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Gilles Lamiral, [email protected]

$Revision: 1.40 $ $Date: 2002/07/07 23:46:32 $

This paper describes how to install a Gnu|Linux distribution on a computer without Ethernet card, or CD-ROM, but just a local floppy drive and a remote nfs server attached by a Null-Modem parallel cable. The nfs server has a cdrom drive mounted and exported.

You can find the latest release of the PLIP-Install-HOWTO, by Gilles Lamiral, located at:

If you have already read this HOWTO and you wonder what is new in this release, first read the section what's new.

1. PLIP for the impatient

2. Introduction

3. License

4. How did I write this howto ?

5. What do you need ?

6. The documentation

7. Conventions

8. Building your own cable

9. Network parameters

10. PLIP on the Source side

11. The cdrom nfs server side

12. FIPS, PARTED, splitting of hard disk partitions

13. Debian installation

14. Installing Slackware, Caldera

15. Installing RedHat 6.x

16. Installing RedHat 7.0

17. Installing Suse

18. Installing from a DOS partition

19. Install the plip interface permanently

20. Compatibility with a printer (lp)

21. Need to compile a new kernel ?

22. Known problems

23. What's new

24. To do

25. List of contributors and acknowledgements

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