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4. Securing Your Connection

This section is intended for those who have not previously dealt with the security implications of having a full-time Internet connection. Or may not understand some of the basic concepts of security. This is meant to be just a quick overview, not a comprehensive examination of all the issues! Just enough to give you a gentle shove in the right direction. Please see the Links section for sites with more details. Also, your distribution surely has plenty of good information as well.

4.1. Security Quick-start

Before going on-line full-time, do not underestimate the need for securing your connection. You will have two things that mischief makers and crackers of the world are looking for: bandwidth, and a Unix-like OS. You instantly become an inviting target. It is just a matter of time before someone comes knocking. Possibly a very short time. A quick start:

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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