Tcl related software packages he has developed
and is in the process of developing.

225. At <URL: >
is yet another attempt to make the vast tcl resources available to

226. Information about the use of Tcl and [incr Tcl] during prototyping
of the Mars PathFinder project can be found at
<URL: > .

227. OneSeek/Developer is a new search/navigation site which makes it easy
for developers to find technical info on the WWW.  Find it at
<URL: >.  A Tcl area is available on the site.

228. Stoian Jekov <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has created a Tcl/Tk related
site at <URL: >.
Issue 1 can be found at
<URL: >.

229. A Yahoo club for discussions regarding Tcl and Tk can be found at
<URL: >.  Another one
can be found at <URL: >.

230. A PlanetAll forum has been created for Tcl/Tk - see
<URL: >
for details.

231. mIRC USA is a site dedicated to IRC!  It offers scripts, addons,
the latest information... as well as Eggdrop, compiling help, and the
latest TCL files.  They also offer the latest security patches to prevent
nukes, and much much more!  Find it at <URL: >.
This site is not officially connected with the Eggdrop development team.

232. ComputingSite <URL: > is a search engine
covering more than 300 different computing related 'channels', including Tcl.

233. a LUSENET web forum is available at
<URL: >
for trying out this technology.

234. The National Library of Singapore has recently launched the
NL.Line.  This is a WWW interface to its library and information services.
This WWW interface uses Perl and Tcl to gateway to its McDonald Douglas
mainframe.  See <URL: >
for the WWW interface.

235. A series of papers and slides regarding Tcl programming, written in
German, can be found at <URL: >.

236. A CGI resource called <URL: > is available,
however it has only a few Tcl related resources at this time.

237. A proposal for Super/Simple/Small/Safe Tcl can be found at
<URL: >.

238. There are ptk (perl/Tk) web page pointers, patches, tutorial
articles, and other tips at <URL: >.

239. See the OOMMF project at <URL: >. They use
C++ and tcl.

240. Yet another attempt to organize internet resources:
<URL: >.
<URL: >

241. <URL: > is a site where you can
find Adventures in Linux Programming.  This includes "weekly" tips and
tricks about Tcl/Tk programming.

242. An online forum to discuss XiRCON can be found at
<URL: >.

243. The Brighton University Resource Kit for Students (BURKS) project
is a non-profile set of 2 CD-ROMs available in the UK.  It provides around
1.1 gigabyte of material including compilers, interpreters, tutorials, and
reference materials for over 20 programming languages, along with a copy
of the free online dictionary of computing, a linux distribution, a
set of linux manuals, FAQs, tutorials, internet specfiications, and a
selection of MS-DOS and Windows software.  The CD-ROMs include Tcl/Tk 8.0
for Windows, Tcl 7.3 for MS-DOS, tutorials, FAQs, and the Tcl 8 manual pages.
The entire collection is available online at <URL: >.
Tcl/Tk-related material is at <URL: >.
Ordering information (including shipping costs to various destinations)
is also available online (at <URL: >).

244. A web page for coordinating Tcl Consultants available for work can
be found at <URL: >.
If you want to be added to this page, please send e-mail to
<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

245. The bioinformatic part of GNOMICS - the small genome sequencing group -
was written 99% in Tcl/Tk.  See the article on
<URL: >
and notice figures 1 and 2 - which are Tk canvas dumps.

246. Tcl-Wear Chronology is a link at
<URL: > which attempts to detail
the tee shirts, toys, and specialty items designed to advertise Tcl.

247. See <URL: >
by Victor Wagner <URL: mailto:[email protected] >, which discusses
a Tcl based desktop environment.

248. Scott McCrickard <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has the
notes from a human factors class he taught on the WWW at
<URL: >.
He used Tcl as the programming language for the lab work.

249. Tcl/Tk is taught as a part of a X systems Admin class at the
Geoscience Technology Training Center, at North Harris College
<URL: >.

250. At <URL: > is a Tcl 8.0
tutorial based on John Ousterhout's original tutorials, as well as Tcl UDP
and a disk usage application.  The creator also has some online doc for
Tcl UPD and Tcl channels at
<URL: >

251. At <URL: > is
the description of the API for a Laser Interferometer Gravitational Observatory
Data Analysis System.

252. At <URL: > is a source code archive for
Tcl applications.

253. A paper on an extended version of the MIT otcl object extension
is available at <URL: >.
At least two papers have been published.  XOTcl (Extended OTcl,
pronounced exotickle) is a value added replacement of MIT's OTcl. It is
an object-oriented scripting language with several new functionalities
aiming at the management of complexity, like Per-Object Mixins, Filters,
Nested Classes, Dynamic Object Aggregations, Metadata, Assertions.

254. The Freshmeat web site - which is a useful site to monitor for
new software releases of all sorts has a section for Tcl extensions.
See <URL: >.
The general appindex also lists a number of applications if you search
for "tcl".  Searching for Tk is a bit less useful because of matching
strings like GTk.

255. The Vignette StoryServer provides a Tcl interface.  See
<URL: > ,
<URL: >
or <URL: > for more information.
Also, newsgroups for Vignette can be found at
<URL: nntp:// >
<URL: nntp:// >.

256. The <URL: > Jargon site has as its topic
the description of numerous computer jargon/terms.  While not Tcl specific,
many people find it useful to explain what particular terms being used mean.

257. See an introduction to tcl at
<URL: >.

258. See
<URL: >
for a list of CAD related applications - some of which are in Tcl/Tk.

259. The PDAI (Public Domain Artifical Intelligence perhaps?) web site
has a Tcl related page at
<URL: >.

260. Ray Masters <URL: mailto:[email protected] > pointed out
to me <URL: > as a location from
which one could find information about developing custom interactors for
DX using the standard DXLink facilities.

261. A Tcl community collaboration effort called the Tcler's Wiki is
available at <URL: >.  At this site
you can find pages available to ask Tcl questions, document differences
between recent versions of Tcl and Tk, discuss Tcl books, document favorite
Tcl tricks, tips on Tcl performance, tutorials on various tcl topics, etc.
A public forum to calmly and rationally discuss the benefits of Tcl usage
can be found <URL: >.
Many, many other pages are available.  One interesting use is the various
pages full of Tcl and Tk code - code too small in and of itself to be
'packaged' up for general download, but the right size to scrall on the
bulletin board and be available for use (or comment and correction!).
There are too many pages at the Wiki to try to document them all.  Some
pages are discussion only pages.  Some are documentation pages - describing
how Tcl works.  Some are tutorial - showing how to use Tcl to solve some
kinds of problems.  Some are actually code - providing working examples of
solving all sorts of problems.  Some are pointer pages, containing a variety
of links to other resources.

262. Jeff Gosnell <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has
announced a number of Tcl related items at
<URL: >, including a Tclet, a chat room at
<URL: >, etc.  However,
I've not been able to get thru to the site (I suspect it is very busy).

263. A discussion regarding O'Reilly's first Perl/Tk book can be found at
<URL:[email protected]%3e%231/1&frpage=getdoc.xp&back=clarinet >.

264. The Tcl/Tk Journal can be found at:
<URL: > - Europe
<URL: >
<URL: >
Contact Stoian Jekov <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
or <URL: mailto:[email protected] > for details.

265. An experiment has begun at <URL: >
to provide a place where users of Tcl applications can ask questions.

266. The Linux Journal published an interview with John Ousterhout in
April of 1999.  See <URL: > for
details.  This journal has carried other articles - do a search at the
site for pointers to various articles.

267. A web page has been constructed with pointers to the papers and slides
from the First European Tcl/Tk User meeting, held in June, 2000.  See
<URL: > for details.

268. I recently noticed that <URL: > has a relatively
nice interface to RFCs.  Using that, one can see a number (more than a dozen
when this entry was added to my FAQ) of RFCs which contain some reference to
Tcl.  Most, however, are in passing references to Tcl as one of several
languages which could be used for scripting.

269. <URL: > is a Web
encyclopedia entry for Tcl.

270. <URL: >
is an article in French, written for the French Linux magazine
<URL: >.

271. Information about writing Tcl thread safe apps on Windows NT can
be found at
<URL: >.

272. C.K. Hung taught a Tcl/Tk course.  Information on this course can
be found at <URL: >.

273. <URL: > lists a number of
resources for Eggdrop Tcl programmers.

274. The WebTechniques <URL: > magazine
continues to publish articles on Tcl and Tk on occasion. See
the 1997 article on the Tcl Plugin
<URL: >
the 1999 issue for Steve Ball's article on Scripting XML with Tcl,
<URL: >
the 2000 article on Web agents written in Tcl/Tk
<URL: >, 
and many more - more than 45 hits on Tcl are found.

275. Delphi promotes free use of their online forum communities - there
are a few that appear to focus on Tcl:
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >

276. Ioi Lam <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has created a WWW page covering
Chinese programming in Tcl.  See <URL: >.

277. The source for Perl information <URL: > has
began a Perl/Tk tutorial at
<URL: >.

278. A paper on embedding Tcl, Perl or Python can be found 
<URL: >.

279. A page discussing how to use Turkish letters with Tcl/Tk 8.2 can
be found at <URL: http://home/ >.
It is written in English and German.

280.  The <URL: > site is filled with interesting information
for the Tcl programmer.  For instance, <URL: > appears
to be a working draft of a book initially called "SQL for Web Nerds".
It is a tutorial on SQL, using the AOLserver as a base and Tcl as the
programming language.  There are other items such as
<URL: >, which is the web version of the
book "Database Backed Web Sites".  Then there is the ArsDigita Community
System, a database driven web forum.

281. SuSE (a Linux distribution created by a German group - see
<URL: >), uses Tcl/Tk in at least one, and possibly more,
of their configuration tools.  The one that has been reported using Tcl/Tk
is SaX, the advanced X configuration tool, used to configure xfree86.

282. Chengye Mao <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has a web page
which discusses building combined widgets (aka mega widgets) in pure Tcl
at <URL: >.

283. The <URL: > web site has various drill games,
all of which are written in Tcl.

284. George P. Staplin <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has written some
tutorials on how he uses movies, audio, images and PNG cursors with
Tcl/Tk in a game he is writing.  See
<URL: >,
<URL: > about
using XLib ith Tcl/Tk from C,
<URL:> about
extending Tcl and Tk.

285. One ICQ Active List (ICQ is an interactive chat facility - see
<URL: > for more details) that's available
24 hours/7 days a week for discussions of TCL, Tk, and C is (AL# 56087677).
Contact Eric Evans <URL: mailto:[email protected] > if you have questions
about this list.

286. One source for perl/Tk examples is
<URL: >.

287. The Linux Gazette occasionally covers Tcl related topics, such as
the article <URL: >
"Using SWIG to interface scripting languages with C/C++".

288. CNET's has a section for people to ask for help.  See
<URL: >.

289. A new web forum resource is available for Tcl/Tk programmers at
<URL: >.

290. Information about the use of Tcl and [incr Tcl] during prototyping
of the Mars PathFinder project can be found at
<URL: > .

291. A document descripting how to embed a Tcl interpreter in a
Java program has been provided at
<URL: >.
It mainly describes the interaction between a multi-threaded
Java program and an event driven single threaded Tcl interpreter.

292. Information on building and using Tcl/Tk on IRIX 6.x can be found in
the docs at <URL: >.

293. Technical report evaluating the properties of 80 different implementations
of the same program in 7 different programming langauges (C, C++, Java, Perl,
Python, Rexx, and Tcl).  See
<URL: >
Erann Gat did a study of Lisp on the same problem.  You can find his work at
<URL: > and you can
see another Lisp solution at <URL: >

294. See <URL: >>
for a Tcl/Tk Forum run at the Tek-Tips web site.

295. See <URL: > for
a page dedicated to linking various scripting languages - include Tcl - to
any freely available EDA tools.

296. The Tcl community initiated a new support mechanism called the
Tcl Core Team (TCT).  See <URL: >
for details.  Send email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
See the URL just mentioned for the Tcl Improvement Proposal - a mechanism
for describing new features proposed to be added to Tcl.

297. At <URL: >, the webmaster indicates that
he is looking for code snippets, documentation, tutorials and articles
for Tcl.

298. Not surprizingly, if you search the <URL: > site
you will find a references to Tcl and the work at creating Tcl bindings for
the IEEE work on CBT .

299. The eMagazine <URL: > is covering Tcl,
including interviews with John Ousterhour, a series on persisting Tcl
data in text files, etc.

300. <URL: > is a page pointing
to a variety of useful tcl applications, extensions, etc.

301. <URL: >
is a page with pointers to translations (in English, French, Nederlands,
Russian and Turkish) of an introduction to Tk article.

302. ZDNet's Developer web site has a section called CGI/Perl/TCL
<URL:,9429,2133218,00.html >, where
Cameron Laird has written several articles about writing CGI using Tcl.

303. ActiveState has hired Jeff Hobbs and Andreas Kupries and promises to
provide support for ActiveTcl.  Their 
<A HREF="" >plans for Tcl</A>
are available now online.  They now offer ActiveTcl (see "part4") as
well as enterprise maintenance support, etc.  They have also added a
section on Tcl mailing lists, with archives for a number of popular lists
at <URL: >.  

304. A Yahoo! WebRing for Tcl exists at
<URL: >.  The focus is
for Eggdrop bots and scripts.

305. Linux Today <URL: > , an ezine covering Linux news,
occasionally includes the Tcl-URL information, as well as other topics
near and dear to Tcl fans.

306. The Church of the Swimming Elephant <URL: >
is a reference site for computer professionals.  It contains many pages
of info on Tcl, from manual pages, to reference guides to tutorials on
Expect and more.

307. Mark Harrison has provided a series of useful information regarding
the use of the Tcl msgcat functionality in the form of FrameMaker and
PDF files.  See <URL:>.

308. Linux Guruz <URL: > has a few tutorials
related to Tcl, and are open to people submitting more.

309. The Perl Montly website / ezine <URL: >
has articles on perl/Tk.

310. A series of articles and sample programs covering Perl/Tk , including
GUI programming can, accessing databases, etc., written by
Philip Yuson <URL: mailto:[email protected] >, be found at
<URL: > .

311. <URL: > has a variety of resources, including
a search engine for a Linux FAQ, lots of links to other useful sites, 
Unix 'lifesaving' tips, and lots of great Perl/Tk software.

312.  Doug Bagley has created a general language performance comparison
web site at <URL: > which provides
a look at how Tcl and a number of other languages compare.  Hopefully
someone in the Tcl community takes on the task of letting Doug know
when new releases of Tcl appear for reappraisal.

313. A WWW site in French that covers Tcl/Tk can be found at
<URL: >.  There is no
intent on translating the site into English - they recommend using
software such as <URL: >.

314. See <URL: > for a web site where one can
work with users to help them out with problems and perhaps earn a bit
of money as a result.

315. ActiveState has begun offering spport of various kinds for Tcl
users.  See <URL: >
for information about a Tcl cookbook of code and comments.

316. See <URL: >
for information about cross compiling code from one platform to another.

317. Dr. Dobb's Journal is a technical monthly which has covered Tcl, Tk,
and related topics for years.  For instance, see:
<URL: >
for an article discussing the compilation of Perl/Tk scripts.

318. Notes on upvar/uplevel guidelines can be found at
<URL: >.

319. See <URL: > for a FAQ like web site which 
uses various categories.

320. See <URL: > for a collabrative effort
to advertise jobs and resources available relating to Tcl.

321. See <URL: >
for a white paper dealing with Objects in Tcl and
<URL: >
for a white paper dealing with data file formats for Tcl scripts.

322. See <URL: > for a one
page discussion of Tcl/Tk (in French).

323. <URL: > searches
the web site and displays to you several Tcl related documents
which can be downloaded into your Palm Pilot.  There's also a couple of
weird hits that come up as a result of this search as well - feel free
to ignore those...

324. <URL: > is an introduction to
Tcl/Tk created by <URL: mailto:[email protected] > David N. Welton .
It requires a stylesheet compliant web browser.


From: FAQ General information
Subject: -VIII- Are there any mailing lists covering topics related to Tcl/Tk?

	There are quite a number of mailing lists which cover topics
relating to the Tcl community.  As you begin one, if you will send
me information relating to the mailing list, I will add it below.

o	ActiveTcl

	This mailing list discusses the issues of users of ActiveState's
	ActiveTcl product.  See <URL: >
	for subscription information.

o	ActiveX for Tcl

	This mailing list discusses the isses in integrating Tcl and ActiveX.
	To subscribe, send email with the subject of "subscribe" to

	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	An archive of this mailing list appears to be available at
	<URL: >

o	Alpha-D

	Mailing list for the Tcl developers relating to the Macintosh
	text editor Alpha.

	To subscribe, send to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	a line of text of the format
	subscribe ALPHA-D your name

	(where you replace "your name" with your own name).

        To unsubscribe from this list send the text:
        unsubscribe ALPHA-D
        in the body of the message to
        <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
        Human administrator: ALPHA-D-request AT LISTSERV.SYR.EDU
        Replace "AT" with @. This is to protect this list owner address
	from spammers.

	This list appears to be moving to <URL: >.

o	aolserver mailing lists

	Mailing lists relating to AOLserver, which can use Tcl as
	an extension language).

	AOLSERVER is an unmoderated open discussion list.

	If you want to subscribe or change your subscription settings,
	visit <URL: > for detailed instructions or
	go to 
	<URL: >

o	BLT mailing list

	BLT is a Tk widget set with a variety of useful features.

	A mailing list for BLT developers has been created for the discussion
	of BLT development issues.  It may be a useful forum for those who are
	currently working on BLT (developing, maintaining, bug fixing, etc).
	If you are interested, please subscribe.

	To subscribe to the blt-dev mailing list, send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the following in the *body* of the message:
	subscribe blt-dev

	To get help on the mailing list manager, send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the following in the *body* of the message:

	The mailing list is intended to be very low volume and should be used
	by those actively developing BLT to coordinate their activities.

o	Basic Object Systems (BOS)

	BOS is a SELF-like objects extension to Tcl.

	To join, send email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > and then
	send messages to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > .

o	CAML Light Mailing list

	CAML Light contains a contributed interface to the Tk library.
	To discuss developments in this interface, subscribe to the
	mailing list by sending email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	Canvas Visitor

	This is a mailing list setup up for sharing information about
	the visitors extension as well as any other extensions
	(preferably) related to the tk canvas widget.

	The visitors extension was made to enable users to add
	operations on canvas graphics items without having to
	constantly be changing the Tk core to do so (yes it required a
	core change :-). There is a sample visitor included in the
	release which performs coord rotation on each specified canvas
	item. This may be used as an example for further visitors.

	Future releases may also included contributed visitors (please
	share your ideas) and a working C API to creating canvas

	To sign up, send email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the following command in the body of your email message:

	subscribe canvas-visitors {email address}

o	cfh

	German discussion group concerning cfh (call for help), a useful
	Tcl script for eggdrop bots on irc net.

	<URL: >

	where you provide your own email address in place of {email address}.

	If you have any trouble with this mailing list feel free to
	contact its adminstrator <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	(Matthew Rice).


	This online data acquisition system uses Tcl to coordinate programs.
	To join its mailing list, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > using a "SUBSCRIBE CODA-L" for the
	body of the message.

o	Colossus

	A nickname for the TinyScript project, created by Jean-Claude Wippler
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.  Discussions cover small scripting
	languages (Colossus) and more.

	Colossus mailing list - to join, send an email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

o	CMT Users Mailing list

	The Berkeley Continuous Media Toolkit is a Tcl toolkit to support
	a portable way of developing multimedia playback against a variety
	of devices.

	To subscribe, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	comp.lang.tcl.announce mailing list

	By using the service available at
	<URL: >
	one can receive by email the postings of comp.lang.tcl.announce.

	Contact the owner at <URL: mailto:[email protected] >

o	Copenhagen SGML Tool (CoST) mailing list

	CoST is a beta level tool designed to enhance sgmls so as to
	add additional flexibility in processing SGML documents.

	To join, send email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
	Actual messages apparently go to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	Dart support

	The emails sent to the dart support can be found at
	<URL: >
	forming a sort of mailing list.

o	Dejagnu

	This set of mailing lists are *NOT* maintained by Cygnus, the
	developers of Dejagnu.

	Dejagnu is an expect 5.x based package designed to be a framework
	for testing other software.  Test suites exist for various GNU
	products such as GDB and binutils.

	3 mailing lists - dejagnu-bugs, dejagnu-developers, and
	dejagnu-questions - have been created as a part of
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

	To subscribe, send the line:

	subscribe dejagnu-bugs [email protected]

	to the email address <URL: mailto:[email protected] > where you
	put your own email address in place of [email protected] and you
	put the name of the mailing list you wish to join after subscribe.

o	Dotfile

	Mailing list to discuss the Tcl based configuration tool.

	Send email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the subject of 'subscribe'.


	ECLiPSe (ECRC Logic Programming System) is a system based on
	Prolog, and which uses Tk as a GUI interface.

	To join the mailing list, contact <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	Effective Tcl mailing list

	The purpose of the list is to

    1.  Discuss issues, suggestions, bugs, defects, etc., in the
        book "Effective Tcl/Tk Programming".
    2.  Provide support for people using the efftcl library in
        various projects.
    3.  In the "open source" vein, to accept fixes, improvements,
        and additions to the efftcl library.

	The EffTcl mailing list is sponsored by WebNet Technologies.
	To subscribe:    send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the word SUBSCRIBE as the subject.
	To unsubscribe:  send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the word UNSUBSCRIBE as the subject.
	To send to the list, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	An archive for this list can be found at
	<URL: >.

	This list appears to be moving to <URL: >.

o	EggDrop

	EggDrop is an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bot (robot) which is
	programmable in Tcl.  To join the mailing list, visit
	<URL: > to subscribe.

	This list is not officially associated with eggdrop.


	This is an open, unmoderated discussion list devoted to Eggdrop
	"bots" (Internet Relay Chat or IRC robots).  While primarily
	intended to be a forum where Filipino botmasters on
	(the Philippine Eggdrop Bot Help channel on IRC's Undernet
	network) can post announcements, ask questions, swap opinions,
	trade scripts, and generally hang out via email, the list
	is open to all those interested in setting up or are already
	running/maintaining their own Eggdrop bots on IRC. Newbies,
	botmasters, and botowners are welcome.

	To subscribe to the list, send 2 blank emails to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >,
	putting the single word "info" (without the quotes)
	in the Subject: field of the first email, and
	the single word "subscribe"  in the Subject: field of the second email.

o	Eggheads

	Official mailing list for the eggdrop software, which is an IRC bot
	using Tcl as the scripting language.

	To subscribe to this list, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > with
	subscribe eggdrop
	in the body of the message.

	Send email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

	See <URL: > for
	more information.


	Emil is a package for converting mail messages from one format to
	another.  To join the mailing list, send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	epics-tcl

	VxEpics Tcl/Tk developement list

	To subscribe, send email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > with
	the following line in the body of the message:

	subscribe epics-tcl FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME

o	Exmh

	exmh is a GUI for MH mail.  It is available at
	<URL: >

	There are 3 mailing lists:

	To subscribe and unsubscribe to:

	o the release and patch notice mailing list, send email to:
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > .

	o the release/patch notices, as well as discussions among
	exmh users, send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	o the release/patch notices, user discussion and programmer
	discussions, send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	Be sure to include the word subscribe or unsubscribe as
	appropriate.  Include your preferred email address if you
	want to be sure it is used.

	This mailing list appears to have moved to
	<URL: >, 
	with requests going to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	FastCGI

	FastCGI is a technique of improving cgi performance by prestarting
	one's application.

	An archive for this list is available at
	<URL: >.

o	FileRunner

	Mailist for announcements of new releases of FileRunner,
	which combines a GUI local file manager with an GUI ftp
	browser and HTTP downloading.

	To subscribe, send email to Henrik Harmsen at
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	floater

	Mailing list which discusses the progress of the floater bridge
	playing program and related topics.

	To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
	These mail messages are processed by a human and will usually
	not be individually acknowledged.  General questions
	should _not_ be sent to this address.

o	gnntools-announce

	Distributes announcements about the GNN Server (which uses tcl as
	an extension language), such as bug fixes,
	updates, and important information for developers and users.  This is
	not a discussion list.

	To subscribe to gnntools-announce, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > with the following line in the
	body of the message:

	subscribe gnntools-announce


	Mailing list to discuss the GPID driver interface written in Tk.

	Contact <URL: mailto:[email protected] > for
	more details.

o	Grail

	Grail is an internet browser, written in Python/Tk.

	To join the mailing list, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.


	The GRASS Users's mailing list is the location to discuss the
	development of the GRASS GIS widget.

	To subscribe, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	Groupkit

	To subscribe to the Groupkit mailing list, which deals with
	an extension to Tcl enabling real-time groupware development, drop
	your email request to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > or send
	bug and feedback to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	GuiBuilder

	This low volume mailing list discusses the GuiBuilder also known
	as TclGui.

	Send email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > with a
	body message of "subscribe tclgui" to join the TclGUI mailing list.

	An archive for this list is available at
	<URL: > .

o	Guile

	Guile is a portable embeddable Scheme implementation written in
	C.  It provides a machine independent execution platform.  A
	binding between Tcl/Tk and Guile is available.

	To subscribe to the Guile mailing list, send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > to subscribe, then
	send messages to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	ical

	Two mailing lists have been set up for ical-related information.
	Ical is a calendar application written using the Tk toolkit.

	Send mail to one of the two addresses below to be added to the
	mailing lists.

	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	*** Do not forget the "-request" part!!! ***

	The two mailings lists are:

	o <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
		New source code (including beta releases), and other
	announcements of high interest to ical installers/users/hackers.
	The traffic on this list should be fairly low.

	o <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
		This list will be used for general discussion about ical.
	Mail sent to "ical-announce" will be automatically
	forwarded here, so you do not have to subscribe to
	both lists.

o	incr Tcl

	A mailing list used to discuss [incr Tcl] and related
	For more info, see <URL: >.

	To subscribe, send a message with subject "subscribe" to:
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	Non-administrative traffic should be sent to:
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	During late 1997 FindMail began archiving the mailing list.
	See <URL: > to see
	what is currently available.

	Also, Tcl Developer's Xchange has an archive as well:
	<URL: >.

o	incr tcl distributed version: Distinct

	This is a mailing list for discussion of a distributed processing
	version of incr tcl.

	To join send a message to

	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	where the body contains the line

	join distinct firstname lastname

	To send to the list, mail:

	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >


	The Inria Videoconverencing System (IVS) provides a part of
	the interface for the MBONE support software.  It uses either
	Motif or Tk.

	Contact <URL: mailto:[email protected] > to join
	in discussions on the system.

o	Jacl

	A discussion list relating to the Tcl written in Java tool
	Jacl is available.  Archives as well as info on subscribing,
	unsubscribing, etc. of this mailing list can be found at
	<URL: >.

	This mailing list is only for discussion of the Jacl tools -
	discussion of Tcl/Tk, etc. should be directed to
	<URL: news:comp.lang.tcl >.

o	KIS - Kernel Information Services

	The KIS interpreter is a shareware package which provides access
	to the UNIX administrator to various kernel information.

	Parallelograms has setup a mailing list for discussion of KIS.  To
	subscribe, send the message

	subscribe kis [email protected]

	to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.  For more information, send
	the message "help" to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	LinuxPro

	A mailing list for those folk programming on Linux platforms.  This
	list covers all aspects of programming on Linux, regardless of the
	language.  Tcl was specifically mentioned as being an acceptible

	To subscribe, send mail to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > with

	subscribe linuxpro
	subscribe linuxpro-digest

	in the body of the message.

o	Macintosh Tcl

	This Mailing List is devoted to the issues of Tcl on the
	Macintosh.  This includes (but not limited to) such topics as
	ports of Tcl to the Mac (MacTcl), Tcl questions relating only to
	the Mac (file I/O etc.), and porting of Tk to the Mac.  It is also
	a good forum for issues concerning Tcl based applications such as
	Alpha and Tickle.

	To join or leave the mailing list. see
 List-Help: <URL: mailto:[email protected]?subject=help>
 List-Post: <URL: mailto:[email protected]>
 List-Subscribe: <URL:>,
        <URL: mailto:[email protected]?subject=subscribe>
 List-Id: Tcl on the Macintosh <URL:>
 List-Unsubscribe: <URL:>,
        <URL: mailto:[email protected]?subject=unsubscribe>

	See <URL: > for online
	archives of the mailing list while hosted at Sun and
	<URL: > for online archives
	of the mailing list while hosted at a few other places.  However,
	Currently, the mailing list and archives are being hosted at 
	<URL: >.

o	Microsoft Windows port of Tk

	Simon Kenyon <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	announced in early April 1994 that the Information Technology
	Centre of Dublin, IRELAND was undertaking the port of Tk to
	MS-Windows.  He has set up the mstk mailing list for those
	interested in discussing it.

	If interested, send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > to join the list and
	send comments and code to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

	With the releases of Tk now coming with Windows
	support, I suspect if this mailing list is still going the
	topics have changed.

o	Mini SQL interface

	A mailing list for mSQL, a Tcl interface to the Mini SQL
	database server by David J. Hughes, has been formed.

	If interested, send a subscription request to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	Minotaur

	A mailing list to discuss TinyScript/2, described at
	<URL: >.

	Minotaur mailing list - to join, send an email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

o	Mod_dtcl

	Mod_dtcl is an Apache module enabling server side Tcl scripting.

	Mail a body line of

	to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > .

o	Modules

	Richard Elling and others have set up a mailing list for
	discussion of the use of the Modules tcl package, as well as
	related packages such as user-setup.  If you would like to be added
	to the modules-interest mailing list, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > with the line

	subscribe modules-interest

0	moodss

	If you use moodss (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic SpreadSheet), develop
	modules for it, would like to hear about new features and improvements,
	give your input, make requests, ... you are welcome to use the new
	moodss mail list:

	- to subscribe, send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected]?subject=subscribe >
	with "subscribe" as subject
	- to use, send mail to mailto:[email protected]
	- to unsubscribe, send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected]?subject=unsubscribe >
	 with "unsubscribe" as subject

	More information on moodss can be found at
	<URL: >.

o	MS-DOS Windows Tk Users

	A mailing list for the users of TkWin, the Univ. of Kentucky's
	port of Tcl 7.3 and Tk 3.6a to MS-DOS Windows is available at
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	and msgs to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >

o	Nanny

	Parallelograms has setup a mailing list for discussion of Nanny.  To
	subscribe, send the message

	subscribe kis [email protected]

	to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > .  For more information, send
	the message "help" to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
	This mailing list is also used to discuss our Kernel Information System

o	Netplug

	Mailing list to discuss the Netplug program, a Tcl/Tk extensible
	client for multiple protocols, multiple connections to networks.
	To subscribe, send a message to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with a mail body of the line

	subscribe netplug FirstName LastName

	where you supply your own first and last name.

o	Objective-Framework

	Mailing list to discuss this commercial product which provides
	true language independence to the Objective-C object model.
	The framework supports ObjectiveTcl.

	Send a subscription message to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	ObjectiveTcl

	Mailing list to discuss this commercial product which is an
	advanced object-oriented environment for NEXTSTEP/OpenStep.  It
	provides full access to and from Objective-C.  Discussions of
	ObjectiveBrowser, a class browser which can be used to interact
	with live objects, also occur here.

	Send a subscription message to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	odce21

	This list discusses IBM's beta program for DCE 2.1.  One component
	of this package is the DCE Control Program (DCECP), an
	administration tool which uses Tcl for scripting.

	You can subscribe to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >,
	sending an e-mail message containing the following two lines in
	the body of the message.

		subscribe ODCE21


	OSE is a collection of programming tools and class libraries for
	C++ development.  One of the libraries provided allows integration
	of Tcl/Tk libraries into applications.  For further details, contact
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	Oz Users

	Oz is a concurrent constraint programming language.  An OO interface
	via Tcl/Tk is available.

	To subscribe, contact <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	Palmscript

	List to discuss scripting languages for handheld devices, such
	as a Tcl like language to PalmOS devices such as a PalmPilot.

	See <URL: >
	for info on how to subscribe, how to post, how to send
	administrative requests, etc.

o	Palmsupport-tcl

	An effort to build applications and extensions for desktop tools in
	support of the Palm devices.

	To subscribe, visit
	<URL: >.
	See <URL: > for
	miscellaneous details.


	Piddle is a Python drawing API that supports a back end output
	of Tk.  Visit the mailing list at
	<URL: > to subscribe.


	This is a mailing list in support of the plotting system called
	PLPLOT, which has available a Tk interface.
	To subscribe, send a request to

	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

o	Plume

	Plume is a Tcl/Tk WWW browser.  It supports references to weblets
	written in Tcl/Tk, which it then can execute, if the user so
	configures.  It uses safe-tcl to provide security to the user.

	To join the mailing list, access
	<URL: >.

o	Project E.L.M.O.

	An effort to improve the currency and search access to the
	comp.lang.tcl FAQs.

	Visit <URL: > to subscribe.
	See <URL: > for
	miscellaneous details.

o	pTk

	This is a mailing list in support of the development of the Tk
	extension to Perl 5.  For tutorial or beginner questions, use
	<URL: > instead.
	To subscribe, send mail to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with 'subscribe ptk' in the body of the message.
	Please don't send subscribe requests to the list itself.

	An archive of the mailing list can be found at
	<URL: >.

o	Ptolemy

	Ptolemy is a simulation and prototyping system which uses tcl.
	To join the mailing list, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > or
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.


	PTUI is the Python/Tkinter User Interface - a development
	environment for Python and Tk.  To join the mailing list, send
	email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > with the
	word subscribe in the body.

o	Qddb

	Qddb is a Quick and Dirty Database package.  It uses Tcl as
	a configuration language and has a Tk interface.  To join
	the mailing list, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	RadTcl

	RadTcl is a Tcl plugin for Netscape servers.  To join
	fill in the form at <URL: >

o	Ratatosk

	TkRat's announcement and discussion mailing lists.

	To subscribe, send mail either to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > or
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	safe-tcl

	Safe-tcl is an extension to Tcl which one can use to process
	incoming email msgs as tcl scripts.

	To subscribe, send a msg to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	and then further email msgs to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	SciTeXt

	SciTeXt is a Tcl/Tk based word processing program.  To join
	the scitext mailing list, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > with the line

	subscribe scitext

	in the body of the message.

o	Scotty

	Scotty is a networking extension for Tcl.  Info on a mailing list for
	the extension can be found at
	<URL: >.

o	Scripters

	This list is maintained by the center for EUV Astrophsics for
	the purpose of discussing scripting languages of various kinds,
	including Tcl and Expect.

	To send mail to all members of the list, send your message to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.  You will be included
	in the distribution of the message.

	Archives of the mailing list are kept at
	<URL: >.

	Administrative messages about the list should be addressed to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	ServiceMail Toolkit

	ServiceMail is a stand-alone email server written in C and Tcl.
	It takes incoming email requests and can perform tasks for the

	To join the mailing list, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	or subscribe to servicemail-help mailing list by sending a message
	to the "listserv subscribe servicemail-help your-real-name" service at
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

	The status of this mailing list is unknown.

o	small-tcl

	This is a mailing list for people interested in discussing and
	contributing to changes in the Tcl scripting language
	to make the core language itself smaller. The usual reason for
	wanting to do this is to make (keep) Tcl to be a good language
	for small systems.  Please see the project home page at
	<URL: > for further details.

	To subscribe, visit
	<URL: >.

o	Sound Studio

	Sound Studio is a sound editing software package.

	To join the mailing list, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > with the words
	subscribe studio-bug
	in the body of the message.

o	STk

	Scheme/Tk is a scheme interpreter which can access the Tk graphical

	There is a mailing list for STk. To subscribe the mailing list
	just contact <URL: mailto:[email protected] > with the
	Subject line of "subscribe".


	Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) is an interface
	package which makes it easier to add C code
	to one's Tcl environment (as well as other languages).
	<URL: >

	<URL: >
	is the location to use for subscription related info, or send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > with the line

	subscribe swig

	in the body of the message.

	An archive of the mailing list can be found at
	<URL: >


	A list discussing support for agents written in various languages,
	including Tcl.

	Fill out <URL: >
	to be put on the mailing list.


	For discussion of the Ada binding to Tcl/Tk.  See
	<URL: > for details.

	To contact the owner, send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.  To contact the mailing list
	server, send listserv commands to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
	To send mail to the mailing list, contact <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	tcl-httpd
	Discussions on Brent Welch's tcl http server.

	Send TclHttpd-users mailing list submissions to
        <URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
        <URL: >
	or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
        <URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	You can reach the person managing the list at
        <URL: mailto:[email protected] >

o	tcl-i8n

	Tcl/Tk internationalization issues mailing list.

	See the archives, subscribe, etc. see
	<URL: > .

o	Tcl-RPC

	Discuss implementing XML-RPC in Tcl.

	To subscribe to the list, send email to
        <URL: mailto:[email protected] > with the subject:
	subscribe Tcl-RPC

	To subscribe to the digest version, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > with the subject:
	subscribe digest Tcl-RPC

	To post to the list once you've subscribed, send email
        to [email protected].

        To unsubscribe from the regular mail or digest version,
        send email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > with the subject:
	unsubscribe Tcl-RPC

o	tcl_cruncher

	tcl_cruncher is a Tcl pseudo compiler and syntax checker tool and
	this list discusses it.

	To subscribe, send email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the following line in the body of the message.

	subscribe tcl_cruncher FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME

o	Tcl/Tk plug-in mailing list

	tclplug is a mailing list dedicated to discussing the new
	Tcl/Tk Netscape plug-in.  To join, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > with the line

	subscribe tclplug Firstname Lastname

	in the body (where your name is substituted for Firstname Lastname).

o	Tcl Application Users

	Online forum, which you can join by accessing
	<URL: >.

	Purpose is for _users_ of Tcl applications to discuss problems
	and provide support.

o	tcl binary data access mailing list

	tclbin is a Tcl extension to allow binary objects.

	Send a "subscribe tclbin Your Name" line to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > to subscribe to the tclbin
	mailing list.

o	Tcl in French

	Liste des personnes interressees par TCL-TK .

	To subscribe, send email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the following line in the body of the message.

	subscribe tcl FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME

o	Tcl in Russian

	Discussions on Tcl related issues conducted in Russian.

	To subscribe, send a message to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the message body

	subscribe tcl

o	Tcl Database Developers Mailing List

	This mailing list is for discussion announcements, and general info
	for Tcl programmers using database APIs.  This includes Oracle,
	Sybase, Ingres, and other commercial DB engines as well as PG95,
	miniSQL, and also "micro" DBs and pseudo-DBs.  Please do not send
	WISQL or WOSQL bug reports to this list;  it is for developer rather
	than end-user issues.

	To subscribe to this list send mail to
		<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	and in the body of the message write

	Follow the same procedure, but use the word unsubscribe, when you
	wish to leave the mailing list.

	Please remember to write to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > with
	problems about the list itself, or to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > if you have difficulties
	getting through to the tcldb-owner address.  Please do not send
	subscribe and unsubscribe messages to the list itself.

o	Tcl SNMP mailing list

	SNMP is the Simple Network Management Protocol.  Work on
	a Tcl interface to SNMP v2 is being done by the SNMP Tcl mailing
	list.  It can be contacted at <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	Tcl XML Documentation Project

	An effort to convert all Tcl/Tk documentation from troff into XML.
	To join the mailing list, contact
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
	<URL: > is a URL to info about
	the whole effort.

o	tcldav

	Mailing list discusses creating a DAV client in Tcl.  This
	involves HTTP 1.1 and XML.

	To subscribe, visit <URL: >.

o	TclJava

	Mailing list to discuss TclJava and TclBlend extensions.

	Send tcljava-user mailing list submissions to
        <URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
        <URL: >
	or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
        <URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	You can reach the person managing the list at
        <URL: mailto:[email protected] >

o	tcLex

	Since 11/17/1998, tcLex has a dedicated mailing list. The Web site for
	this list is: <URL: >.

o	tclMIDI mailing list

	tclMIDI is a Tcl extension to generate MIDI music information.

	To subscribe, send mail to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	and include the phrase

	subscribe tclmidi

	in the body of the message.  The subject is ignored.

o	tclMotif

	tclMotif is an extension which provides true Motif access to a
	Tcl program.

	This mailing list is maintained by
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
	To subscribe, send mail to this address with the request

	subscribe tclMotif your_name

	and you will receive a mail message acknowledging this.  From then
	on, send mail to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > and it
	will be distributed.

o	tclobj

	tclobj is a Tcl extension for allow dynamic loading, invoking, and
	passing of C++ objects.  The mailing list is to provide a means of
	information exchange, announcmenets, and making other Tcl supporting
	classes publically available.

	To subscribe, send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with a subject of "subscribe".

o	Tcl-Pubs

	Tcl-Pubs is a mailing list for people interested in reviewing
	or writing new Tcl related publications.

	Visit <URL: >
	for more details, to subscribe, etc.

o	TclProp

	Mailing list to discuss the tclprop extension.  TclProp is a set
	of functions for declarative programming using data propagation.

	Send your subscription request to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	tcltk

	This mailing list is for all tcl'ers that want to be a part of the
	Tcl/Tk Journal - a free online ezine <URL: >
	for Tcl/Tk and all Tcl "flavours" - Expect, TclX, itcl etc.

	To subscribe, visit
	<URL: > .

o	TclXML

	Besides the effort to convert Tcl doc into XML, there is a mailing
	list whose topics include, but are not limited to, TclXML
	distribution, TclDOM specification and TclExpat.

	See <URL: > for info on
	subscriptions, archives, etc.

o	TclX-Win

	A mailing list for users of the TclX port to Windows 95 and NT.

	To subscribe, send a mail message to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the line

	subscribe tclx-win

	in the body (not subject) of the message.  Mail is then sent to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

	An archive for this list is available at
	<URL: >.

o	TeamRooms

	TeamRooms is an internet based groupware collaboration tool.
	See <URL: >
	for more details.

	To discuss the software, send e-mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the word "subscribe" in the body of your message.

	A subset of the traffic on teamrooms - just the annoucements -
	is also available.  Send e-mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the word "subscribe" in the body of your message.

	If you are on the teamrooms-info list, you should not subscribe to
	the -announce list also.

o	TeenyMUD

	TeenyMUD is a multi-user dungeon program - allows multiple users
	to role play and converse in 'real time'.  It uses Tcl.

	To join the mailing list, contact
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > and then send
	your mail to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.


	TEKI is a tool for creating Tcl installation applications.
	This mailing list discusses the tool.

	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >


	TIGER is an environment for learning how to use OpenGL.  The
	mailing list is in support of the Tcl OpenGL extension, the
	tutorial for learning OpenGL, and the upcoming editor/debugger.

	For joining the mailing list <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	send a "subscribe TIGER mailing list" to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	Tix

	A mailing list for announcements regarding the Tix widget set is
	Info on this mailing list is available at
	<URL: >.

	A second list is available for discussions relating to Tix.
	See <URL: > .


	For general discussions on using Sun's Tk package as the GUI
	toolkit for building Web browsers.  The mailing list is intended
	to be language independant.

	Send the word 'subscribe' in the body of your message to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.  Send the word 'index'
	to the email address for an archive of the messages.

	An archive for this list is available at
	<URL: >.

o	TkDE

	Discussion of creating a consistent Tk desktop environment (TkDE ?).
	Send a message to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	to subscribe and then send your discussions to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
	Here is a web page for the TkDE mailing list
	<URL: >.

o	TkDesk

	TkDesk is a rather sophisticated desktop and file manager for
	Unix and X.

	To unsubscribe from the mailing list, send the message
	unsubscribe tkdesk
	to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

	To send an email to the mailing list, use
	<URL: mailto:tkdesk@[email protected] >.
	Archives are available at
	<URL: >.

o	tkdiff

	tkdiff is a graphical 2-way diff/merge file program which works with
	RCS, SCCS, PVCS, and Perforce.  One can buy support from Ede
	Development as a part of their AccuRev tool set.

	To subscribe to the tkdiff mailing list, email
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > and put the string
	subscribe tkdiff
	in the body of the message.

o	tkdvi

	There are two mailing lists for TkDVI:

	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	This is a low-traffic moderated mailing list for TkDVI-related
	announcements such as the publication of new versions.

	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	This is a forum for general exchange between TkDVI users (such as
	there will be, hopefully). All the traffic from tkdvi-announce shows
	up here as well, so if you're interested in both lists you only need
	to read this one.

	To subscribe to either of these lists, send a message containing a
	Subject: header of subscribe
	to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	and <URL: mailto:[email protected] >,

o	tkgdb
	A mailing list to discuss a graphical interface to gdb can be
	joined by sending a subscription request to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.  However, this email
	address does not seem to be working at this time.

o	tkGS
	A mailing list to discuss the creation of a new graphics subsystem
	for Tk, with device independence in mind.  See
	<URL: >.

o	TkHtml
	A mailing list for discussing D. Richard Hipp's Tk widget for
	rendering HTML.

	<URL: >

o	tkined

	tkined is a Tk based network editor with a programming interface.

	To join the tkined mailing list, contact
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > .

	This list appears to be moving to <URL: >.

o	tkmail

	Two mailing lists exist in support of the TkMail program.
	The first list,  tkmail-l, is a general purpose list
	while the second, tkmail-dev, is for detailed development issues.
	To join either mailing list, send a message to
        <URL: mailto:[email protected] >

	in which the first line of the BODY is
        subscribe tkmail-l [your_address]
        subscribe tkmail-dev [your_address]

	Obviously, [your_address] should be replaced with your address and is
	optional (defaults to address in From header).

	Archives from both lists are accessible on the web at
	<URL: >
	<URL: >

o	tknews

	tknews is a Usenet news reader, capable of either direct or NNTP
	news reading.  To be added to the general discussion mailing
	list (tknews) or the bug reports list (tknews-bugs) contact
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > and ask to be added.

o	tkoct-design

	This list is for discussions of issues related to the user interface
	and database for Ptolemy.  Discussions include replacing and/or
	augmenting the current user interface with a new one based on Tcl/Tk.
	Discussions also include replacing the oct database currently used
	by Ptolemy.

	To subscribe, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with the following line in the body of the message:
		subscribe tkoct-design

	Contact Christopher Hylands <URL: mailto:[email protected] > for
	further information.

	This list appears to be moving to <URL: >.

o	TkVP

	TkVP is a video poker application, built using TclProp.

	To be added to the TkVP mailing list, contact
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	Tkwm

	Tkwm is an X11 window manager written using the Tk tool kit.
	To subscribe to the mailing list, send a message with the word
	help to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.  Messages are
	set to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	tkWWW

	tkWWW is a tk-based WorldWideWeb client.  Contact
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > to join the mailing list
	and send your messages to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.
	Also see <URL: > for more information
	about tkWWW.

o	tmk

	tmk <URL: > is a freely available tool that
	combines the functionality of a traditional make utility with 
	Tcl.  The tmk mailing list can be reached at
	<URL: >

o	Tribeirc

	Tribe mirc scripts, bugs, updates, london(UK) phreaking, mirc addons,
        and group userfiles.

	To subscribe, visit
	<URL: >

o	VMS Tcl/Tk

	Folks interested in Tcl on VMS in general can sign up to the
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] > mailing list for more details.
	An archive for the mailing list is available at:
	<URL: >


	A Virtual Reality Markup Language Tcl extension.

	Send mail to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > to subscribe.

o	vtcl

	This list is for any discussions relevant to the use of or
	development of a graphically oriented Tcl development environment
	currently known as Visual Tcl.

	See <URL: > for subscription
	and archive info.


	WAFE is a Athena Widget front end which uses Tcl.  To join
	the wafe mailing list, contact <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	wintcl

	This mailing list is devoted to issues relating to Tcl on the
	Microsoft Windows platform (including Windows 3.1, '95 or NT).

	An archive for this list is available at
	<URL: >.


	WOBBLE - Web of Binary Building and Linking Engines -
	is an idea of creating a mechanism for generating binary versions
	of extensions from a variety of machines.
	See <URL: > for some introductory
	Contact Jean-Claude Wippler <URL: mailto:[email protected] > to get
	on this mailing list.

o	X Directory

	A mailing list to discuss the Tcl/Tk based directory and file manager.

	Contact <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	by sending "subscribe ml-xdirector" in body.

o	xbatcheck

	A mailing list to discuss this simple battery ife application.
	See <URL: >
	for subscription information.

o	XF-L

	XF is a Graphical User Interface builder which generates Tk and
	Tcl code.  To subscribe to the xf mailing list,
	send a "subscribe XF-L Your Name" line to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

        To unsubscribe from this list send the text:
        unsubscribe XF-L
        in the body of the message to:
        <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
        Human administrator: XF-L-request AT LISTSERV.GMD.DE

        Replace "AT" with @. This is to protect this list owner address
	from spammers.

	This list appears to be moving to <URL: >.

o	X Protocol Engine Library (XPEL)

	To join, send email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

	XPEL uses Tcl for an embedded interpretor as well as uses
	safe-tcl in external monitor programs.

o	xtem-list

	Discussion mailing list for the xtem_texmenu project.

	Subscribe by sending email to <URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	with a message body of

	subscribe xtem-list


	YART is a imaging software package based on Tk, OpenGL, etc.

	To join, send mail with subject "subscribe YART mailing list"
	to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > .  Then send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

	GENERIC is a 3D graphics kernel related to YART.  To subscribe
	to its mailing list:

	send mail with subject "subscribe GENERIC mailing list"
	to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > .  Then send mail to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.

o	Zircon

	Zircon is a Tk interface to IRC.

	To subscribe, send email to
	<URL: mailto:[email protected] >.


From: FAQ General information
Subject: -IX- Where can I find the FAQ and who do I contact for more
		information about it?

	I keep pointers to the authority locations of the various Tcl FAQs
of which I am aware at <URL: >.
I am also going to attempt to keep a copy of this file up to date on
<URL: > in files
named tcl-faq.part0[1-5].  Make sure you pick up the newest ones there.
There are mirrors of the user contribution archive site maintained
elsewhere - for instance, it appears that huji, denet, luth, obspm,
th-darmstadt, sunsite, univie all have some portion of the user contrib
archives available.  Also, I will be posting it on a regular basis to
at least <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl >, <URL: news:news.answers>, and
<URL: news:comp.answers >.

	Many FAQs, including my particular ones, are available on the
archive site <URL: >.
The subdirectory and name under which a FAQ is archived appears in the
Archive-name line at the top of the article.
For example, this part of the comp.lang.tcl FAQ is archived as
<URL: >.
There is a Northern European archive for the FAQ at
<URL: >
as well as a French location for the FAQ at
<URL: >.  A great WWW site for
these archives can be found at <URL: >.

	There is also a mail server from which you can obtain a copy of
the FAQ.  Send an email message to <URL: mailto:[email protected] > or
<URL: mailto:[email protected] > with the word help in the body of
the message to find out how to use it.

	Also, this FAQ is available from within gopher (by looking at
any one of the gopher holes presenting news.answers or FAQ lists), from
WAIS servers (such as the comp.lang.tcl.src), from a number of sites
which have available via ftp archives of news.answers and comp.answers
(use archie to locate one of these sites available around the world),
and probably other resources as well.

	Other news.answers/FAQ archives (which carry some or all of the FAQs
in the <URL: > archive), sorted by country, are:


<URL: gopher:// >
<URL: >

mail-server		<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
	Send "get avail FAQs"


<URL: gopher:// >


<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: gopher:// >

mail server		<URL: mailto:[email protected] >


<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: gopher:// >
<URL: gopher:// >
<URL: >

FSP			<URL: fsp:// >
mail server		<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
			<URL: mailto:[email protected] >
			<URL: mailto:[email protected] >

The Netherlands

<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: gopher:// >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >
<URL: >

mail server		<URL: mailto:[email protected] >


<URL: >
<URL: telnet://[email protected]/ >

anonymous UUCP	chx400:ftp/info_service/Usenet/periodic-postings
mail server		<URL: mailto:[email protected] >


<URL: >

United States

<URL: >

	Various Uniform Resource Locator (URL) ids for the
comp.lang.tcl FAQ exist.  My personal copy is found at
<URL: >.  The user can use a
WorldWideWeb (WWW) client to access the Tcl FAQ from this point.
Another FAQ page is
<URL: >.
Yet another is
<URL: >.

	A WWW URL where the FAQ is treated simply as one
long scrollable document (suitable for doing a search against, for
instance) is <URL: >
though there are reports that this server is not responding to HTTP

	A archive of the newsgroup is available from
<URL: > where the archive is organized
by collecting each month's worth of postings into its own file.  This
archive has been kept since January 1993.

	There is a Tcl room on Internet Relay Chat (IRC).  Contact
Don Lindsay <URL: mailto:[email protected] > for details on the #TCL room.

	The FAQs also can be found in many of the various archives for
<URL: news:comp.lang.tcl > as well as mirrors of the neosoft ftp site.
I must warn you though that in many cases, the copies of the FAQs
found around the internet are woefully out of date.  The PURL points to
the authority location and should be available to all.

	Let me know when you find the FAQ in new and unusual locations
so I can update this resource guide!


From: FAQ General information
Subject: -X- On what sites can I find archives for comp.lang.tcl?

	At <URL: >, the
<URL: news:comp.lang.tcl.announce > postings are archived.  Details
regarding a mailing list of postings to this newsgroup are also
at the WWW site.

	At <URL: >,
the first few months worth of articles on <URL: news:fr.comp.lang.tcl > are
available, while the current articles are available at
<URL: >.
FTP access to individual articles from March through October 1997
are available at <URL: ftp:// >.

	One ftp archive of old <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl > articles is available
from <URL: >.
<URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Jan Newmarch) maintained it.
It contains articles from July 1993 thru December, 1993.

	Another archive is available as <URL: >
and is stored as a series of monthly archives.  It is maintained by
<URL: mailto:[email protected] > (Kazuro Furukawa).  Archives for 1992-1996,
as well as for January thru April 1997 ar available.

Another such site is
<URL: >,
which covers from December 1993 through April of 1996 (with what
appears to be various holes in coverage).

	One way to access old <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl > articles is to
get one of the published CD-ROMs.  CD ROM World's 1993 CD-ROM claims to
include 40 meg of articles.  InfoMagic's 1996 Tcl/Tk CD-ROM makes the
same claim.

	More interesting ways to access a portion of the newsgroup are
<URL: > and a number of
the USENET interactive archive sites.  The first gives you access to a
small number of recent news articles.  The latter includes
<URL: >,
<URL: >,
and <URL: > (which provides
a mechanism for sending you email when new postings which match your favorite
search query appear; unfortunately, most of the historical clt access is no
longer available here).
Another site would be
<URL: >
<URL: >.

	At <URL: >, one gets the
opportunity to do WAIS searching against various databases, one of
which appears to be the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup.

	At <URL: > or
<URL: > you will find a
MacOS Sherlock plug-in for searching <URL: >.

	A fantastic Internet resource is Tcl-URL, found at
<URL: >.  This is a weekly summary of
the <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl > highlights.  Other sites with this information
include <URL: >.

<URL: > is yet another attempt at providing users access to
<URL: news:comp.lang.tcl > and <URL: news:comp.lang.tcl.announce> via WWW.

	Also see
<URL: >
for a variety of resources.

Andreas Kupries <URL: mailto:[email protected] > has made compressed archives
of some of 1998 and 1999 postings to comp.lang.tcl available.  See
<URL: > for links.

Unified Technologies Corp. has announced the UTCorp Free Access News
Server (FANS) -- a public, freely accessible news server which will mirror
select USENET newsgroups.  At the moment, it mirrors comp.lang.tcl
and comp.lang.tcl.announce.  The news server runs using TclNNTPD
<URL: >, a newly released,
open-source, TCL-only coded NNTP news server.  To access this server, use
<URL: nntp:// >.  See
<URL: > for more info.


End of comp.lang.tcl Frequently Asked Questions (2/5)
Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem.
Larry W. Virden <mailto:[email protected]> <URL:>
Even if explicitly stated to the contrary, nothing in this posting should 
be construed as representing my employer's opinions.

[[Send Tcl/Tk announcements to [email protected]
  Send administrivia to [email protected]
  Announcements archived at
  The primary Tcl/Tk archive is ]]

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