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4. Efarmoges

Gevika, oi efarmoges prepei va metaglwttizovtai me NLS -otav uparxei- kai ws "8-bin-clean" giati ta ellnvika xrnsimopoiouv kai ta 8 bits.

Epeidn n glwssa eivai ta ellnvika, 8etoume: export LANG=el (bash/sh) n setenv LANG el (csh/tcsh). Kalov 8a eivai va oristei n metablntn periballovtos LC_CTYPE se iso_8859_7. Autn n ru8misn prepei va mpei sto /etc/profile kai sto /etc/csh.cshrc gia ru8misn se epipedo sustnmatos n sto  /bashrc kai  /cshrc gia xrnstes me bash/sh kai csh/tcsh kelufn avtistoixa.

Episns to  /.Xdefaults n  /.Xresources 8a prepei va periexei:

       *basicLocale:   C
       *timeFormat:    C
       *numeric:       C
       *displayLang:   iso_8859_7
       *inputLang:     iso_8859_7

4.1 bash

Gia bash v.1.13+, pros8este to parakatw sto /etc/inputrc n sto  /.inputrc, gia va exete ellnvika sto kelufos (grammn evtolwv):

          set meta-flag on
          set convert-meta off
          set output-meta on
To idio isxuei kai gia sh.

4.2 csh/tcsh

    export LANG=el_GR
    export LC_CTYPE=iso-8859-7
    stty cs8 -istrip -parenb (???)

     tcsh :
        Put the following in your /etc/csh.cshrc or .tcshrc file

          setenv LC_CTYPE iso_8859_7
          stty pass8

     Note: If this doesn't work your copy of tcsh was probably not compiled
     with NLS support or possibly it's version 6.03 or lower.
DEN DOULEUEI (tcsh 6.06.00 13-5-95, options 8b, nls, dl ,al, sm)(???)

4.3 ls

Gia va deite ta arxeia me ellnvika ovomata, ekteleste tnv evtoln ws "ls -N". Gia eukolia kavte tnv alias sto  /.profile n balte tnv parametro -N sto $LS_OPTIONS eav dev eivai ndn:


4.4 more

O Mavwlns Lourakns, < [email protected]> "peira3e" to "more" gia va deixvei 928 ellnvika, moreH:

4.5 less

Uparxouv diaforoi tropoi gia va douleyei to less, o ka8e evas me diaforetiko ba8mo duskolias:

4.6 a2ps

Uparxei mia eidikn metaglwttisn tou a2ps v4.0 (ascii to postscript), pou upostnrizei ellnvika, grammevn apo tov Mavwln Lourakn < [email protected]> kai tov Giavvn Mouzakn < [email protected]>. Brisketai edw { To standard a2ps tha exei syntoma swsth yposthriksh gia ellhnika. }

4.7 genscript

Evallaktika tou a2ps uparxei to GNU enscript, pou 8ewreitai kalutero kai perilambavei episnma upostnri3n gia ellnvika apo tnv ekdosn 1.6.0 kai meta. Gia perissoteres pnrofories deite:

4.8 vi

O vi opws tov trexete apo tis gvwstes diavomes 8a prepei va douleyei me ta ellnvika, xwris tropopoinsn, eav oxi, uparxei o viH (ellnvikos vi, 8a tov breite stov Argea) kai o vim.

Shmeiwteon oti o vim meta thn ekdosh 4.x exei yposthriksh toy
langmap flag (prepei na ginei compile me ayto to flag - standard builds
den to exoyn synithws). To feature ayto, contributed apo ton 
Angelo Haritsis <[email protected]>, einai meros toy standard vim 
distribution kai oxi aplws ena palio patch.
Apo to documentation toy vim (:help langmap):
     This option allows support for keyboards that have a mode for a
     special language.  The idea is that when you are typing text in
Insert mode your keyboard is switched in the special language mode, you
get different key codes for the special characters.  When in command
mode the 'langmap' option takes care of translating these special
characters to the original meaning of the key.  This means you don't
have to change the keyboard mode to be able to execute normal mode commands.                                                 
Exei kai to katallhlo setting gia ellhnika sto documentation.
Nomizw oti einai xrhsimo gia vi users...

++ Isws ena linux .rpm (properly built) tha htan xrhsimo.

4.9 joe

O joe upostnrizei ellnvika eav evergopoinsoume 8bit support, eite trexovtas joe -asis, eite bazovtas tnv parametro -asis sto usr/(local/)/lib/joerc.

4.10 emacs

O Emacs 19+ exei diko tou tropo va diaxeirizetai to plnktrologio. Gi' auto kai dev douleuei opoiadnpote ellnvikn upostnri3n ftiaxtei gia tnv kovsola kai mesa stov Emacs.

H lusn eivai to paketo greek-mode.el, pou exei ftia3ei o Saravtos Kapidakns < [email protected]>. Gia perissoteres plnrofories, to idio to paketo mas parapempei stnv dieu8uvsn: opou uparxouv odngies egkatastasns. To idio to paketo mporei kaveis va to brei eukola kai stis selides tou Hellenic Resources Institute (HRI) sto tmnma pou avaferetai se Ellnvika gia UNIX.

     emacs :
        In version 19.26 or later of GNU emacs you can simply  set the
        environment variable LC_CTYPE to iso_8859_7 like you do for tcsh
        and elm. If you use an older version put the following in your
        /usr/lib/emacs/site-lisp/default.el file:

          (standard-display-european t)

          (set-input-mode (car (current-input-mode))
                  (nth 1 (current-input-mode))

     Dead key functionality should work under GNU emacs provided you use
     GNU emacs v19.30 or higher and XFree86 v3.1.2 or higher, so don't
     start researching available elisp packages implementing "electric
     keys" or anything like that. If you want to implement European
     keyboard conventions in emacs without upgrading the best choice is
     probably the remap package available from the AUC FTP server (see
     section ``References and FTP sites''.)

4.11 xemacs

Gia va xrnsimopoinsei kaveis xemacs mazi me to kikbd (evdexomevws gevika), prepei va orisei duo grammes sto .xemacs-options:

(global-set-key 'Dacute_accent '"")
(global-set-key 'Ddiaeresis '"")

4.12 pine

To pine to movo pou xreiazetai eivai va oristouv sav "alternative editor" o joe n o viH. Upostnrizei movo 928, arkei sto setup, configure va balei kapoios character-set= ISO-8859-7 kai dev 8elei tipota allo (o pico 8a dexetai 8bit input).

4.13 elm akonstan/en/greek/elm-greek.txt

elm: Set the following environment variables

Some versions of elm require that you put the following definitions in your  /.elm/elmrc/ file:
          charset = iso-8859-7
          displaycharset = iso-8859-7
          textencoding = 8bit

Kai to palio-kalo elm yposthrizei ellhnika, me ton katallhlo editor. Epishs yparxei mia nekranasthmenh ekdosh poy yposthrizei kai alla kaloydia, to elm-me:


4.14 metamail

To configure the metamail package for ISO 8859-7 input/output, set the MM_CHARSET environment variable with "setenv MM_CHARSET ISO-8859-7". Also, set the MM_AUXCHARSETS variable with "setenv MM_AUXCHARSETS iso-8859-7" (???)

4.15 telnet

To telnet 8a prepei va douleuei xwris problnma. Eav oxi, balte autn tnv grammn sto arxeio  /.telnetrc:

          set binary true

4.16 rlogin

Eav exete problnmata me to rlogin, dokimaste: "rlogin -8" n "rlogin -L".

4.17 xterm

Tre3te to e3ns: (n opoiadnpote ellnvikn grammatoseira)

xterm -f sc-elot16
n akoma kalutera pngaivoume sto arxeio  /.Xresources, kai pros8etoume kapou (px sto telos) tnv grammn autn me to font pou 8eloume, px xterm*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--0-0-75-75-c-0-iso8859-7

4.18 rxvt

To rxvt gia va mporesei va grayei kai va dei3ei swsta ta ellnvika xreiazetai duo pragmata

  1. Ellnvikes Grammatoseires sta X11, bl. Ellinikes-grammatoseires
  2. Kapoies parametrous stn grammn evtolwv, gia va gurisei se 8-bit mode kai va mnv agvoei to bit pou 3exwrizei ta ellnvika apo ta agglika. Oi magikes parametroi pou kavouv to rxvt sas ellnvikotato eivai:
    % rxvt -8 -meta 8thbit -font GREEKFONT ...
    kai mporeite safws va tis xrnsimopoinsete mazi me o,ti parametrous xrnsimopoieite kavovika sto rxvt sas.

To rxvt (xterm clone that uses less memory and runs slightly faster)
exei standard support gia full ellhniko keyboard (928 kai 437) poy exw balei
edw kai poly kairo.  Download the latest source kai compile me 
sto feature.h

To rxvt yposthrizei ellhnika se efarmoges poy doyleyoyn mesa sto
rxvt terminal. Yposthrizei full set ellhnikwn (including:
tono-dialytika, anw teleia, ellhnika omoiwmatika).
Epitrepei kaneis na kanei type taytoxrona se 928 kai 437 se 2 katallhla
diaforetika rxvt windows. 
Read file README.greek gia leptomereies.

H swsth lysh gia X11 bebaia einai ena complete XKB package poy tha
yposthrizei to plhres set ellhnikwn. Mexri tote to rxvt einai akoma
xrhsimo (epishs gia 737 taytoxrona me 928 keyboard).

++ Isws ena linux .rpm (properly built) tha htan xrhsimo.

4.19 minicom

To minicom eivai eva programma epikoivwviwv gia modem, pou 8umizei evtova Telix. H ellnvikn ekdosn upostnrizei 737, xrnsimo gia va mpaivei kaveis se BBS pou douleuouv katw apo DOS (sxedov oles oi ellnvikes eivai tetoies): Perissoteres plnrofories: < [email protected]>

Fantazomai minicom mesa se rxvt me 737 font kai encoding tha doylepsei
kanonika xwris tropopoihsh tou idioy toy programmatos (arkei na einai
8-bit clean).

4.20 samba

To Samba stis teleutaies ekdoseis (>=1.9.17 ?) dev xreiazetai tipota gia va blepoume ellnvika ovomata arxeiwv. Stnv 1.9.18p, dokimastnke auto me epituxia, tre3te to /usr/doc/packages/samba/examples/validchars gia va deite oti upostnrizovtai eav exete amfibolies.

Eav prepei pros8esete ta ellnvika, 8a pate sto [global] tou /etc/smb.conf, va pros8esete tnv grammn "valid chars = 0xa0 0xa1 0xa2 ... klp"

4.21 ispell

O Giavvns Kabaklns < [email protected]> exei tropopoinsei to ispell, gia va upostnrizei 928 ellnvika. Episns exei eva le3iko sto paketo auto. To FTP site eivai: Evallaktika tou ispell uparxei to aspell.

===================================================================== (???)

     ispell - Spell checking in Danish:
        First make sure you install version 3.1 instead of version 4.0
        of ispell.  The latter is obsolete and multiply brain-damaged.
        You can download the sources for ispell at the GNU archive at, and you can get a Danish dictionary via FTP
        from in /pub/packages/dkispell/. Follow the
        compilation instructions and you should have no trouble (One
        caveat: When defining the variables necessary for compilation
        you should slightly confusingly tell ispell that Linux is a Sys
        V type OS by defining the variable USG.)
        When you have installed the Danish dictionary for ispell you 
        can check the spelling of a Danish language file by executing 
        the command: 

        ispell -d danish -T latin1 -w "??????" <your_danish_text_file>

        (Note for non-Danish readers: You can find dictionaries for most
        Western languages by reading the file Where included with the
        sources for ispell.)

4.22 Midnight Commander

H emfavisn ellnvikwv ovomatwv kai periexomevwv arxeiwv sto mc evergopoieitai apo to mevou Options -> Display bits -> Full 8 bits output. Gia va grayei kaveis ellnvika stov epe3ergastn keimevou kai ta pedia dialogou tou mc, prepei va evergopoinsei sto idio mevou tnv epilogn Full 8 bits input. [ [email protected] ]

4.23 Staroffice

Gia office suite proteivoume to StarOffice 5.1.

Gia tov e3ellnvismo tou diabaste to eidiko keimevo StarOffice-and-Greek.

4.24 Netscape

Ta Netscape 3.x & 4.x exouv eggevn (merikn) upostnri3n ellnvikwv. Prwta apo ola, prepei va exoume kavei swsto Configuration twv X windows wste va "blepouv" ellnvikes grammatoseires. Av auto exei givei tote prepei va kavoume ta e3ns 3 bnmata gia va apeikovizovtai ta ellnvika PANTOU sto netscape.

Arxizoume :

Plnrofories 8a breite episns sto:

Netscape widgets

lazaros sotiriadis:

A epishs gia na vlepete ellinika se ola ta widgets prepei na dosete ti sosti gramatoseira sto i se arxeio pou tha kanete xrdb -merge i sto .Xdefaults tis exhs 4 seires :

*fontList: -*-couriergr-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*
*XmTextField.fontList: -*-couriergr-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*
*XmText.fontList: -*-couriergr-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*
*XmList*fontList: -*-couriergr-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*

Etsi tha blepete ellinika se Ola ta widgets se oles tis selides asxetos
an exoun sto source tous charset=windows-1253 kai akoma tha vlepete
ellinika sta bookmarks kai tha grafete fisika se ola ta widgets (p.x http://...)

Netscape fonts

Shmeiwteon  to greekXfonts-full-1.1.tgz prosferei 3 dynatothtes
gia ellhnika se Netcsape: 
 * grinet (Type1), 
 * grtex/grtt,
 * helveticagr/couriergr.
Ta Type1 einai to kalytero option (logw oti einai scalable) alla
dystyxws se XFree86 de fainontai toso kala logw kakoy Type1 rasteriser twn XFree.
Se alla unix/X exw anafores oti fainontai poly kalytera.

Polla sites exoyn dymanic font information gia ta keimena opote to Netscape
aytomatws tha dialseksei to katallhlo font. Ayth h praktikh synistatai
se webmasters ellhnikwn keimenwn.

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