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Chapter 11. Using common PC hardware

Table of Contents
11.1. ISDN
11.2. PLIP for Linux-2.0
11.3. PPP
11.4. SLIP client - (Antiquated)
11.4.1. dip
11.4.2. slattach
11.4.3. When do I use which ?
11.4.4. Static SLIP server with a dialup line and DIP.
11.4.5. Dynamic SLIP server with a dialup line and DIP.
11.4.6. Using DIP.
11.4.7. Permanent SLIP connection using a leased line and slattach.
11.4.8. SLIP server.
11.4.9. Slip Server using sliplogin.
11.4.10. Where to get sliplogin
11.4.11. Configuring /etc/passwd for Slip hosts.
11.4.12. Configuring /etc/slip.hosts
11.4.13. Configuring the /etc/slip.login file.
11.4.14. Configuring the /etc/slip.logout file.
11.4.15. Configuring the /etc/slip.tty file.
11.4.16. Slip Server using dip.
11.4.17. Configuring /etc/diphosts
11.4.18. SLIP server using the dSLIP package.

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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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