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info-cyrus mailing list

We run a mailing list for users of Project Cyrus software. The [email protected] mailing list exists for the discussion of this server and other Cyrus software. Please do NOT send subscription requests to the list.

To subscribe: Send mail to [email protected] to subscribe with the body of 'subscribe info-cyrus' (or just click the link above and that should just work).

An archive is availible via anonymous IMAP at imap://

A web archive is also available at

If you are not subscribed to the list (or you are sending the message from a different address than the one which you are subscribed under), your message is directed to a human for approval. Unfortunately, the human does not always promptly process the message.

There is also a developers list available at [email protected]. with similar subscription methods and archive location

Detailed contact information can be found at

last modified: $Date: 2003/02/24 23:56:23 $
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