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4. I got it all, what now ?

Now you created the extra account, you got the mail address - and/or the DNS entry & forwarding to your account ... As well installed Procmail & Fetchmail so we can rock the place ! :) .. here we go !

  1. You need to create a .procmailrc file, what will contain the "delivery" info to your users.
  2. You need to create a "nosuchuserfile" - so the writer knows his mail isn't delivered well.
  3. For best work :) you could use crontab to check for mail. This is a easy way to check your mail every XX minutes when on the internet.

4.1 Creating a .fetchmailrc file

You will need to create a .fetchmailrc file, what will contain the information (username & password, as well the Mail Delivery Agent (mda) to proces the mail to). Here is some example file ...

(*** < file > *** text ***) .fetchmailrc

proto pop3
user myaccountthere
pass deepestsecrets
mda /usr/bin/procmail

This file will be used to fetch your mail. Please test it by using the fetchmail program "fetchmail -vv" - and see your mail is being transferred right ... There will be some errors - since the procmail control file hasn't been created yet. You can wait by testing AFTER making the procmailrc file, but - i'll warn ya - IF there is something fault :) it CAN be this file :) It needs to be owned by the user account itself - in my case "mailservice" and needs to be "user readable" but NOT group/world readable - since it contains the "main password" :)). (chmod 600 .fetchmailrc will do).

4.2 Creating a .procmailrc file

This control file will forward all mail to the users in it. There are 2 ways as described before - the "to:" (header) way - and the "subject" (sloppy) way. The file will contain the usernames to transport to. All the "#" are comments and are absolutely not needed when not wanted - it's only so you know what i am doing ... - you can as well best chmod it 600 - so the rest of the world or group doesn't need those private addresses eh :) ... It needs also to be owned by the user (like "mailservice") :)). The "nosuchuserfile" is a "bounce" to the writer - if the user isn't found (so mail not delivered) in the procmailrc file ... - so the writer knows the mail isn't delivered well.

For "header (to:)" transportation

(*** < file > *** text ***) .procmailrc

# this line is for debugging purposes only ! it should be removed for
# ethical purposes - since you can read all mail passed trough your mail-
# server ... - all mail will be copied to the file "passtrough" before
# going to the users ... herein you can look what went wrong ...
:0 c

# the mail with header "to: [email protected]" will be forwarded directly
# to me, the other mail will pass this option ... 
* ^To:.*[email protected]
! freaker

# the mail to [email protected] will be forwarded to root ... as well postmaster!
* ^To:.*[email protected]
! root

* ^To:.*[email protected]
! postmaster

# the mail to [email protected] will be forwarded to barbara AND will be
# forwarded to her private email address !

:0 c
* ^To:.*[email protected]
! [email protected]

* ^To:.*[email protected]
! barbara

# the mail to [email protected] and [email protected] will be forwarded to johnny

* (^To:.*[email protected])|(^To:.*[email protected])
! freaker

# the mail to [email protected] and all carbon copys will be forwarded to hans

* (^To:.*[email protected])|(^CC:.*[email protected])
! hans

# this lines will BOUNCE the mail to the sender - when it is not delivered to
# one of above users ... it will send the file "nosuchuser" into the mail
# body as reply ... be aware ! you need to make such file ! - mine contains
# "well, the user you wanted to reach does not exist on this server, please
# try again, it could be the user is not present anymore".
  |(/usr/bin/formail -r -k \
     -A"X-loop: [email protected] "| \
       /usr/bin/gawk '{print }\
       /^/ && !HEADER \
         { system("/bin/cat nosuchuser"); \
         print"--" ;\
         HEADER=1 }' ) |\
         /usr/bin/sendmail -t


For "subject: touser" transportation

(*** < file > *** text ***) .procmailrc

# this line is for debugging purposes only ! it should be removed for
# ethical purposes - since you can read all mail passed trough your mail-
# server ... - all mail will be copied to the file "passtrough" before
# going to the users ... herein you can look what went wrong ...
:0 c

# the mail with header "to: [email protected]" will be forwarded directly
# to me, the other mail will pass this option ... When you got a "dedicated"
# email address to receive your "mailservice thingy's" on - you don't need
# to use this line :) 
* ^To:.*[email protected]
! freaker

# all mail with as subject "root" will be forwarded to root !
* ^Subject:.root
! root

# all mail to "subject: barbara" will be forwarded to barbara ...
* ^Subject:.barbara
! barbara

# all mail to "subject: paul" will be forwarded to his external email addr.
* ^Subject:.paul
! [email protected]

# all mail to "subject: john" will be forwarded to his account at your server
# and a copy will go to his private email address ... 
:0 c
* ^Subject:.john
! [email protected]

* ^Subject:.john
! john

# All the mail from ibm, with their updates and information, will go to                                
# freaker, as he is the one who will administrate the mailservice, and
# as ibm doesn't want to get the bounce putten below !! ... this is
# neccesary if your mail provider sends "newsletters" etc...
* ^From:.*[email protected]
! freaker

# All messages from the daemon should been thrown away, or in my case, will
# be saved to a file ... (use /dev/null to throw to endless pits of The Abyss)

# this lines will BOUNCE the mail to the sender - when it is not delivered to
# one of above users ... it will send the file "nosuchuser" into the mail
# body as reply ... be aware ! you need to make such file ! - mine contains
# some text like "user not found in subject line, please use "Subject: user"
# to write a mail to the user, like example "subject: freaker" would send a
# mail to freaker." The file can be long, but also small :) ... the
# "[email protected]" will prevent to loop between your server and
# the other server - it needs to have the EXACT email address used !.
# Else you could create an endless loop with a server what sends mail
# to "your email address" with as subject something like "don't spend 500$
# at your ..." etc...
  |(/usr/bin/formail -r -k \
     -A"X-loop: [email protected] "| \
       /usr/bin/gawk '{print }\
       /^/ && !HEADER \
         { system("/bin/cat nosuchuser"); \
         print"--" ;\
         HEADER=1 }' ) |\
         /usr/bin/sendmail -t


4.3 "nosuchuserfile"

(*** < file > *** text ***) nosuchuser

The user you wanted to contact is not present at this system.

Please use the subject line as recipient - example "subject: freaker" would
send mail to freaker on this system.

4.4 "crontab files".

If you don't know how crontab works :) better read the manual :) ... You need to create a "checkmail" file - what will see if the link is up, as well the cronfile itself ... - i am using a ppp link :) so - this is an example how to look when the ppp link is up - and to poll every 10 minutes using cron. Looks sloppy - but isn't !.


the .checkformail file will be called (needs to be executable as well) - and will look if the ppp link is up. If it is up - then it will fetch for mail. Crontab will use this file when you are using the below cronentry ...

(*** < file > *** code ***) .checkformail


        cd /home/mailservice

        if [ -f /var/run/ ]; then
        /usr/local/bin/fetchmail -s > /dev/null 2>&1


This cronentry file needs to been loaded into crontab, and will call the .checkformail - every 10 minutes. It won't write any mail or give any info to the console - since i'm redirecting everything to null.

(*** < file > *** text ***) cronentry

0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * *  /home/mailservice/.checkformail 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null

4.5 "At the admins site".

Well, this should be done when using the "A method" ... at the admin's site, so the email goes all from a complete domain, to one username. It is pretty simple, and once you've done it - it works like hell. this is NOT neccesary if your system administrator (the uplink) got another method, and is NOT neccesary at YOUR side !!!!

When using a newer version of sendmail, the "old sendmail" trick probably won't work, so please refer to the "new sendmail" topics to let your mailrouting work.

(old sendmail) add some lines to

add the following lines to your /etc/ file, so the domains file will be read. please be noted that the "ruleset 98" is added as underhere, since - once you got errors :) it's a hell to find 'm out ! (and i can know it :) DuH).

(*** < file > *** add ***) /etc/

# Database of handled domains

Kmaildomains btree /etc/maildomains.db

# Add these lines *IN* Ruleset 98 ! (under Ruleset 98).

R$+ < @ $+  . >              $: $1 < @ $2 > .
R$+ < @ $+ > $*              $: $(maildomains $1@$2 $: $1 < @ $2 > $3 $)
R$+ < @ $+ > $*              $: $(maildomains $2 $: $1 < # $2 > $3 $)
R$+ < @ $* > .               $: $1 < @ $2 . >

(new sendmail) Adding some lines to

With the newer sendmail releases (tested with sendmail v8.8.7, 8.8.8). Ignore method A, and add the next lines ...

(*** < file > *** add ***) /etc/

# Database of handled domains

Kvirtuser btree /etc/maildomains.db


Kvirtuser btree /yourhomedir/maildomains.db

(new sendmail)editing the /etc/ (or /yourdir/ file

If you are using another "location" for the file, then please replace the "/etc/" to "/yourhomedirectory/". The pro points of putting this file into your homedirectory is that you don't need root to change the domains to receive on. tough - this can give security risks if not used properly !

This file can already exist, or needs to be created, if it already exists be sure you don't overwrite the older data - or i need to refer you to my fine disclaimer :)

First create a /etc/ file, what will be used to "send" a domain to a specific user ... here is an example ... (as you already knew, the name "mailservice" can be anything you want - it can even be your loginname (like mine is freaker).

(*** < file > *** text ***) /etc/

mydomain.dom            mailservice

creating a /etc/maildomains file

First create a /etc/maildomains file, what will be used to "send" a domain to a specific user ... here is an example ... (as you already knew, the name "mailservice" can be anything you want - it can even be your loginname (like mine is freaker). (you could have this /etc/maildomains in /yourhomedir/maildomains as mentioned before, just change the paths :)

With the OLDER sendmail versions:

(*** < file > *** text ***) /etc/maildomains

mydomain.dom            mailservice

With the NEWER sendmail versions:

(*** < file > *** text ***) /etc/maildomains

@mydomain.dom           mailservice

let it work !

With the old & new sendmail versionsyou need to generate the btree (database) files, you'll need to do the following:

cd /etc    (or /yourhomedir)
makemap btree maildomains < maildomains

after that, kill the sendmail daemon, and restart it. it should now WORK! good luck :)

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