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fix132x43 (1)
  • >> fix132x43 (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    fix132x43 - fix problems with certain (132 column) graphics modes
    dump the state of the card as the svgalib chipset driver sees it.


    fix132x43 options



    This program tries to fix problems with extended textmodes on some cards. The problem is that for 132x43 textmode, some BIOS's set the vertical display end register to 349 (350), instead of 343 (344 = 3 * 8 scanlines). Because in Linux textmode video memory is usually filled with old text that has already scrolled away (this includes the area below the 43rd textmode line, which changes when the console scrolls), the top half of a constantly changing irrelevant text line is visible at the bottom of the screen, which is very annoying.

    This program sets the VGA Vertical Display End register to the proper value.

    This problem is at least present in the BIOS of most Cirrus Logic 542x based cards, and some WD90C03x based cards.

    The LINES environment variable is used to detect 43 or 44 line consoles.



    You have to specify exactly one of the following options:
    Fix problem of annoying changing line of text at bottom of screen.
    Switch to 9 line characters (400 line frame, 70 Hz).
    Switch to 11 line characters (480 line frame, 60 Hz).

    fix132x43 does not usually provide this option but it can be enabled in the source of fix132x43.

    Switch to 8 line characters again (350 line frame, 70 Hz).

    This utility is part of svgalib and can be found in the utils/ subdirectory of the original svgalib distribution. However, it is not installed by default, s.t. it is unclear where you can find it if your svgalib was install linux distribution.

    In case of any such problem, simply get an svgalib distribution from the net. You don't need to install it. Just make in the utils/ subdirecty. As of this writing, svgalib-1.2.12.tar.gz is the latest version and can be retrieved by ftp from at /pub/Linux/libs/graphics and at /pub/linux/sources/libs which will most probably be mirrored by a site close to you.



    svgalib(7), vgagl(7), libvga.config(5), convfont(1), dumpreg(1), restorefont(1), restorepalette(1), restoretextmode(1), runx(1), savetextmode(1), setmclk(1), textmode(1).



    This manual page was edited by Michael Weller <[email protected]>. The exact source of the referenced utility as well as of the original documentation is unknown.

    It is very likely that both are at least to some extent are due to Harm Hanemaayer <[email protected]>.

    Occasionally this might be wrong. I hereby asked to be excused by the original author and will happily accept any additions or corrections to this first version of the svgalib manual.




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