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8.3. the userspace-tools

These following tools are providing easy administration to openMosix clusters.
migrate -send a migrate request to a process
                        migrate [PID] [openMosix_ID]

mon             -is a ncurses-based terminal monitor
                 several informations about the current status are displayed in bar-charts

mosctl          -is the openMosix main configuration utility
                        mosctl  [stay|nostay]

                        mosctl  whois   [openMosix_ID|IP-address|hostname]

                        mosctl  [getload|getspeed|status|isup|getmem|getfree|getutil]   [openMosix_ID]

                        mosctl  setyard [Processor-Type|openMosix_ID||this]

                        mosctl  setspeed        interger-value

                        mosctl  setdecay interval       [slow fast]

Table 8-6. more detailed

stay no automatic process migration
nostay automatic process migration (default)
lstay local processes should stay
nolstay local processes could migrate
block block arriving of guest processes
noblock allow arriving of guest processes
quiet disable gathering of load-balancing informations
noquiet enable gathering of load-balancing informations
nomfs disables MFS
mfs enables MFS
expel send away guest processes
bring bring all migrated processes home
gettune shows the current overhead parameter
getyard shows the current used Yardstick
getdecay shows the current decay parameter
whois resolves openMosix-ID, ip-addresses and hostnames of the cluster
getload display the (openMosix-) load
getspeed shows the (openMosix-) speed
status displays the current status and configuration
isup is a node up or down (openMosix kind of ping)
getmem shows logical free memory
getfree shows physical free mem
getutil display utilization
setyard sets a new Yardstick-value
setspeed sets a new (openMosix-) speed value
setdecay sets a new decay-interval

mosrun          -run a special configured command on a chooosen node
                        mosrun  [-h|openMosix_ID| list_of_openMosix_IDs] command [arguments]

The mosrun command can be executed with several more commandline options. To ease this up there are several preconfigured run-scripts for executing jobs with a special (openMosix) configuration.

Table 8-7. extra options for mosrun

nomig runs a command which process(es) won't migrate
runhome executes a command locked to its home node
runon runs a command which will be directly migrated and locked to a node
cpujob tells the openMosix cluster that this is a cpu-bound process
iojob tells the openMosix cluster that this is a io-bound process
nodecay executes a command and tells the cluster not to refresh the load-balancing statistics
slowdecay executes a command with a slow decay interval for collecting load-balancing statistics
fastdecay executes a command with a fast decay interval for collecting load-balancing statistics

setpe           -manual node configuration utility
                        setpe   -w -f   [hpc_map]
                        setpe   -r [-f  [hpc_map]]
                        setpe   -off

-w reads the openMosix configuration from a file (typically /etc/
-r writes the current openMosix configuration to a file (typically /etc/
-off turns the current openMosix configuration off

tune            openMosix calibration and optimizations utility.
                (for further informations review the tune-man page)

Additional to the /proc interface and the commandline-openMosix utilities (which are using the /proc interface) there is a patched "ps" and "top" available (they are called "mps" and "mtop") which displays also the openMosix-node ID on a column. This is useful for finding out where a specific process is currently being computed.

The administrator can have a overview about the current status of the cluster and its nodes with the "Mosix Cluster Information Tool PHP" which can be found at . (the path to the NODESDIR has to be adjusted to $NODESDIR="/proc/hpc/nodes/")

For smaller cluster it might also be useful to use Mosixview which is a GUI for the most common administration tasks.

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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