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Filesystems HOWTO

Martin Hinner < [email protected]>

Version 0.7.5, 22 August 2000

This small HOWTO is about filesystems and accessing filesystems. It is not Linux- or Unix-related document as you probably expect. You can find there also a lot of interesting information about non-Unix (file)systems, but Unix is my primary interest :-)

1. Introduction

2. Volumes

3. DOS FAT 12/16/32, VFAT

4. High Performance FileSystem (HPFS)

5. New Technology FileSystem (NTFS)

6. Extended filesystems (Ext, Ext2, Ext3)

7. Macintosh Hierarchical Filesystem - HFS

8. ISO 9660 - CD-ROM filesystem

9. Other filesystems

10. Raw partitions

11. Appendix

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