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12. Reboot the system, modify LILO configuration file

Reboot the system. If you have problems, you can use the boot diskette you just make. To do so, you may have to modify your BIOS's boot-up sequence to A:, C:.

You should modify the file /etc/lilo.conf in case you later want to run LILO again. Here's an example of how the file can look:
boot=/dev/hda                 # Install LILO on first hard
                              # disk.
map=/boot/map                 # Location of "map file".
install=/boot/boot.b          # File to copy to floppy's
                              # boot sector.
prompt                        # Have LILO show "LILO boot:"
                              # prompt.
timeout=50                    # Boot default system after 5
                              # seconds. (Value is in tenths of
                              # seconds.)
image=/boot/vmlinuz           # Location of Linux kernel. The
                              # actual name may include a version
                              # number, for example
                              # "vmlinuz-2.0.35".
    label=linux               # Label for Linux system.
    root=/dev/hda1            # Location of root partition on
                              # new hard disk. Modify this as
                              # appropriate for your system.
    read-only                 # Mount partition read-only at
                              # first, to run fsck.

Slackware only. Use image=/vmlinuz.

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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov
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