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Chapter 12. openMosixview

Table of Contents
12.1. Introduction
12.2. openMosixview vs Mosixview
12.3. Installation
12.3.1. Installation of the RPM-distribution
12.3.2. Installation of the source-distribution
12.3.3. Automatic setup-script
12.3.4. Manual compiling
12.3.5. Hints
12.4. using openMosixview
12.4.1. main application
12.4.2. the configuration-window
12.4.3. advanced-execution
12.4.4. the command-line
12.4.5. the host-chooser
12.4.6. the parallel host-chooser
12.5. openMosixprocs
12.5.1. intro
12.5.2. the migrator-window
12.5.3. managing processes from remote
12.6. openMosixcollector
12.7. openMosixanalyzer
12.7.1. the load-overview
12.7.2. statistical informations about a cluster-node
12.7.3. the memory-overview
12.7.4. openMosixhistory
12.8. openmosixview faq
12.9. openMosixview + ssh:

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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