gvcolor - flow colors through a ranked digraph
( previously known as colorize )
Initial colors must be set externally, using the color attribute of a node. It is often effective to assign colors to a few key source or sink nodes, manually setting their colors by editing the graph file. Color names are as in dot(1): symbolic names or RGB triples. It is best to choose some easily-distinguished but related colors; not necessarily spaced evenly around the color wheel. For example, blue_green, green, and light_yellow looks better than red, green, blue.
Certain graph attributes control the gvcolorfP algorithm. flow=back reverses the flow of colors from heads to tails. saturation=.1,.9 (or any two numbers between 0 and 1) adjusts the color saturation linearly from least to greatest rank. If Defcolor is set, this color value is applied to any node not otherwise colored.
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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov Добавить, Поддержать, Вебмастеру |