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The teTeX HOWTO: The Linux-teTeX Local Guide

Robert Kiesling

v3.7, 9 November 1998

This document covers the basic installation and usage of the teTeX TeX and LaTeX implementation under the major U.S. Linux distributions, and auxiliary packages like Ghostscript. Contents of the teTeX HOWTO: The Linux-teTeX Local Guide are Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 by Robert A. Kiesling. The exact terms of copying are given in the introduction and the appendices. Registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Please send all complaints, suggestions, errata, and any miscellany to [email protected], so I can keep this document as complete and up to date as possible.

1. Introduction.

2. Using teTeX.

3. TeX commands.

4. LaTeX commands.

5. LaTeX extension packages and other resources.

6. Mixing text and graphics with dvips.

7. Using Postscript fonts.

8. Appendix A: CTAN site list.

9. Appendix B: Installing the CTAN teTeX distribution.

10. Appendix C: Distribution and Copyright.

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