autorun - automatically mounts/unmounts CDROMs and executes /path_to_cdrom/autorun after mounting
autorun [-lmqv?V] [-a EXEC] [-c CDPLAYER] [-e STRING] [-i MILLISEC] [-n STRING] [-t STRING] [--autorun=EXEC] [--cdplayer=CDPLAYER] [--interval=MILLISEC] [--lock] [--mountonly] [--notify=STRING] [--notify-insert=STRING] [--notify-eject=STRING] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--help] [--usage] [--version] [cdromdevices...]
autorun automagically recognises all available CDROMs in your system, mounts them upon insertion and executes a possible 'autorun' executable on the CD. To allow an ordinary user to do this you have to add the options user,exec in /etc/fstab to the CDROMs you want to use.
You may also use Autorun.kdelnk for KDE. Just place it in your Autostart folder.
Command strings are parsed and %P% is replaced by the mountpoint path. %D% is replaced by the device path. After that the command string will be executed using /bin/sh -c "command string";
Execute EXEC, if the CD changes. This executable must be located on the CD. I.e. if you specify "--autorun=myprogram", and your CD is mounted under /mnt/cdrom, after the CD is changed, autorun will attempt to run "/mnt/cdrom/myprogram". (default "/autorun")
Run CDPLAYER, if an audio CD is inserted (default "/usr/bin/kscd")
The time to wait in MILLISEC between checks (default 1000)
Lock the mounted media (unmount by hand)
mount/unmount only (do not execute anything)
Command STRING that will executed if the CD changes (default "/usr/bin/kfmclient configureDesktop")
Command STRING that will executed if a CD was inserted and the autorun executable "/autorun" or the one specified with --autorun was NOT executed. (default "/usr/bin/kfmclient openURL %P%")
Command STRING that will executed if a CD was ejected (default "")
Don't produce any output
Produce verbose output
Give this help list
Give a short usage message
Print program version
Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options.
Main author(s): =============== Harald Hoyer E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] HTTP:
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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov Добавить, Поддержать, Вебмастеру |