fontinst package
fontinst runs tex(1) with the --progname flag set to pretend to be the program fontinst (affecting Karl Berry paths).
fontinst fontinst.sty
will start tex(1) and give the user an interactive prompt (*) where fontinst commands can be typed (such as \latinfamily{ptm}{}\bye).
The fontinst manual, fontinst.tex.
Web page: <>
None known, but report any bugs found to [email protected] (mailing list).
Thomas Esser <[email protected]>
This manual page was written by C.M. Connelly <[email protected]>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system. It may be used by other distributions without contacting the author. Any mistakes or omissions in the manual page are my fault; inquiries about or corrections to this manual page should be directed to me (and not to the primary author).
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